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Saturday, January 07, 2012
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Wasted Sunday
This supposed should be my dairy for yesterday...
woke up around 1pm something (What a lazy kid....)
Just because I woke up so late...
the revenge came back to me....I can't sleep at night...
I stayed up all night till 7am in the morning...what a fool!!!
BUT the best thing is....it SNOW all day... :)
woke up around 1pm something (What a lazy kid....)
Just because I woke up so late...
the revenge came back to me....I can't sleep at night...
I stayed up all night till 7am in the morning...what a fool!!!
BUT the best thing is....it SNOW all day... :)
January 2, 2012
"Why are you single? You're so attractive." Either people don't know the meaning of being in a relationship anymore or all they value in a person is their looks. Just because someone is rather better looking than someone else, doesn't mean they have better chances of being in a relationship. They're single because they have higher standards, mainly just because they have their reasons.
We're blaming society, yet we are society. So to make it a better place, we must change ourselves first.
I love everything you hate about yourself.
I have respect for those guys who can stick to their girl.
However far away, I will always love you.
A man that disrespects a woman doesn't deserve one.
In all honesty, I did try to forget you. It just didn't work.
I think it's the words you don't say that haunt you the longest.
Ladies, don't let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone you know doesn't care about you.
I'm an observer. I'm the kind of person who stands in the back, observing everything that goes around me. I do not need to be in the spot light to be happy, yet I don't like to be in the back where everything is dark and silent. I usually see more than others because I notice things people normally don't pay attention to. I can learn so much about someone just by watching their actions and their expression. I guess in a way, you can say that I'm very perceptive.
You can't go around being all nice and friendly and flirting with someone when you're clearly with someone else. It's misleading it's frustrating, and it's not fair.
Don't ruin today by remembering yesterday's problem.
I hate boys who think they can get any girl.
Being called babe, that's just a really good feeling.
Right now I'm learning how to be okay without you. And I can't wait for the day when I look at you and feel nothing.
Have you ever noticed that the saddest person always has the most beautiful smile???
Sometimes, I think it's good to cut people out of your life. Less drama and complicated people.
Here's to a new year of change, heartbreaks, new friends, old friends, adventures, drama, obstacles, experience, knowledge, stupidity, chaos, fights, break ups, make ups, hypes, new dreams, new goals, accomplishments, new enemies, tears, laughter, and new memories.
"Why do I like you?" Maybe it's the fact that you're perfect in my eyes, I always want to be around you, and when I am, all I can do is smile.
Just because I don't start the conversations, doesn't mean I'm not dying to talk to you.
I might have erased your texts, but I will never forget what you wrote. We might have stopped talking, but I will never forget your voice. We might have stopped hugging, but I will never forget how you smell. Anything we did, I will never forget.
You know what's awkward? Seeing someone you used to be close to, but don't talk to anymore. You kind of just look at each other, and maybe say hi, or just walk away and pretend you never saw them. You act like you never even knew each other to begin with, like strangers.
See, here's the thing about me. It's not hard to please me, The smallest little thing you do that I find sweet or you show that you care about me, I will do the same for you. I have a soft heart to be honest. It's so easy for you to make me fall. And when I fall, I fall hard, But see, there's a catch. I easily push people away too . I build a wall just to see who's really sincere enough to break it down.
Don't compare me to other people. It just annoys me when someone tries to point out my flaws and tells me to be more like someone else, when I'm clearly not them and have no intention whatsoever to become like them.
If it really didn't matter, you wouldn't be spending so much time thinking about it.
That instant smile you get when talking to that person.
The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad lick or bad choices. Or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world. That's just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give.
I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments & differences. However; I can promise you as long as you're trying. I'm staying.
Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you to hurt you.
A girl needs a man with real intentions, not a boy that can't even pay attention.
I hate liking someone who is wanted by everyone.
We're blaming society, yet we are society. So to make it a better place, we must change ourselves first.
I love everything you hate about yourself.
I have respect for those guys who can stick to their girl.
However far away, I will always love you.
A man that disrespects a woman doesn't deserve one.
In all honesty, I did try to forget you. It just didn't work.
I think it's the words you don't say that haunt you the longest.
Ladies, don't let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone you know doesn't care about you.
I'm an observer. I'm the kind of person who stands in the back, observing everything that goes around me. I do not need to be in the spot light to be happy, yet I don't like to be in the back where everything is dark and silent. I usually see more than others because I notice things people normally don't pay attention to. I can learn so much about someone just by watching their actions and their expression. I guess in a way, you can say that I'm very perceptive.
You can't go around being all nice and friendly and flirting with someone when you're clearly with someone else. It's misleading it's frustrating, and it's not fair.
Don't ruin today by remembering yesterday's problem.
I hate boys who think they can get any girl.
Being called babe, that's just a really good feeling.
Right now I'm learning how to be okay without you. And I can't wait for the day when I look at you and feel nothing.
Have you ever noticed that the saddest person always has the most beautiful smile???
Sometimes, I think it's good to cut people out of your life. Less drama and complicated people.
Here's to a new year of change, heartbreaks, new friends, old friends, adventures, drama, obstacles, experience, knowledge, stupidity, chaos, fights, break ups, make ups, hypes, new dreams, new goals, accomplishments, new enemies, tears, laughter, and new memories.
"Why do I like you?" Maybe it's the fact that you're perfect in my eyes, I always want to be around you, and when I am, all I can do is smile.
Just because I don't start the conversations, doesn't mean I'm not dying to talk to you.
I might have erased your texts, but I will never forget what you wrote. We might have stopped talking, but I will never forget your voice. We might have stopped hugging, but I will never forget how you smell. Anything we did, I will never forget.
You know what's awkward? Seeing someone you used to be close to, but don't talk to anymore. You kind of just look at each other, and maybe say hi, or just walk away and pretend you never saw them. You act like you never even knew each other to begin with, like strangers.
See, here's the thing about me. It's not hard to please me, The smallest little thing you do that I find sweet or you show that you care about me, I will do the same for you. I have a soft heart to be honest. It's so easy for you to make me fall. And when I fall, I fall hard, But see, there's a catch. I easily push people away too . I build a wall just to see who's really sincere enough to break it down.
Don't compare me to other people. It just annoys me when someone tries to point out my flaws and tells me to be more like someone else, when I'm clearly not them and have no intention whatsoever to become like them.
If it really didn't matter, you wouldn't be spending so much time thinking about it.
That instant smile you get when talking to that person.
The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad lick or bad choices. Or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world. That's just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give.
I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments & differences. However; I can promise you as long as you're trying. I'm staying.
Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you to hurt you.
A girl needs a man with real intentions, not a boy that can't even pay attention.
I hate liking someone who is wanted by everyone.
Monday, January 02, 2012
January 1st
I tried really hard, I promise. But one day I woke up and couldn't handle it anymore.
Dear 2011, thanks for all the lessons learned.
2011 went by so fast. But I gotta admit, I had some of the best moments of my life.
Accept your past without regrets, handle your present with confidence, and face your future without fear.
I love listening to lies, when I know the truth.
When I first met you, I truly didn't plan on falling in love.
I still care about you. Even if our friendship is now distant and our conversations are short. Yeah, we used to have something special and nothing is the same between us. But that doesn't give me reason to stop worrying about you, I just hope you're doing all right.
It's just that I don't want to be somebody's crush. If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don't want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it too.
If you have to put someone else down to make yourself feel better, you're the one with the insecurities, you'r the weak one.
Don't force anything to happen. Let every piece fall into it's place as it should, on it's own. Don't try rushing anything, because if it's meant to be, it'll happen eventually. You might just end up ruining something naturally, and you'll notice how much more happier you'll be when they happy unexpectedly.
I deal with stuff because I care. If I didn't, I would have walked out of your life just like everybody else did. You need to start realizing the people who actually care to stay around and deal with you. Seriously, appreciate everything. Even if it's little.
I'd rather have a broken heart, than break yours.
When you get a cute text and you just sit there and smile at your phone to yourself.
From the first day we started talking, you haven't left my mind ever since.
You never know how much you like someone until you watch them like someone else
No matter how strong of a person you are, there's always someone who can make you weak.
At the end of the day, the only person I want to talk to is you.
I want a real hug. No, not those stupid one armed hugs. Or those hugs that only last for like a second. I want a real, long hug. One where you just don't want to let go. Once where you feel safe in that person's arms, and the everything is okay. Ir that everything will be okay. I want a hug that will remind me that everything will get better. I want a hug from someone who I know I can count on to always be there for me. I want a real hug not just from anyone, but from you.
A boyfriend should always send you good morning and good night texts even if you don't talk all day just to let you know you're on his mind.
I want a friend that's 100% real with me. A friend that I can have a heart to heart conversation with without the fear of being judged. I want a friend who understands me, one who actually listens to what I have to say, most importantly one who cares. I'm tired of having friends that at like they care.
I like it when someone looks at you and gives you a hug without asking if you're alright because they sense that something is wrong.
No girl deserves to be treated badly or treated like she's nothing, ever. Every girl, no matter who they are should be respected and treated like a human, not like an object. Id you love her then you should respect her and treat her like a princess, rather then put her down and make her feel sad. If she means something to you then why hurt her? I mean you put all this effort into trying to get her to be your girlfriend, so why ruin all that by neglecting her or treating her badly, right? Treat her with respect and love her before another guy comes along and does the job you should of done. Cherish the heart that she trusts you to hold, take care of her and assure her that you will be there for her through the bad times and good times of the relationship rather then leave when things get rough. Put effort in the relationship and show her she means as much to you just as you mean something to her you know? So all I'm trying to say is treat her right, protect and respect her.
Starting tonight, I need to forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.
Dear 2011, thanks for all the lessons learned.
2011 went by so fast. But I gotta admit, I had some of the best moments of my life.
Accept your past without regrets, handle your present with confidence, and face your future without fear.
I love listening to lies, when I know the truth.
When I first met you, I truly didn't plan on falling in love.
I still care about you. Even if our friendship is now distant and our conversations are short. Yeah, we used to have something special and nothing is the same between us. But that doesn't give me reason to stop worrying about you, I just hope you're doing all right.
It's just that I don't want to be somebody's crush. If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don't want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it too.
If you have to put someone else down to make yourself feel better, you're the one with the insecurities, you'r the weak one.
Don't force anything to happen. Let every piece fall into it's place as it should, on it's own. Don't try rushing anything, because if it's meant to be, it'll happen eventually. You might just end up ruining something naturally, and you'll notice how much more happier you'll be when they happy unexpectedly.
I deal with stuff because I care. If I didn't, I would have walked out of your life just like everybody else did. You need to start realizing the people who actually care to stay around and deal with you. Seriously, appreciate everything. Even if it's little.
I'd rather have a broken heart, than break yours.
When you get a cute text and you just sit there and smile at your phone to yourself.
From the first day we started talking, you haven't left my mind ever since.
You never know how much you like someone until you watch them like someone else
No matter how strong of a person you are, there's always someone who can make you weak.
At the end of the day, the only person I want to talk to is you.
I want a real hug. No, not those stupid one armed hugs. Or those hugs that only last for like a second. I want a real, long hug. One where you just don't want to let go. Once where you feel safe in that person's arms, and the everything is okay. Ir that everything will be okay. I want a hug that will remind me that everything will get better. I want a hug from someone who I know I can count on to always be there for me. I want a real hug not just from anyone, but from you.
A boyfriend should always send you good morning and good night texts even if you don't talk all day just to let you know you're on his mind.
I want a friend that's 100% real with me. A friend that I can have a heart to heart conversation with without the fear of being judged. I want a friend who understands me, one who actually listens to what I have to say, most importantly one who cares. I'm tired of having friends that at like they care.
I like it when someone looks at you and gives you a hug without asking if you're alright because they sense that something is wrong.
No girl deserves to be treated badly or treated like she's nothing, ever. Every girl, no matter who they are should be respected and treated like a human, not like an object. Id you love her then you should respect her and treat her like a princess, rather then put her down and make her feel sad. If she means something to you then why hurt her? I mean you put all this effort into trying to get her to be your girlfriend, so why ruin all that by neglecting her or treating her badly, right? Treat her with respect and love her before another guy comes along and does the job you should of done. Cherish the heart that she trusts you to hold, take care of her and assure her that you will be there for her through the bad times and good times of the relationship rather then leave when things get rough. Put effort in the relationship and show her she means as much to you just as you mean something to her you know? So all I'm trying to say is treat her right, protect and respect her.
Starting tonight, I need to forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.
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