Monday, September 01, 2014


September 1, 2014, Monday
過了兩年多才寫這一篇,還好記憶還在,算是印象深刻吧! 因為這是我第一本讀的關於空服員的書。 這本是由兩位前空服員完成的書,她們之前都是在新航當空服員的韓國人。

正如書名“王牌空服員”,這本書是很適合那些想要當空服員的人閱讀,裡面有很多裡裡到外的貼心貼士。 兩位作者,一位已成為人母,一位是專業的空服員面試官。

其實空服員在我們眼裡看起來很輕鬆,只需在飛機上服務一陣子,然後下機後就可以到處去遊玩,其實看過很多就職的空服員Youtuber,他們下機後也是會到處去玩,但是他們也會有分寸的讓自己有足夠的休息時間。 在這本書看到的是在為當上空服員之前,她們是怎樣努力的,就例如“微笑”,也是一個她們對自己的嚴苛的態度。

English: This's the first book that I read about flight attendant, can check the second one that I read, but that was from different author. This book is more likely for those who wants to become a flight attendant as this was written by two experience flight attendants and one of them is flight attendant examiner. They shared a lot of behind scenes stories, as I guess most of us will always assume flight attendant job is one of the best job in the world, like just get into the plane then land for free and travel for free...but always the story behind wasn't that easy.

Author|作者: KANG Min Kyoung、KIM So Youn|姜(王民)景、金素妍
Publish Date|出版日期:2012/04/12


  1. All my friends enjoyed their jobs on board various airlines but they have plenty of horror stories in the package. bad customers and horny pilots. Ha Ha!


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