Since I've something to work on and be back on next week, so has think of three question for you to play on, nothing serious, just play it as a game……
1. How much time do you spent on blogging??? How you do you need to finish a post??? In a week or in a day when is your best timing for blogging???
2. How you do you use to comment??? You go through word by word or just glance through everything only??? What kind of post may kept your attentions???
3. Besides blogging, what're your other interests??? Some interest like beside your works and family……
To be honest, if you're harassing too much time on blogging, so it's no longer became part of fun on it, don't you agree???
**Isn't out for traveling, is something really have to get done with before next week, hehe!!! I'll be back!!! =]
1. 回顾一年过去,无论过去还是现在,你用了多少时间在写部落格上呢??? 用了多长时间完成一篇呢??? 在一个星期里或是一天里何时才是你可以轻松的写文呢???
2. 用了多长时间留言??? 你会慢慢一个字一个字读还是大概略过??? 什么文章你最有兴趣???
3. 除了部落格,还有什么嗜好??? 例如除了工作家庭还有生活中少不了专长的兴趣。。。
早前在年头第一天的时候就说过很难在留言和写部落格之间取舍加上我本身的嗜好挺多要分身很难,憋开懒惰问题,假如要强力兼顾那就是逐渐演变成不是一种余兴节目而是一种所谓无形的压力!!! 赞成不???
**不是再次独自上路,而是有些事是必须在下星期前专心完成它,下星期见!!! =]
Posts on this date -
有时候,我确实花了不少心思在写部落,觉得这是个很好记录生活的平台 =)
ReplyDelete我也是这样, 最终目的是要记录而已!!! =]
我没有回留言, 但我还是有看留言!!! 哈哈哈!!! =]
DeleteMy blog very simple one, lol...
ReplyDeleteI know, simple, tidy and straight to the point!!! =]
ReplyDelete假如没空的话就很难了,我会尽量!!! =]
Delete#1. depends on the topic i am writing.. usually within an hour, or sometimes if i put interactive elements then would take many hours!! haha.. best time to blog?? errr, no best time, but i publish post on weekdays (not weekends and holidays) and for this year perhaps 2-3 posts a week :)
ReplyDelete#2. errr, depends on the blog or post lah, if interested then i will read word by word, if not interested then just quickly scroll and look at photos and straight away comment.. also if the post is too long, i will be patient to read initially but maybe couple of minutes later, just scroll to the end to skip..
Delete#3. i do not know what other hobbies i have, muahahaha!! :D
DeleteTwo language within an hour??? Super expert, for me must take at least two hours to finish a post!!! Yah, I think weekend is the best timing as well, no distraction like weekdays, have so much works to do, can't concentrate to write a post!!! =[
DeleteHahaha, gimme five!!! I'm like that, if the post is too long, I'll like when is it came to the end??? why haven't finish??? I think "over" long post might make readers lack of interest to finish reading up the whole thing!!!
Hahaha, I know, you like to customize or play with html code, right?
1. Every waking minute
ReplyDelete2. Sharing personal experiences, preferably happy and not depressing and negatively-inclined (complain, complain, complain) - food, travel, long as it is not racial or on politics, religion...and I'm not technology-inclined either. Old man, old school...not into those things.
3. Eating...obviously. Enjoying good food.
有些需要做资料参考, 所以蛮花时间, 不过也算是复习功课咯!!
ReplyDelete~我的blog就没花很多时间,所以你看那么low quality就知道咯。。。哈哈!!
ReplyDelete看得出来, 你会时不时浮上来一下!!! =]
ReplyDelete啊~~~ 我也是那么觉得, 这样我就可以一星期看完两本书了, 还有, 还有~~~
ReplyDelete要写一篇文章其实对我来说很花时间,除了要花时间选照片,也是因为我的文笔不要,总是不能顺利的一次过写完 >.<
我们两个好像处于同样的处境, 我也是很犹豫, 想来想去都想不通!!! =[
DeleteI don't need much time to blog since most of my posts are nonsense and written just exactly like how I think anyway. :P
ReplyDeleteCommenting? Differs on how interesting the blogs are. ;)
what nonsense!!! =.=!!! I like to read blog, I get to more stories on an expert marathon runner lo!!! =]
Delete1. 我一般写部落格字数有一定的长度,所以几个钟头最少,所以你看我忙起来的时候,一个月都写不了一篇,也会完全没办法po部落,因为写得太短,我过不了自己那一关哈哈,又是强迫症哈哈。
ReplyDelete2. 说老实说,日记最不感兴趣,凡是有主题的就有兴趣哈哈,会仔细读完,时间允许会留言,前提是一定要用电脑,用电话就不会哈哈。
3. 我觉得如果我放弃部落的话,我一就继续沉迷面字书到三更半夜,二还是会沉迷书本吧,以前没开始写博的时候就真的看书听歌打发时间的,现在当人妻会偶尔想增进厨艺之类的吧,这些真的因为写部落,做少了很多很多,有时候老公为了让我能安心写部落,家务还会帮忙先做好,我真的是哈哈哈~不过还是不会放弃的,那已经是我的乐趣之一了。
还有限长度哦? 我很懒惰, 每次都是照片达够, 所以一样东西写一篇就好, 不然会用很长的时间写!!!
Delete我也是一时一时看题目的, 假如长久以来都是一样, 我要等我得空的时候才看, 呵呵!!! 我时常用手机留言, 会比较快, 时不时就可以很快的看完一篇了!!! =]
当中真的有乐趣, 但是有时候又有压力又少了时间, 真矛盾!!! =[
这么严重??? 会手痒??? 哈哈哈, 那你真的很爱写作!!! =]
我也是一样, 所以时不时要看书一下!!!
Delete我也是喜欢看留言, 可以体会他人的用心!!! =]
哈哈哈, 那是退休才能做的事!!! =] blogging time is very unpredictable. Sometimes, I can leave the blog stale for a far haven't reach 2 weeks yet.ahhaha
ReplyDelete1) I use about 30min and up to 3 hour, for now i think it is better to update less.
ReplyDelete2) Normally i will glance through the post and find meaningful article to read
3) Beside blogging, i suddenly felt like i have "no life" especially when i'm unemployed at the moment~
1. 用了多少时间啊~没去计算过,因为有时间就会打开部落格到处逛逛,手里的文章也是分很多天才写完的(有mood的话,是可以一次过把当天的事情马上记录下来~可是有时候要整理照片,就会懒惰拖着没写。看,我连浮水印都懒得放就知道我有多懒惰了,哈哈哈!)。我在上课的日子里比较会花时间在部落格上;放假时反而忙碌到爆炸,想好好更新都没时间 >.<
3. 除了部落格,还喜欢乱画,乱煮东西来吃,发呆。。。。吧,哈哈哈!
1. 最近的工作比较忙,写部落的时间变得很少。一篇文通常会分几次来写完才可以Po。部落主要是分享生活趣事,吃过玩过的东西都很想分享所以尽量抽时间来写文。呵呵!!~
ReplyDelete2. 最高兴看到自己的分享文有留言所以所有留言一定会看完再回复。平时,我也会常常逛到其他部落家留言。(:
3. 除了部落,就爱上佳礼爬贴找资料,看看连续剧。^^
ReplyDelete以前大多数有空就先在手机的NOTE先写,再COPY到DRAFT,一直DRAFT 着,看有空再加照片~ 但是后来发现这样会导致ALIGNMENT完全跑掉~~ 我很讨厌看到我写的东西,全部乱掉~
所以现在都是有空时,一次过写完~ 这样就会整齐~
1. 极少更新,几乎一星期一次,我用了蛮长时间完成一篇,因为我三分钟热度的性格,写长的文章就得分成3,4 个部分 才能写完哈哈,短文章另当别论 XD
ReplyDelete2. 基本上我蛮享受看文章的过程,没有限定看什么类型的文章,而且都得看了文章才能留言。没一个个字读,但也没达到大概略过的程度。
有时间才会上来看博友们的更新,就好像今天周末,阅读大概15个部落的文章更新,就用了几乎三个小时哈哈~ 太长的文章,基本上会用重点式看。你的分享文章我都大爱,而且很多时候都以照片呈现,所以增加了不少吸引力 =) 我没来留言绝对是因为我在忙哈哈,不好意思~
3. 聊天,唱K,看TVB剧(简直就是忠实粉丝),还有上网
1. 没有照片的文章是我打最快的,用电脑如果脑袋没有lag,基本上半小时之内就能够完成了。用手机会比较慢一点。XD 我写一篇文章平均时间是1个小时,一个星期大概2-4篇,如果我勤劳。噗!
ReplyDelete2. 文章我通常都会认真读完,大略看过的很少,但也有啦。我阅读速度也不会很慢,所以咯~XDD 留言啊,我有空的话一口气爬文这样,差不多两个小时。偶尔会用手机留留言,但看当下的心情和时间分配。像是现在我很得空,阿老在睡觉了,我不想看书来偷懒,就可以打长留言。所幸,打字不会很慢。哈哈哈哈哈!用电脑留言是我最快的方法,用手机通常爬一两个就好了,但真的要看时间允不允许。XD 什么样的文章并不大重要的,重要的是文笔和内容吸引人吗?XD 不是吗?
3. 写文章,无论是关于生活文还是假装文绉绉的诗句。阅读,从小到大的培养,改不掉的大爱好。睡觉,我根本就是一头猪。运动,有时间又有时间,我很爱运动如打羽毛球,现在每个星期一是打球日。大概就这样?=.=
1. I usually finish writing my posts in a short time because my blog is simple and short unless it is a travel post cos need to select photos and writes orderly
ReplyDelete2. I usually leave comments after reading a post if the post is interesting
3. Other than blogging i love to travel and watch non fiction programs such as travel or cooking programs
I spending a lot of time reading blogs o and leaving comments on certain days if the topics ngam m
ReplyDeleteI usually read every comment left by my readers because the comments are a motivation to me
*without o
ReplyDelete*ngam me
I usually write a post in the night because that is the time when i am free
ReplyDeleteWell, how much time I spent depends on what topics it is, and also is there any interruptions from everywhere! Usually, within 1 hour la!
ReplyDeleteI don't have any best timing to blog, just blog whenever I am free.
Comment? Usually I'll read through everything before comment, of course if that post got pictures lagi best la! Less stress on the eyes ma! :p
Other interests? Erm, sleeping counts? :p
It depends one wor (haha, my favourite sentence)..
ReplyDeleteHow much time spend on blogging, I think not much la.. Becoz we still got other things to do, like working & family, etc. For me, replying to comments are usually during working hours, coz I can hog the pc ma..
To post a topic (and to write for that topic), I think not much time used too, becoz before we post the topic, we already plan what to write ma.. So already think of what to write only we plan wana publish that post ger ma, no?
第一:我通常是上班时间,趁着忙完工作再写文章的,通常都会先打在ms word 里头咯,之后再copy 进去blog 里头咯~~~