Saturday, July 22, 2017

【Airport|機場】Incheon International Airport|仁川國際機場

July 22, 2017, Saturday
少少的delayed(上一篇),下午4點我到韓國了,還真的很感恩,沒有像上次一樣可憐,一直被delayed。 可是一下機就是看電話,因為工作上出了些問題,所以一下機就是開手機處理,所以data對我來說是有多麼的重要。


【Movie|電影】The Boss Baby|寶貝老闆

July 22, 2017, Saturday
兩個小時的飛行時間,工作了這麼久,當然是要來輕鬆一下。 現在的我,都說啊。。。我手機最安靜的時候就是在飛機內的時候,因為手機關機,不會有任何訊息或電話進入,這是再幸福不過的事了。  


【Airbus|空中巴士】Korea Air A330-300|大韓航空 A330-300

July 22, 2017, Saturday


Saturday, July 15, 2017

【Random|隨寫】Foot Steps|步伐

July 15, 2017, Saturday
每天上班的時間都很匆忙很累,所以唯一到處逛的時候,就是在週末的時候。 但是遇上腳短的我,常常都追不上同事的步伐,明明就是普通人的走路,導致我每次都像在競走一樣。 因為經常都這樣,導致我的挫敗感很重,是不是我走路的步伐變慢了呢?


Finally is weekend here, and have some spare time here to write something...too much posts to write but too lazy and too lost of where to start. Anyway the thought of this post is about recently my road trip to the city with my colleague during the weekend...

Realized that I walk slower than my colleague, so not sure is whether my legs are too short or I'm just walk too slow. Wonder when you are going for a sightseeing, would you prefer walk super so you get go many different places, or walk slowly to enjoy the moment?
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