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Sunday, January 05, 2014


January 5, 2014, Sunday
When I was young, the first ambition came into mind is "Doctor"……but once I grew up, realized I scared to hold a surgery knife to cut on a real living person……so apparently the dream of doctor will no longer came true……

At first, I didn't even know it's written by a malaysian!!! A person who born in Malaysia but long staying at Taiwan……(which brings up to my mind again it's another example to prove if malaysian wants to be success and famous, you got to be start from oversea…...)

His unique type of funny writing style shows another different lifestyle of a real doctor!!! They aren't like what we watched from TV, they're not as relax as can have so many entertainment after work!!! Also, he do shared so many interesting incidents happened in A&E!!!

"Impermanence of life, I always pretend today is the last day of my life recently, so I kept over rushing and screw things up!" 

Is like me nowadays, always want things to be done in very short period, but once things screw up and I got very frustrated……luckily meanwhile I also get used to the flexible changing of things slowly, but on the other hand I do missing some fun from things…...





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  1. Replies
    1. 我最近都很积极的很想收集完他所有的书籍,呵呵!!! =]

  2. 欧阳林的著作相当风趣幽默, 看他的书很轻松, 却也可以学到东西

  3. 喜欢他的幽默,他的作品我也有好几本

    1. 好几本? 你真厉害,我才有两本而以,呵呵!!!

  4. i think when we were young, many of us have thought of becoming a doctor.. because that was what teachers like to educate and also like to read from what we wrote for our composition, and definitely parents would be happy to know that their kids would want to become a doctor too!! but then the fact is that, how many of us become doctors in the end?? haha~~

    1. yeah, i think a doctor's life would be interesting.. that's what i feel after watching "On Call 36 小時" and last time the "妙手仁心" lah, haha!! but then if the doctor himself is writing about his life in a very humorous and entertaining way, then that would be indeed very nice to read..

    2. As from the research nowadays, more kids prefer to be celebrity as from tv also can see more kids joining those singing or talent competitions!!!

    3. Hahaha, if like that you should read this book, it's pretty interesting and funny lo!!! Fully recommended!!! =]

  5. Replies
    1. 原来还蛮多人看的,她的作品真是很值得推荐!!! =]

  6. 这本,我好像有买~
    一样来自Batu Pahat的喔~(确切说起来是Rengit才对)哈哈哈

    1. 那时候我还没看这本书,下次他来,我也要去...

  7. 我从小到大的第一志愿也是填医生!!
    不过我优柔寡断的性格不适合做医生,还是不要误人好了 >.<


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