Saturday, January 03, 2015

【Bentong|文东】Happy Farm Bentong|丰收开心农场

January 3, 2015, Saturday
Here's the flyer that I had mentioned before, after look through the whole thing here so my mom decided to bring her grandson and granddaughter to have fun...
就是这张传单啦,看起来还不错哦?? 难怪妈妈说给我家小孩们到郊外的体验一下也不错,随同大姐,二姐及三姐一家,我最后被派到我三姐夫的车(只要可以到就可以,做哪一辆车都无所谓,你说是不是?)因为这个侄儿要个那个侄儿坐,然后那个侄女又要跟这个侄儿坐。。。

But the place is a bit tricky and very inter village, so I'm just trying my best to explain it. Just follow the Jalan Chamang all the way straight inside. (As my third brother in law also missed it few times even my eldest sister was trying explained via the phone)

Shown from google map, have to drive about 6 minutes then you'll see a National Services camp on your right hand side (But this has been closed down since 2004 and looks a bit scary to me so I wasn't so dare to take any picture...but you can give a try...xp)

I don't understand why the google map route wasn't fall on the real road lo...from this can tell the blue was showing in the middle of the woods!! =.= Anyway, just right after the NS camp you will see a signboard written "Happy Farm" on your right, then turn inside (as shown as the purple line) Basically just follow the road all the way inside, then you'll see lots of papaya tree on your right hand side. Destination is the end of small road on your left hand side. (the reason I put the line in orange because it's a mud road and lots of holes, better drive slowly while you were there)
不知道为什么Google的路线图,不是座落在真的道路上,那我就尽我可能去解释吧!当一经过完国民服务营就会看到一条向右转的小路(路口还有一个开心农场的小招牌),直直走(紫色线),其实就只有一条路罢了,不大机会, 会走错,但当走到橙色线的地方时候,道路就有点泥浆,很多大洞小洞,所以必须行走得慢一些,一直向前走就会看到很多木瓜树在右手旁,然后还会有小黄瓜树,过后就有一条小路在左手,转进去就是了!

It takes so hard for me to find the GPS, but honestly if can't find it...just make a call to the person in charge, how easy is that...just need to ask, hehe!!

Here's the view after you've made left turn to the small road. It was so quiet on that day, seems like we were the only family there. Did my brother in law book the whole place?? (Okay, that's too early for daydreaming!)
向左转后,就会看到这里(那证明你已经成功抵达了!)有点惊讶的是,怎么只有我们这几家人,都没有其他人啊? 莫非都被我们包下来了? (发梦!)

Here's some place so new to me, hasn't see anyone talk about it, post about it and blog about it. (Guess that's part of the reason why the GPS also is hard to find) 
这就有一种世外桃源的感觉,因为前面进来的时候,我还想说“这是什么山咔啦的地方啊? 会不会给人捉掉?” 终于抵达了,当然非常的高兴,毕竟坐了这么久的车程,是时候下车动一动!

When I got back, I just realized I've very little pictures of this place, guess what, I always assume I've time to take picture later or tomorrow and the "good" thing is...the day would never come lo!! =[
很可惜我每次跟家人旅行我都会忘记拍照,不然我就拖延症病发,想说“等一下才拍,明天才拍!” 结果那个等一下跟明天就永远不会到来,而直到我发现到的时候,已经是离开了的时候。>.<

Talk this picture on the next day morning, can tell the color of the sky is different. The air is so fresh, feel like have the motivate to  have little run around duh!

At first we've been told to stay here, a very small home stay, has all the furniture you need. Two double deck beds on both side then walk straight is the toilet.
我们被安排住到这个,里面很小间,但基本设施都很齐全。 由于他的空间很小,放佛有如开门见山,两个双层床铺在旁边,中间直走就是厕所。

Before we entered, my mom noticed this at the opposite, it's way bigger then the previous one. She asked my eldest brother in law  request to the owner to switch to this. 
入住的时候,妈妈无意间留意到对面这间比较大间,没有人住,立刻叫大姐夫去询问“我们可以换过去对面吗?” 其实我们一共住三间小间,换去大间的,我们就是拿一间小间跟一间大间的。

The inside of the bigger room is almost like the same, easy to say is they combine the small room into one, all the facilities are fine......BUT one thing doesn't have air con, not like we always sleep in air con room, but just a bit my eldest brother in law requested extra two standing fans here.
大间的大门进来的就可以看到两个双层床。。。设备是的okay! 但是,但是,但是它没有冷气,也不是说我们一定要冷气才睡得着,不过,还真的很久没有遇到这个没有冷气的住处,最后大姐夫向他们要求多两把风扇,以免我们晚上被热醒,其实还好啦,也不会很热,不要那么挑剔,是可以接受的!

Further inside is another two double deck bed, it were placed separately, but my third older sister combine them as her scared her son fell down the bed while asleep. For me, I slept on the upper deck, such a long haven't sleep on upper deck, was so scared I fell off from the bed as well lo!!
向里面走看到的也是这样,只是这两个床铺被我们移动过,因为三姐的孩子还小,需要大张一点的床,免得孩子睡到一半掉下床,我是睡上面的啦! 很久没有爬这个双层床,一直深怕自己上下的时候不小心差错脚咯!

Simple drawing to describe the layout inside the rooms, but one toilet of the bigger room, obviously wasn't that enough for all of us take shower alternatively, and it cause some of us have to go over my second sister smaller room to borrow the toilet for shower!
很简单的手绘来解释,有点丑啦,因为也没有很专心画,只是要有确定的资料罢了(谁叫我忘了拍好里面的照片!) 很明显的看到,两间小的是等于一间大的,但厕所只有一间,还真的必须轮流使用啊!

Rent for a bigger room is equal to two small room, the left side is small room while right side is bigger room. We've 8 adults and 4 kids, total RM990, included all activities as below...

GY Happy Farm Holiday Bentong (2D1N) : 文冬 开心农埸 2天一夜 游
1st Day 第一天
2pm - 吉隆坡出发departure from K L
3pm - 5pm 情人瀑布chamang water fall
5pm to 6pm - 入住开心农场 Check in
7pm to 8pm - 晚餐 Dinner 8pm to 10pm - night recreation 晚间活动 , 唱卡啦karaoke
10.00pm bentong town supper. 文冬街上 夜宵 (自费)

2nd Day 第2天
7.00am - mountain climbing, 爬山,看日出,呼吸新鲜空气,
8.30am - 早餐 breakfast
9.30am - Goat farm ,fish , chicken, dog ...vegetables farm ...other 参观羊场,鱼场 ,菜园鸡,名种狗儿 及菜园
11.30am - check out lunch in bentong.(ex cluded)午餐 在文冬街上大屋餐庁(自费)
1.30pm to 5pm - visit Bentong Famous places: ABC stall, 'tau fu' bok factory, go to hotspring,bkt tinggi ginger... 吃雪榚与参观文冬出名景点 : 豆腐博,无角加央咯,去熱水湖浸脚,最后去武吉丁宜买新鲜的青菜,水果,及出名的文冬姜 ...等 ⏰
5pm 回程 - balik kampong
 Happy Farm Holiday Bentong (2D1N) : 开心农埸 2天一夜 文冬游 .
日期 :逢拜六/礼拜/星期一Saturday /Sunday /Monday
Contact 联络
Peter 0192282728
Gan 0192226238
Chen 0182381428

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Next Bentong Travel Post


  1. Wow, nice home stay.. I don't mind without airconds, but must have fans la, haha.. I've only been to Bentong once, I remember the MarryBrown restaurant, haha.. RM990 for so many people and so many activities, good wor, worth it too..

    1. Yah, okay la for budget trip, hehe!! We don't expect much, hahaha!!

  2. ooh so this is just the "appetizer" and we will be expecting more photos of the trip from you.. cos I thot how come just the houses?? read on and only saw the 2nd day itinerary which was packed with activities.. looking forward to see the farm leh~~

    1. Put all in once very difficult ya, better split into parts, so I can write more, hahaha!

  3. don't wait and thot you will have a better chance to take photos la.. when you are there, just take first, you never know what's going to happen later.. afterall nowadays we all use digital camera, can just take unlimited photos with worries mah, unless you are using films lah, hehehe!!! take first and only delete the not so nice ones later lor..

    1. Yah, I need to do it instantly instead, due to my procrastinate...

  4. Lovely homestay! Great to go back close to nature - a wonderful change from life in the city! Bet you'll learn a lot of things you don't know before.

    1. Yah, that's true, I found everything new is pretty interesting!

  5. 很不错的乡间旅游吖!玩山游水的,看日出,呼吸新鲜空气,晚间还可唱卡拉OK,回程又可顺道去Bukit Tinggi!

  6. sound like a nice place to stay ...except for the air-cond...hmmm

    1. Hahaha, but I think Mamarazi, you can take Jason there to have a try.

  7. 很不错的亲子休闲处耶, 好介绍^^

    1. 我会慢慢介绍接下来的节目,因为照片太多,所以最后还是分段吧。。。

  8. A nice place for a retreat away from the hustling bustling of the city life!

  9. 两天一夜的节目也相当丰富,有专人带路全包的吗?

    1. 第一个瀑布是没有,过后接下来都有人带着。

  10. Looks like all of you have fun with fresh air and activities. From your floor plan, the place you lived in looks quite big but from the outside, the building does not look that size.

  11. The whole place looked so relaxing and cool. It reminded me a bit for the native villages in Taiwan where I visited. It had neat rows of holiday chalets with lots of flowers and misty weather.
    You have such a loving and close knitted family who always travel together.


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