Wednesday, May 17, 2017

【Dessert|甜品】Durian Cake|榴槤蛋糕

May 17, 2017, Wednesday
今天晚上大姐要拿一個蛋糕來我家,所以叫二姊先不要回家。 大姐來到的時候,我正在後面廚房洗碗,就一直聽到二姐說“很票亮,很票亮。。。” 我還奇怪什麼東西怎麼漂亮。。。

我們家還真的第一次看到這樣形狀的蛋糕,明明是蛋糕,可是卻全身都是刺。 遠看真的好像真的一樣,只有在近看的時候才看到刺本身光滑的表面。 那榴蓮上的樹枝裡面是巧克力棒的,就好像是Pocky,一半巧克力,一半餅乾的哪種。

大姐要切下去的時候,我們都一直嚷說不要切,可是二姊又趕著離開。。。最後。。。當然還是切了。。。。。。沒有嗅覺的我不知道味道如何,但是媽媽嗅到,說它有著很濃的榴蓮味。 至於蛋糕的味道,我就覺得沒有很濃厚的榴蓮味,我一直以為會有真的榴蓮在裡面,因為我本身是很喜歡吃榴蓮的,也很清楚知道榴蓮的味道應該是怎樣,所以我肯定它的肉身的榴蓮是沒有那麼濃烈的,只能說它像是普通的蛋糕,只是多了榴蓮的嗅覺。
English: My eldest sister brought over this cake today. When she arrived that time, I was at the back washing some dishes. Then I kept on heard my second eldest sister said "very pretty...very pretty......" I was like...what so pretty?? =.=! Finish my dishes, I went out and see.......Oh gosh, this is absolutely amazing, first time see a cake like a durian, certainly we have to let the "camera eat the cake first!" The cake has very strong durian smell but the taste wasn't that strong durian taste, for me it's just like normal cake with strong durian smell. Hmmm....yea! Because I'm durian lover, I know what a durian supposed to be taste like. O.o

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This durian cake is very well done and looked so real. If they added some ants and dried leaves outside, lagi fabulous.
    I also love to eat durians and the season is here now!


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