June 25, 2017, Sunday
Due to the flight delayed, I was supposed to reach the hotel around 8pm but now it has became 2am. OMG! That's super long delayed for me. Luckily the taxi driver know this hotel because he said he remember he had send somebody there before and he found the hotel name is very cute..."Mini Hotel".
因為班機的延遲,本來晚上八點就到酒店的我,到半夜兩點才到,還好我沒有行李,下機後就可以出來,不用等行李。 德士司機大哥恰好有載過這家酒店,所以他一聽酒店名字就知道在哪裡了。 我發現當你要去個目的地的時候,你至少要知道那個目的地是靠近哪個道路,所以當別人問起你是不是要去這個地方的時候,你至少還可以確認,還有也是最好先谷歌你要去的地方,從出發地點到目的地到底需要多長的時間,因為這樣也可以避免德士司機大哥逗路。