January 4, 2015, Sunday
終於來到最後一篇了,這個文東遊記其實很短,不知道為什麼我可以寫得這麼久。。。還好最近我又變得勤勞,總算可以完成了。 看完日出,回去洗個澡,我們就要準備回家去了。
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回家之前,先來吃個工作人員為我們準備的早餐。 我很喜歡這個早餐,算是很適合我的胃口的,因為我個人比較喜歡吃麵條,所以只要有麵,我就會很開席。
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吃完早餐,休息下。。。工作人員在我們臨走前再帶我們去看他們的木瓜園,很喜歡木瓜的二姐夫買了一棵小棵的木瓜幼苗回去種,因為在幼苗的時候是分辨不出是雌性還是雄性的,所以只有借著50,50的運氣,看是買到雌性還是雄性的。。。結果很不幸的是二姐夫買到的是雄性的木瓜幼苗,雄樹的花只有雄蕊,這種木瓜樹是不會結果實的。 還有最後也要一提的是工作人員的用心。。。二姪女一直嚷著為什麼沒有機會可以種菜的(因為在出發前,她媽媽跟她說可以種菜種花) 所以工作人員也特意安排的找了花的幼苗,然姪女們可以嘗試種植。。。不然她們肯定會一直捉著這一點不放的。
English: Finally has come to the final episode of my Bentong post. Actually, this travelogue isn't that long, but don't know how could I dragged until two years to finish. After finish seeing the sunrise, we went back to the lodge for shower and have our breakfast next. I pretty happy with the breakfast that they prepared as noodles is my favorite dish. Done with the breakfast, the local tour guide brought us around his papaya garden. My second brother in law bought a papaya seedling, but too bad...the papaya he bought is male papaya which won't produce any fruit...as it can't be tell is male or female from the seedling so it was just based luck.
Aiyoh! How could they sell male papaya seeds to the public?