May 31, 2015, Sunday
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Went to Putrajaya Royal Floria last Sunday (I'm freaking glad that I'm FINALLY can write something which is still happening now, I know I always write outdated post, please don't remind me for that...) Bet the first question came through your mind is "I must be flower lovers, since I haven't missed any of it since 2013." Honestly, I'm not that really addicted to flower (but I don't mind receive any flower of course if want to send one to me ya!) The reason I came every year is because of my mom, she loves being a good girl, good daughter like me......for sure I will accompany her, right??
新鲜滚热辣的(终于有机会写现在还在进行着的活动了,好啦!我知道我一直写过期的东西,不好意思啊!)自2013年开始我几乎每一年都会去看的花展,全部人第一个问题就是“你很喜欢花哦?” 我!是没有很喜欢花(但会很期待收到花啦,那是不一样的哦!) 我之所以每一年报到,是因为我妈妈很喜欢花,所以才陪她去看啊!
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We reached about 5 in the evening, it was so crowded (that you only can see heads mostly) The place was at Presint 4, we got stuck in the jam before the bridge, can tell most of the car they gave up and parked at the roadside and started to walk (I wonder will they get any illegal parking ticket or not ya??) Luckily my eldest brother in law was driving a high wheel that easy for him go through the grass and get into the parking lot. Bet for me, I need at least half an hour just to get a proper parking spot...
我们大概旁晚5点多抵达,超级多人的,这个花卉展在Presint 4,但还没过桥就开始塞车,是多车到无法动荡的那种,很多人都放弃,直接把车停在路边走路过去就好(假如是我驾车,我大概也会这样吧!) 庆幸的这次是我大姐夫驾车,他那种穿插在车龙中的技术,我可是半点都学不会哦!好不容易过了桥,找到了地方,我大姐夫也无需刻意找位子。。。=.=!! 因为他是驾着那种高档的越野车,车身很高,可以直接“铲”上去路边草地泊车。 我一直很惊叹的称赞我的大姐夫很厉害,因为换作是我,大概找位子都需要半个小时以上的时间吧! 但我大姐一直会说“你不要一直赞他,不然他就会很飘飘然。。。”
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Follow the crowds to the ticket selling counter, it looks very crowded here but surprisingly my eldest brother in law can got the ticket very fast, just a few what are these gather here for??
RM 5 for an adult, RM 1 for a child and senior citizen is RM 1 as well (need to show the IC of course) Don't you agree the ticket was printed like the concert ticket ya?? In what I recall few years before, it wasn't that nice printed like this though.
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The staff will tear off both side of the ticket at the entrance. But I wonder why they need to tear off both side instead of one?? It just double your work what...can't understand lo!
在入口处,工作人员会撕掉两旁的纸条,不过我很好奇,为什么要两边都撕掉,为什么不只是撕掉一边? 这样不会是很麻烦吗?? 有点多此一举的感觉咯。。。
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Last year here was decorated by colorful hanging umbrellas (which I haven't done, shame......) I always like it so much when they set the main theme be colorful, no matter what they use, it just has to be colorful like the rainbow, which may enlighten your mood instantly.
Compare to last two years, it was super crowded this year. And what I scared the most is accidentally got bumped into someone who's full of sweat on their body, hands especially, disgusting enough to say you would never ever wish that could happen on you!
是真的真的超级多人,我去过两次,那两次还好,不会有一种多人到有种压迫感,这次真的有点被吓到。还有你知道吗? 在这么多人的情况下,最害怕就是触碰到很多汗的人。。。因为就是那么幸运,不小心被擦身而过的人这样碰到,湿湿粘粘的,真是超级恶心!
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My mom and my eldest sister asked my together "which way should we go?" Hmm, how do I know?? Then I saw Zone A in front (as a following procedure person like me, I always like to follow the number or alphabet ascending or descending) Thus I said "Zone A, Zone A, follow the road..." (So unfortunately I wasn't read carefully what was written on the board of the details section)
妈妈和大姐都问我“我们现在是要走去哪里?” 我哪知道啊。。。看到前面有这个Zone A,我就说“走这里,走这里!” 我是个程式人,喜欢跟着程式走,想到Zone A,就应该是这里开始看起吧! 但我那时候进去的时候,却没有注意到下面资料。。。
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We were so blur that this section was places where they selling stuffs, something like flowers, arts and even food! And actually even before we entered here we were still blur, we got so surprised why things inside are all about arts stuffs and didn't see a single flower?? We walked around then came I spotted, is an Arts & Crafts Pavilion, of course all the stuffs inside is about art, woman!! (Okay, here near the entrance got somebody walked too close to me, went I stepped out and he stepped in, his hand was full sweat...gosh!! I wish I could get a shower to wash my hand instantly man!)
就傻傻的,大条道理的走进去,原来里面是卖东西的,户外的有卖花的,还有卖食物的各种Food Truck。再进去一点就是这个室内的Arts & Crafts Pavilion(我就是在这个路口处跟那个手臂的粘粘的人碰到,感觉就想大叫)假如你来花卉,纯粹只想看花而已,我劝你还是不要进去好,就如招牌写着的,里面都是一些手工艺品,马来传统服装,还有更让我不思的就是里面还有银行柜台,提供签信用卡之类的服务。。。这个。。。是手工艺品的一种??
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After stepped out from the art pavilion, my mom and my eldest sister started to complain "We are not here to see something like this, we want to see flowerssss!" Who to blame?? Then I saw Zone E in front and I said "Go Zone E, go Zone E!" I asked my eldest brother in law "Did they give you any map when you were purchasing the tickets?" He said none... But on the other way, it was good too, because not everyone would purposely find a recycle bin just to throw a paper after use, we all know, right?? And even worst some would throw it on the floor, what's environment awareness, it was nothing to them......
妈妈跟大姐一直投诉说我们来看花的,你带我来看这种。。。很快从Zone A出来,我就说直走去Zone E。 好像我是来过很多次那样,我问大姐夫“你买票的时候,他没有给你什么地图的么?” 但我后来想想,其实不给还好,当作环保嘛! 不然用一次就丢掉,毕竟本土的环保意识还不是很重,不会讲说丢一张纸,会刻意找个环保垃圾筒来丢,有些还会贪方便直接丢地上!
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If you really want to take a picture is very super difficult task for you...(not like always, I can wait until nobody then only take a good shoot, because I was with my family this time!) Nowadays whatever you post in the internet especially Facebook, people will start to get there like immediately. Few days or even few hours later, there will be full of people very scared to lose track on trends!!
人多到要拍照没有人在里面的照片很难,加上我不是自个儿走,我不能像平时一样跟人家斗看谁的耐心强(不然你以为要拍到里面没有人的地方那么容易? 现在只要网上,面子书一po,过没几个小时,几天,那个地方就人潮满满,好像怕输掉什么一样!)
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Finally, seriously finally I saw some flowers and take pictures of flowers. Lily is the theme of this year (honestly, before it I only know how sunflower, rose and orchid look like...beside than that, don't ask me how to differentiate any type flowers, because I know nothing...)
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The weather was so hot like boiling was just second day of the event, you see the grass is started to turn brown. Glad the staff take an immediate step to water them.
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For a second I really thought that flower was just a side character, from what I see was nothing much about flower. Guess is even more unique if they use flower to decorate this, but no doubt it...this design wasn't that bad also and care take lots of pictures pretending you're at the palace.
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They call this pin wheel garden, so colorful and enlighten, reminds me of BaoQiong's Windmill post in Johor, where I wish to go one day.
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Was taking these few pictures fast, because my eldest sister and mom were waiting for me aside. (Luckily they didn't got piss) Saw quite a few parents ask their kids went inside the pin wheel area to take picture for them, I can imagine the view must be very good.
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Don't know what's this, it looks like a colorful tunnel, it was located just right beside the pin wheel garden.
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This looks like clouds to me, those little string underneath, what was it? Raining cloud?? Thought clouds turn into raindrop first then only become the actual rain, right? Hmm......
这个超级特别啦,不知道它上面一粒粒的是不是乒乓球还是什么,它像是一朵在下雨的云,因为下面有一条条。。。自然现象不是云化了才变成雨的吗? 嘘~~~
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Can't why they got wither so fast, it was just second day of the event, and they had already turns into brown color, hope they can survive until this Sunday.
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Cat Pavilion, yes! This's still inside the floria area, I was surprise too when I saw this (just dump everything into one exhibition? Next time how about plane?? I don't mind that and I will love it so much!!)
你没看错,我也没乱拍,花展还有猫猫看。爱猫之人,你们可以跟人家说我去花展看猫,不知道它人的反应会怎样,哈哈哈! 应该觉得你是乱摆的吧!
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Here's the end of the colorful corridor (in image 6) I well set stage has various performance going on through out the whole exhibition (I guess...)
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To celebrate 40th anniversary of China-Malaysia friendship, it is a mutual manifestation and symbol of respect and honour to the diplomatic relations between the two countries, since the last visit of Allahyarham (The Late) Tun Haji Abdul Razak, the second Prime Minister of Malaysia to China 40 years ago Sad to say I wasn't that interested into this, maybe part of the reason is I've seen this.......(purposely don't write it out and put a link instead, has to be aware also what)
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That was near to Zone B, the right side is the pin wheel section, actually I just got few picture of that area, if really want to see more can check out this blog post and all her pictures are so pretty.
这个在Zone B,右边去就是那风车的地方,其实那边还有很多,我因为家人的关系,所以无法一一拍下来。他们还有一个好像哈比人的屋子的场景,可以在卡卡部落格看到,而且照片拍到超级美,一定要去看她写的。
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Finally, here's the end...what to say, almost spend 3 days in this post (now you know why I always have outdated posts, because it takes lots of time to write a post and mostly until the time I've done with it, it has already finished...) Knew it some of you may ask "Is a Floria post, why I've so less of flower pictures?" Actually I've took many flower pictures at the indoor exhibition, but can't post all in once, right? So I pick one of my most favorite picture to show here first. If you can't wait, just go there to see yourself before it ends!! =]
好了,说了这么多,一定会有人说,怎么花卉展,你却没有几张花的照片?? 我当然是有拍到花,但都是在室内的,而且照片很多,需要分开来写,先来张我自认拍到很美的来吊瘾吧,嘻嘻! 等不及的,可以自己先去看哦,还有3天罢了,错过就要等明年了!
Event Periods: May 30 (Saturday) ~ June 7 (Sunday), 2015
Time: 9 am - 10 pm (Monday - Thursday); 9 am - 12 am (Friday - Sunday)
Admission Fee: Adult - RM5 ; Child & Senior Citizen - RM1
Official Website:
Address: Anjung Floria in Precinct 4, Putrajaya.
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【Avenger|復仇者聯盟】Age of Ultron Figurines Exhibition|奧創紀元模型展览 | 【Floria|花卉展】Flowers~Flowers~Flowers | 布城2015花卉展看花花 |
DeleteIf it's in SG, i sure will go, hehe...
ReplyDeleteIf not mistaken, Singapore has one annually also duh!
DeleteIf me, if i'm alone, i can wait till nobody there, then take picture, if with other people, like what you mention, super difficult task...
ReplyDeleteYup, so certain places, seriously have to go alone...
DeleteI wanted to go leh, just to take pictures to blog about, but this weekend last right? Haih, I going back next Monday, this weekend have to attend wedding dinner in Penang. Going to miss it.. :(
ReplyDeleteYah, go and blog about it, that's what I like, but sometimes, I can be very lazy...
DeleteWah very crowded.. And yes, you good girl, accompany mummy there, so nice..The flowers very refreshing to the eyes.. Quite difficult to take pictures though like you said so many ppl..
ReplyDeleteYah, maybe go on weekdays, should be fine??? But weekdays working...
Deletewah.. lots of colorful pictures leh.. i can see lots of people, lots of flowers and lots of decorations.. RM5 for the entry, okay mah, got so many things to see.. i also like the windmills leh, so nice, such a creative idea to use them to replace the flowers, haha!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSo did you go??? gua ba gua a bit!
DeleteI got the opportunity to pass by and see all these when they were not in official floria mode, while under construction - actually nice because no need to pay and no crowd. LOL
ReplyDeleteHuh?? You should went down to take a few picture (if they allow) then can consider as the making of the floria post lo...
DeleteLovely. This is one I would love to check out, other than the hot air balloon thing every year. I think there are nice floats on the lake at night, did you see? Sarawak has one too!
ReplyDeleteNope, those have drive late night, I claim that's very dangerous, you know now KL is super dangerous, people hit you, when you get out of car, the person who hit your car actually trying to rob your car...
Delete这个每一年都有, 但我比较怀念转型前的花车游行, 以前是花车游行的哦, 那时候军铜乐队要出队的, 很开心
ReplyDelete真的啊?? 他们剪掉了吧。。。好可惜哦。。。
DeleteThank you for all the photos shown here. So many people! I don't think I will ever go because I am afraid of crowd and heat.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, guess no one like it....
DeleteThe response looked good as the entrance fees is reasonable to enjoy the beautiful flowers and exhibits plus cats!! Meow!
ReplyDeleteI am sure the advertisement and testimonials became better to attract such a bigger crowd this year. You want to see planes inside too!!! You better go to Langkawi's LIMA where they have airshows and exhibits too.
Hahaha....LIMA...hmm, didn't catch my attentions that much, I suggest Singapore one, hahaha...