
【Bookstore|書店】SoBook|如是書店(石老人店) [2023 August 3]

【Cafe|咖啡廳】Duddell Street Starbucks Coffee|都爹利街的星巴克 [2017 June 25]
【Central|中環】Mini Hotel|迷你酒店 [2017 June 25]
【Church|教堂】St. Paul's Church|聖保羅堂 [2017 June 25]
【Club|俱樂部】The Fringe Club|藝穗會 [2017 June 25]
【House|府】The Bishop's House|會督府 [2017 June 25]
【PoliceStatioin|警察局】Former Central Police Station Compound|舊中區警署 [2017 June 25]
【Street|街道】Duddell Street and Gas Lamps|都爹利街及煤氣路燈 [2017 June 25]
【Street|街道】Pottinger Street|砵典乍街(石板街) [2017 June 25]
【Transport|交通】Hong Kong Tramways|叮叮车 [2012 December 11]
Kwun Tong|觀塘
【ShoppingMall|商場】Lego Cities of Wonders|樂高城市太古城中心 [2017 June 25]
【ShoppingMall|商場】CIAK All Day Italian @ Cityplaza|太古城中心 [2017 June 25]
【Bridge|橋樑】Lam Tsuen River Bridge|林村河橋 [2013 September 14]
【Gallery|走廊】Wishing Gallery|許願廊 [2013 September 14]
【Museum|博物館】Hong Kong Railway Museum: Inside|香港鐵路博物館:室內 [2013 September 14]
【Museum|博物館】Hong Kong Railway Museum: Outside|香港鐵路博物館:室外 [2013 September 14]
【Restaurant|餐廳】Ngao Gei Restaurant|牛記餐廳 [2013 September 14]
【Square|廣場】Lam Tsuen Wishing Square|林村許願廣場[2013 September 14]
【Temple|神廟】Man Mo Temple Garden|文武廟花園 [2013 September 14]
【Temple|神廟】Tian Hou Temple|天后宮 [2013 September 14]
【Trees|樹木】Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree|放马莆(林村许愿树) [2013 September 14]
Tsim Sha Tsui|尖沙咀

【Attraction|景點】Yong Peng Che Ann Khor|永平德教會紫安閣 [2017 April 22]
【Attraction|景點】12 Beauties|永平德教會紫安閣:12美人 [2017 April 22]
【Hotel|酒店】New York Hotel|紐約酒店 [2017 April 22]
【BirthPlace|出生地方】Birth Place of Mahathir Mohamad|馬哈迪的出生地方 [2013 May 25]
【Flight|飛行】Air Asia A330-200|亞航A330-200 [December 28, 2023]
【HawkerCenter|小販中心】Pudu Wai Sek Gai|半山芭為食街 [2017 March 7]
【Hotel|酒店】W Kuala Lumpur的入住前夕 [2021 March 20]
【Restaurant|餐館】Foo Fee|福啡 (Menjalara) [2020 September 28]
【Food|小食】Bunga Raya Popiah|春興薄餅 [2014 November 23]
【Restaurant|餐廳】Donald & Lily|吃吃吃的早餐 [2014 November 23]
【Waterfalls|瀑布】Lata Iskandar Falls|拉達伊斯干達瀑布 [2016 April 30]
【Flight|飛行】Kuching to Kuala Lumpur|古晉到吉隆坡 [2013 May 20]

【Hawker|小販中心】Hui Sing Hawker Centre|辉盛小販中心 [2013 May 19]
【Hawker|小販中心】R.G. Ais Krim Bergula Apong|亞答糖冰淇淋 [2013 May 19]
【Hawker|小販中心】Red Kolo Mee|老牌紅油麵 [2013 May 20]

【Museum|博物館】Sarawak Museum|沙勞越博物館 [2013 May 20]
【Park|公園】Malaysia-China Friendship Park|馬中友誼公園 [2013 May 19]
【River|河流】Sarawak River Boat Cruise|遊沙勞越河 [2013 May 20]
【Souvenir|手信】Souvenirs Haul|手信篇 [2013 May 20]
【Statue|雕像】Cat Statue|古晉的地標 [2013 May 20]
【Temple|神廟】Fung Shan Temple|鳳山寺 [2013 May 20]
【Cafe|咖啡館】Starbucks|星巴克 [2015 October 13]
【Caves|洞穴】Batu Caves|黑風洞 [2022 February 2]
【FastFood|快餐】McDonalds: Golden Prosperity Burger|麥當當: 發財漢堡 [2018 January 9]
【Game|遊戲】Snook - Snookball Game Center|足球一樣大的桌球 [2017 March 3]
【Garden|花園】World of Phalaenopsis |Ulu Yam 胡姬花園 [2020 August 16]


Singapore City|新加坡市區

【Airport|機場】Changi Airport T3toT2|樟宜機場客運大樓 3 到 客運大樓 2 [2017 May 2]
【Airport┃機場】China's Vase┃中國花瓶 [2015 April 3]
【Airport┃機場】McDonald's┃麥當當 [2015 April 3]
【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay|新加坡滨海湾的趣事 [2013 November 29]

【Restaurant|餐廳】Chien-Yen Shabu Shabu|千葉火鍋 [2016 December 16]

United Kingdom|英國
【Apartment|公寓】Rubbish Bin|垃圾桶 [2020 May 16]
【Communication┃通訊】My3: Doesn't Accept International Credit Card┃My3:不接受國際信用卡  [2018 September 17]
【Dessert|甜品】Ben & Jerry's: Strawberry Swirled|班傑利:草莓巧克力 [2017 November 13]
【FrozenFood┃冷凍食物】ASDA: 12 Pigs in Blankets [2018 October 7]
【Park┃公園】Tilgate Park [2019 January 1]
【Supermarket|超市】ASDA Crawley Superstore|阿斯達超市 [2017 November 5]
【Bridge┃橋樑】Tower Bridge: Buy Ticket Online┃倫敦塔橋:上網購票篇 [2018 October 3]
【Hotel|酒店】Room Service Breakfast|房間裡的早餐 [2017 December 12]
【Transport|交通】Eurostar|歐洲之星 [2017 December 12]
【Transport|交通】Flight, Train, Hotel|飛機,火車,酒店 [2017 December 11]

United Arab Emirates|阿拉伯聯合酋長國
Abu Dhabi|阿布扎比
【Transit|接駁】AbuDhabiInternationalAirport T3|阿布扎比國際機場 [2017 October 25]
【ShoppingMall|商場】Dubai Mall|杜拜商場 [2016 June 27]
【ShoppingMall|商場】Texas Chicken [2016 June 27]
【ShoppingMall|商場】The Aquarium Store|水族館商店 [2016 June 27]
【Transport|交通】Dubai Metro|杜拜火車 [2016 June 27]
【Transport|交通】Metro Station to Dubai Mall|火車站到杜拜商場 [2016 June 27]

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