January 21, 2015, Wednesday
January 2015, what I saw the most status in Facebook is "My first flight in 2015" and my "First Flight" in 2015 is something so much different and interesting, which's I got a chance to sit on the small aircraft have a ride from Subang Airport to Ipoh! (And it's not as a simple flight as you thought is where I got chances to whole the maneuver to fly for awhile!)
踏进2015年,面子书上最常出现的就是“我的2015年的第一飞”,(其实我不太在意他们飞的地点比较在意的他们搭的什么款的飞机!)。。。非常庆幸的我2015年的第一“飞”,不是普通的“飞”,而是坐上小型飞机的驾驶舱,中途尝有短途驾驶(极酷的经验!),由Subang机场飞去怡保机场!! 简直是酷毙了的2015年的“第一飞”!!
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This trip wasn't as easy as I thought, because it supposedly happened in August last year, but so many obstacles happened and postponed until now!! (This was no longer a news in my company, everyone knows how much I was waiting for! What a crazy person duh!!)
On that day morning, my boss came in to let me know we're gonna have a flight to Ipoh later! (I wasn't pay as much attentions to it, as I assumed it won't really happen!)
说起来这个“第一飞”真是困难重重,本来是要在八月飞的,结果天气不好加上多多事情,所以才拖延到2015年来! 话说由于这个飞我已期待很久的了,在公司里面已是众所周知的消息(无可否认我喜欢和不喜欢的东西都会写在脸上,无论表情动作,除非你当我不存在,不然即使再不细心的人,都会看得出来)
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About 9am plus, my boss came my room and said "Is time to go!" Then I only realized it's really happening! Even the other boss also came by and said "Your dream has finally came through!" (Is that kinda obvious I always write how much I love it on my face duh???)
直到9点多,老板进来说要走了。。。我才真的回过神来,起来收拾东西!! 另外的小老板也走进来说“你的梦想终于实现了!” 我只是在傻笑(就说了我不会隐藏嘛! 明显到这样!)
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Here's the Subang airport, even I was originally local KL born Malaysian, but I never got familiar with KL roads, didn't know the Subang Airport was so near to my office!! This airport wasn't like those usual airport that you can enter easily as you wish, before it I've to fill up ✈1 form, then my boss will send it to them as a record, and before enter we also need to show our IC for identifications!!
我虽说是吉隆坡人,但是我是路痴! 原来Subang机场离我们公司那么近啊! 进去还不是限等人事可以进入的,需要填写✈1的资料,老板先将它传给那边的人注册后,在进去的时候要对照身份证才可以顺利进入!
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I was kept on smiling when I was entering, here come to my colleague was even said that "You should laugh it out loud what!" =.=!!!
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I got even more excited when I saw some aircraft engine!!!
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As my boss is one of the member from FAS to fly, so he can rent a plane to fly on!
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They've two aircrafts
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And this's the aircraft we gonna to fly later, it's under preparations......but so so so unfortunately the battery is dead! (Really, got such silly things can happen to me?? Could it be anymore bad luck duh??)
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While waiting them to ensure it can be fix or not, so my colleague and I got to walk around to take pictures (BUT they're not allow to take pictures inside, so which's why I've removed most of the pictures here!)
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Part of the cargo in the airport were used for helicopter combinations and some repairing!! (I've some pictures of the helicopters also, but only shows the engine part which may not easy get into copyright troubles...I guess!)
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Why only engine pictures?? Because I like to see and study them when I saw one!!
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And......due to the battery really dead, we only can choose back to the office and back on the next day, as the battery needs overnight charges!!