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Sunday, January 12, 2014


January 12, 2014, Sunday
Another book from Sarawak young author, with a very unique writing style, he used five different songs from different each singers to write story!!! 

On the other hand, he do shared some tips on how he managed to score 14As in his SPM, even though I'm so far away from SPM but I felt those he shared are quite useful……
1. What's your goal
2. Why want to achieve this goal
3. What's the obstacle
4. What do you need to sacrifice for this
5. Who can give some help on this
6. What's the plan
7. What will you get after you've achieved  this goal

一本来自沙捞越诗巫年轻作家的书,用了奇特的写作风格,用不同歌手的五首歌带出了他们各自的故事!!!   而且在SPM考获14科A的他,还在书里面分享他的读书秘诀,虽然已距离中五了很久,但是他分享的概念还蛮值得学习的。。。
1. 我的目标
2. 为什么我要达成这个目标
3. 我将会面对什么障碍
4. 我需要付出什么代价来达成目标
5. 我需要谁的帮助
6. 达成目标的终极计划
7. 达成目标后的奖励

2013 Week 35 (September 1) Way Back into You 《 回程》
2013 Week 36 (September 4) 《给未来的旅行者》
2013 Week 45 (November 4) 《我 心安处是幸福》
2013 Week 52 (December 28) 《非常关系》
2014 Week 1 (January 5) 《台北医生故事之菜鸟出诊篇》
2014 Week 2 (January 12) 《陪我去旅行》
2014 Week 3 (January 19) Dear Me, Ten Years Later《写给10年后的自己》
2014 Week 5 (February 3) Geography Museum 《探索地理博物馆》
2014 Week 6 (February 6) 《激励自己才能改变命运》
2014 Week 8 (February 22) 《异国爱莉丝》
2014 Week 12 (March 23) 《在路上》


  1. Replies
    1. 我也是这么觉得,感觉好像有点回到读书时代似的!!!

  2. 因为作者给爱FM以前的节目《有故事的人》写故事嘛!目前作者正在迈向当律师的路哦~

    1. 我有想要去他的部落格看,但是他没有放公开哦!!!

  3. wah, you have been buying and reading a lot of books recently huh?? good good.. Small Kucing recommended me a website where we can download eBooks for free, i downloaded some books by Mitch Albom and Paulo Coelho, so excited mah when she gave me this website.. but of course, me being me, still haven't start to read any yet lah, guess they can last me for years, haha~~ :D

    1. As one of my secret new resolution is a book for a week, so I got to take some time for readings lo!!! I've been thinking of that too, but that ebook still consider have to sit in front of screen, since I've been using electronic devices for most of my daily routine and I think reading can give an excuse to look away from screen...so I'm still very old fashion, I still like to read the "real hands-on books", hehe!!!

  4. I don't usually read books, hehe :p

    Hmm you blog very frequently leh! I thought you are busy?

    1. Hahaha...all these books reviews I already wrote it a week before during my cny holiday, as I only schedule to be publish on specify time, hehe!!! =]

  5. You sure read very fast. How many days do you need to finish reading one book on the average?

    1. As in my plan, I don't let it go too fast, I might forget everything single thing after I read, so I make it like a book for a week, read slowly and enjoy!!! =]

  6. Sarawak writer? Gee! I wonder if he's from Sibu - maybe I know him. What's his name in English? Akira?

    1. He doesn't put his English name on it, but as from Chinese's name pronunciation it's "Xia-Wei"

  7. 现在只上网东看西看的,没买书咯!


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