Wednesday, April 30, 2014

【Random|隨寫】Are You Really that "Tall"???|你真的有那麽高?

April 30, 2014, Wednesday
What incident that you hate the most in movie theatre??? Audience swiping the phone??? (Sometimes I would like to ask, for those who see the phone in the dark, don't you eyes feel pain, tired or uncomfortable, as the screen is so small and the light is so sharp, is that really "good" for the eyes to look at it in the dark???)

After been awhile I started to get used to it, I'll use my hand to "block" the light as the person noticed, they'll stopped......

But here's another story again about the kicking seat......always desperate to ask "Are they really that tall or the legs are too long??? Must watching and kicking to enjoy the movie???" Like the Spiderman 2 movie, 2 hours long......that lady behind me was kicking like for the whole movie......Is that fun???

So what about you??? What things you hate the most in cinema???
每次在电影院内,你最讨厌的是遇见什么事呢???   看手机的观众???   因为手机的荧幕发光会影响视线。。。(有时候我还真的很想问,“你眼睛不痛吗???   在这么暗的场所看那这么小的荧幕,然后荧幕的光线又那么亮,这对眼睛“很好”吗???”


但最近我最常遇到的就是被后方的人踢椅子。。。基本上我都会一直以“算了”带过,可能别人是不小心的,可能人长得太高,脚太长才会这样。。。但看这部长达两个小时多的Spiderman 2。。。从头踢到尾。。。倒是很想问,你双脚真的有那么长???   这样踢下踢下很爽???


April 15, 2014, Tuesday
Last year mentioned that I've Smell Disorders and forgot that actually I've another "disorder?!"   I don't have clear fingerprint, like the machine to verify my IC in the bank always finding difficulties to scan my fingerprint!!! I must get to scan at least four to five times to get my actual fingerprint reading......And the most troublesome part is my passport, since it can't read my fingerprint so I must go through the manual customs checkpoints instead!!! =.=!!! Besides me...any of you find the difficulties to scan your fingerprint???
其实我除了嗅不到之外,还有一个缺陷。。。就是我没有指纹,这真的不是开玩笑,好像有时候银行要做什么身份证认证需要手指纹确认,一定扫不到我的指纹。。。真是非常的奇怪,我三姐常说我“你是鬼吗?   为什么没有指纹的啊???”   时常看到别人扫手指纹是特别容易的,但我的却至少要扫三四次以上。。。让我时常感到非常不好意思。。。及非常不方便,像是出国的时候别人总是轻轻松松过机器扫个手指纹就过关,而我就一定要经过盖章=.=!!!   不知道你们的手指纹容有扫到吗???

Posts on this date -

Monday, April 21, 2014

【Blog|部落格】Focus vs Multitasking???

April 21, 2014, Monday

Believe that nowadays a lot of people including me as well, always like to multitasking like blogging while watching TV, working and blogging, driving and texting(not me)......

Always wondering how can I finish a lot of tasks at once, have been read from a lot of articles suggest that the best way is to do is to just focus on a task!!! But I always like to multitasking expect if I work in multitasking and I'll finish a lot of tasks in very short periods!!! After been so long trying, I realized it doesn't work that well, then I figured out that if I just focus on a task and set it to finish within the goal timing and it turns out quite well duh!!!

How about you, would you prefer Focus on a task or Multitasking???
是否曾经怀疑我们应该专注于完成一件事还是一心多用???   相信很多人都很想在最短的时间完成最多事,所以时常都一心多用,例如一边写部落格,一边看电视;一边写部落格,一边工作;一边驾车,一边看手机(这不是我)。。。



Saturday, April 19, 2014

【MuralArts|壁畫】 The Street Art @ Prima 2, Section 2, Shah Alam

Location: Seksyen 2, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
April 19, 2014, Saturday
I'm kind of like person who love to watch news and read newspaper, found this on the newspaper that day, ask MeiLing to go with me because it's quite far from my house!!! Umm...MeiLing again??? Yep, only got ONE friend that willing to go anywhere with me, that I dare to ask go out with me!!! She always said "Why you always have so many place to go??? After I had clear up a few, then you add more again!!!"
我是一个很喜欢看新闻看报纸的人,都会很留意报纸上所报道的一切,看到这篇在沙亚南,对我来说。。。确实有一些远,所以又要找美玲陪我去一趟了,又是她???   没办法,我手机内就只有这个朋友会陪我去很多奇奇怪怪的地方,她常说“为什么你每次都有那么多地方想要去的???   每次好不容易clear了一些,你又有新的!”   

Is glad to have her to drive, chitchat a bit then we're here!!!

According to the newspaper [Since last year December, the Shah Alam government starts focusing on the improvement of the back alleys, all the art works are drawing by students from UiTM]
据报纸上说[沙亚南市政厅为了极力推动“后巷改革计划”于去年12月在沙亚南2区Prima 2美食中心后方店屋的后巷进行改造工程,让UiTM学生在该处画上壁画]


Before the entering the back alley, there're two mural arts at the t-junction!!!

There are nothing much, just a pathway as you can see from this picture......

Students are late for school and the discipline teacher is starting in front of the school gate

Those colors are still pretty sharp


Once I saw this I told MeiLing "I think maybe is because the reporter was saying surprisingly all of them are still in good conditions after been so long, didn't get any damage from the public, so on the next few days they got damage just because they said so......"


MeiLing said this looks so scary, but I this's not bad what!!!

The fun part is while we're taking picture, there're two children were playing kites running front and back, it's so cheerful by listen to those laughing and playing noise the children!!!





MeiLing said "What's this about? Don't even understand what it means, is there something below the human shadow's leg? Seems like missing something!"




Among those mural arts, I like this the most, with its super sharp colors, it looks like the real one!!!

This was another one being destroy......

It roughly looks like this, and I got to ask MeiLing stands that to hold for me for awhile to take this picture!!!

This suppose to have the MH370 praying mural arts, not sure whether is it because of the "end" thing then it has to be erased......

Since we're there so we just drove around to take a picture of this, since I always see it in the textbook last time, and now I wanted to see the real one with my naked eyes!!!

Laman Seni (The Street Art)Shah Alam
Behind Section 2's 7-eleven
Seksyen 2, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Friday, April 18, 2014

【Gift|禮物】Surprise Birthday Gift from Blogger|來自博客的驚喜生日禮物

September 12, 2014, Friday 
Sometimes I would have a thought of want to quit my blogging life, as it has overtake most of my time. But thankfully this mindset stop when I saw any mail from blogger, not about what gift I was gonna to get, is about how grateful that I was to be blogger that get to know "blogger friends" from different states of Malaysia and even a few from oversea.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Electric Vehicle

April 12, 2014, Saturday
Went to KLCC last week to buy a book...(just went there to buy a book??? Yes!!!) Anyway, I saw something strange at the parking lot, electric vehicle charging area!!! Just wondering how many electric vehicle on the road nowadays??? Or maybe that's one in your house???
那天赶了一整天去了很多地方,最后一站就是到KLCC买一本书(为了买一本书,刻意去KLCC???   对,还真的是为了一本书就去。。。)但话说回来我在停车场看到这个电子汽车充电位子,其实还蛮奇特的。。。我在车展有看过电子车,但真实,真的有电子车走在路上吗???   还是孤陋寡闻的我不知道现在路上已经有几辆电子车了,又或者你家也有一辆呢???

【DIY Materials|自制材料】Pipit Zakka Store @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Part 2|鸟人杂货铺二

April 12, 2014, Saturday
After looked to the right side and now to the left side!

They're so so cute!! Previously I only saw this in Taobao, even hard to find something like this in the shopping mall as well, and now here they're!!
好可爱啊!   之前我都是在淘宝才看到有这么可爱的,平时在商场内都很少会有看到!

These are sticker as well!!

On the left side conner, they tried to use a little bit of old school toys to decorate their store, make their own unique way in the shop!!

gorgeous present wrapping paper cost 3 for RM10

Any sizes of notebooks

Any kind of stamp chop

Stickers and stamp chop ink

The different between sticker and stamp chop is stamp chop can be usable but it can't have different attractive sharp colors as you looking forward to!!

After browsing for a while I finally found one (no doubt it the first stamp chop of these caught my attention the most!)

Thought they're built in together as the display, but apparently I got to stick them up together by myself!

Nonetheless, here're the outcome!

Very attractive and colorful Masking Tape!
吸引很多人的Masking Tape!

Postcard with pretty views and interesting image!

Here's an special place where you can leave comment on note then paste it on the wall!!

Can't go this place too often, hahaha!!! Because it will makes me spend a lot!!

As I said before this is a very "basi" post, almost forgot everything when I was writing this, then only can write stuffs by referring to the pictures~~~


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