
Hello Kitty 鐵盒 [2021 March 10]

Waze white background|白色背景? [2021 March 26]
Forest|種樹App [2021 August 4]


Cabin Bag|機艙行李 [2017 October 7]
The Yellow and White|小黃與大白 [2022 May 23]
New Backpack|新背包 [2023 February 21]
Bucket Bag|防水小包 [2024 September 15]
Face Wash|洗臉 [2024 July 26]
Youth Cream|面霜 [2024 August 12]



王迪詩 @ 蘭開夏道 [2016 November 13]
Brain Games - Sudoku (Arrow) [2021 January 23]
Books Again|買書記 [2021 November 21]
城邦開箱 [2022 April 12]
徐玫怡的書 [2022 July 26]
Cite Haul|城邦續 [2023 June 4]
Book Club|讀書會 [2024 August 2]
Book Haul|買書 [2024 September 1]

From my Eldest Sister|大姊給的慈濟禮物 [2017 October 22]

(V) Friends|粉紅色 [2024 July 30]
跌一跌 [2024 August 25]

讀曆書店 [2020 December 24]

Little Shopping|小小購物 [2013 May 16]


Charger|充電線 [2022 August 5]

To Super Typhoon Haiyan|颱風海燕的募捐 [2013 November 13]

Royce' Nama Chocolate [2022 June 14]

「Claw Machine|娃娃機」
 [2023 June 14]
Watsons|屈臣氏 [2022 February 13]
Norwex Dusting Mitt [2022 November 14]

Skirt|裙子 [2022 July 30]

Invitation|邀請 [February 5, 2021]
Artist Room|明星房 [February 10, 2021]


Starbucks|星巴克 [2021 June 16]

「Eye Mask|眼罩」

Mini Fan|迷你風扇 [2022 August 2]


Wires Storage|桌線收納 [2023 February 5]
Shopee Tree|種樹 [2021 February 9]
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang [2021 February 20]
LINE 熊大上菜 [2021 May 3]
Typing Game|打字遊戲  [2021 September 13]

Anti Blue Light Glasses|藍光眼鏡 [2022 July 15]

「Hair Accessories|髮飾」
Hair Accessories|髮飾 [2021 October 1]

「Harry Potter|哈利波特」

Little Shopping|小小購物 [2013 May 16]

Eye Dryness|乾眼症 
[2023 April 7]
Ruijia [2024 July 17]
Simple eyeAG+ [2023 June 8]

TV Humidifier|保濕器 [2023 February 10]

The Airplane Bracelet|飛機手鍊 
[2022 March 19]


Watsons|屈臣氏 [2022 February 13]

「Masking Tape|膠帶卷」    
Masking Tape|膠帶卷 [2021 January 23]



Phubbing|手機控 [2013 December 2]

Hobonichi Techo 2021 [2020 October 30]
Books Again|買書記 [2021 November 21]
Scrapbooking|剪報 [2023 March 19]

Polar Bear|北極熊 [2023 February 6]


Energizer|劲量 [2013 June 14]
Yooboo|幼寶 [2013 June 3]
Momax Wireless Power Bank|Momax無線充電寶 [2024 March 22]

Pringo P231 Printer [2014 October 30]
Thermal Printer [2022 April 17]

「Reading Stand|讀書架」
Book Stand|書架 [2021 October 25]
Reading Stand|讀書架 [2024 January 29]

Shoes|鞋子篇 [2013 June 14]

堅果零食 [2024 March 9]


JBL Go 3 Portable Speaker  [2022 February 12]


Card Folder|卡片夾 [2021 November 21]

Books Again|買書記 [2021 November 21]
BunBun [2022 July 4]

Storage|收納抽屜 [2022 April 22]

Talking Pen|說話筆 [2017 April 14]

居家小物 [2022 April 26]

Wise [2024 February 22]


「Water Flosser|沖牙器」

「Wet Tissues|濕紙巾」
Watsons|屈臣氏 [2022 February 13]


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