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Saturday, August 01, 2015

【30 Hour Famine|饥饿30】 2015 Countdown Volunteer: Logistics-Individual & Participants Registration | 2015 志工倒數總務組

August 1, 2015, Saturday
Actually I've signed up for the event setup in the morning, but I was too tired from yesterday. So I gave up, instead I told myself I can't miss the one in the afternoon, because that's the one we gotta been told what we were gonna do on the next day.

Got there on time and first thing to do is register my name to the group that I got assigned to which is Logistics - Individual & Participants Registration. Don't know what exactly is that...the team I got assigned last year was DIY Camp, so this's like something new to me. Each of us go a bottle of mineral water, V-soy, T-shirt for tomorrow and an envelope.
依照慣例,一抵達就必須先去報到以確保人數到齊。 這次我被分派到總務組,什麽志工報到組我還真的一頭霧水,這個跟去年的有什麽分別啊? (話説我去年的都還沒寫,我今年因爲要改掉我的拖延症,所以現在已經寫很快了!) 話不多說,報到後就到後面領這些東西,有礦泉水,豆奶,明天的制服,一個信封和一支筆,其後就必須到自己的組別去在向助長報到。

So what's in the envelope? One of it is the name tag, it is almost same as last year, got to write our name and the team on it so it can be easy for us to walk around freely (but not why media section is not included? if that so I can see celebrities closely, hehe!)
在信封內就包含了這個牌子,和去年的一模一樣(又來了,幹嘛我還沒寫去年的啊?) 其實我每一年都期望會進到明星招待組,因為那就可以很近距離的看到明星啦。 但是很可惜兩年都沒有被選中。

Inside the envelope, we got a color notes that we gotta to write whatever we want then hang it on the fence here. Not exactly like whatever we of course, it's just that something you feel like want to write about this event, something like wishes or goal something.
除此之外還有一張小字條,這個是讓我們寫上留言然後掛在這裡。 說到這個留言,我真的不知道該寫些什麼,所以我都是亂來的,而且字還真麼醜,所以都不敢放上自己的名字啊。

Before I hang it there, I was thinking how about if rain? So it will wash off all of these away, but not wash off all, I mean they will get all wet, right? Yea, never believe my prediction we come that true, it did rain on the next day...what??! Please don't blame me for that.
在當下掛上去的時候,我就在想“假如下雨改怎麼辦呢?” 我還真的是烏鴉嘴啊,隔天真的下了一場雨。。。 嘿! 那怎麼可以完全怪我呢??

And a booklet with everything with the itinerary of the day and all the informations that we needed basically, like the stadium map and  emergency evacuation routes.
最後在信封內的東西就是這個活動刊,這個很好用的活動刊,還真的幫助了我很多。 因為都事隔那麼多天了,很多細節都忘記了,有了這個的對照好讓我可以完完全全的完整記錄下來。

For ice-breaking within team members, I gather with a few team members around me and take a picture upload to Facebook and Instagram as stated in the contest. Since it needs five person at least, so we asked around see who's by herself to join us. But we forgot to ask the picture back from her. (PS: I don't even know them, we only met on the spot, people around us were kept on asking "you girls came together?" No, we all just met!)
報到和東西介紹完畢後,活動就開始了,第一項活動就是組員的破冰活動。 首先必須集合5位員合照再上載道社交網站上,例如面子書和Instagram。 乍看下一定以為我們都是朋友,對吧? 實話說,我們都是當時才認識,因為全部都一個人所以就湊合在一起合照認識認識咯。

After getting know each other, we have the declaration in two languages. The English one first then followed by Mandarin. (not so good quality pictures here because I was lazy to use my camera that time >.<)
破冰遊戲後就是大眾一起宣誓,由司儀唸一句然後我們跟著念一句, 先是英語版本再到華語版本。(好像我的部落格那樣,哈哈哈~~~)

What's this? This's kinda funny, but wondered why I couldn't find any picture in their official website. This's also the ice-breaker game, which all of us doing some exercise together.
嚴肅的宣誓後,我們再繼續下一個節目。 這是全場一起做早操,跟著樂律和前面的示範員大家一起運動起來(因為有手帳的幫忙,我還真的寫下了當時播放的體操舞蹈是。。。)

Is like concert, passing a big ball around, it was passing from both  side to the center. It does take awhile reach to the center and so unfortunately I was siting in the middle =.=. After long waiting it has finally reached the center, but it didn't get to stay long because the ball was too soft and not as see as easy, it was keep on spinning but not passing around, even people from the bottom was trying to hit it to the top.
全身動動後,幾位世界宣明會的職員就將這大大球滾上來。 感覺好像演唱會那樣。。。還有球玩哦! 但是我們幾乎都是遠看罷了,因為它一直都打不過來。 由於我們的位置是偏中間的。 兩粒球是分別由左右兩旁被傳到中間去,在好不容易傳到中間的時候,我有幸可以觸碰到球一下,它軟綿綿的,還真的不容易控制。。。所以也不能怪左右兩旁幹嘛不要快點將它穿到中間去啊。

This was a very big surprise, as the ambassador showed up which I never expected. Not like year, the ambassador only came for rehearsal.
去年倒數活動的時候,因為吳建豪到場彩排,所以我們都有幸可以近距離看到他,但那時候他只是打個招呼就離開了。 今年的宣傳大使是戴佩妮,沒想到她這次會出席倒數活動,而且還分享了她也同樣進行了禁食活動。

✈24 Picture Sources
So in order to let us understand more about the event, we got to answer theses questions that the hosts asked simultaneously (in two language of course). The fan here is for us to answer the questions, if the answer is true then show the green side while red for the answer for false.
最後大會為了讓我們更了解這個活動,我們必須回到以上的問題。 問題正確就顯示青色面的扇子,若果問題錯誤就顯示紅色的那一面。

And this is the very funny part as the sun was so hot and most of us started fed up and just want it to be end as soon as possible. Even DJ Yoon, she noticed that too (nope in here she's not DJ on that day, she was the English host instead.) So she asked whether we want to stop it? And of course by that every of us shown the green fan side as like strongly agree.
剛開始我們還很積極,但是幾題後,我們就開始變得懶散了,這讓擔任司儀的MY DJYoon都看得出來。 所以她就發出她的直言直語性格,問我們還想不想停止? 然後很齊心的全場都顯示青色牌子,還真的要謝謝她的貼心啊!

Run down for tomorrow, check out the celebrities lists...hmmm, last year is like more attractive (okay, I kept mentioning the last year one, the last year one......to be honest, "the last year one"  haven't write =.=)
最後就是明天的行程表,同時再注意表演嘉賓。。。嗯! 我比較喜歡去年的叻,不過大多去年出席的,今年也是有出席,不知道明年會不會也是一樣的人? 嗯。。。

Event Periods: August 1 (Saturday) ~ August 2 (Sunday), 2015
Time: 10 am - 12 am (Saturday); 12 am - 4 pm (Sunday)
Admission Fee: How to Join?
Address: MBPJ Stadium Kelana Jaya, Jalan SS 7/15, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Posts on this date -


  1. haha, you were absent for some of the pre-event activities again.. anyway, glad you made it to the rehearsal and no need to just appear last minute on the day of the event itself.. looks like a fun packed day with lots of activities, but I think you learned a lot and also made friends there huh?? it's a meaningful thing to get involved.. so hopefully next year you will be able to get closer to the celebrities.. :)

  2. I am surprised to know this is how nice the Stadium Kelana Jaya looks from inside. I have passed there hundreds of times and never turned inside.
    It is good that you participate in such healthy activities as they will give you great exposures for character and leadership development.

  3. 很有意义的活动 ^^ 那个破冰活动很不错也

  4. Good to hear that you join again this year. Well done!


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