January 28, 2013, Tuesday
My "Nth" designs……forgot to say why my third older sister was mad at me on my last post……and there must be always a reason for it, we went together all the way to KL to check out any "materials" to buy, but I didn't have any ideas on my design during that time, so I was like wait for the "instinct" of design to appear in my mind and she was kept on showing me this and that CNY greeting cards, persuade me that they're kinda nice, but I rejected all……told her I want something easy to make and nice, but not too complicated and not too common!!! (who else wouldn't be mad on such a picky person!!! =.=!!!)
第N个设计。。。。。。上一篇说到我三姐一直狂骂我,不是没有原因的。。。因为她陪我到KL去买我所谓要的“材料”!!! 我当时是完全没有设计,根本不知道要买什么,等着灵感随缘而到。。。而我三姐一直拼命的找贺年卡给我看“你看这个很美嘛!” 全部都让我拒绝了。。。我问她有没有一些设计是做起来很简单,看起来很美,可是又不要太复杂,但是又不可以太随便。。。(这样不被骂才怪!!!)
Since my crazy experience from the Christmas greeting cards, I started look for CNY greeting cards in the beginning of the year, but non of them are not something that I like!!! Moreover, I saw 艾莉丝and SK were making something so thoughtful and amazing for bloggers, which I was think should I make something too???
My main purpose was trying to buy some greeting cards on that day but end up I got these two books!!! Then I started realize I've just stepped into my nightmare journey……There's a clear and bright route in front of me to the heaven but I never take it instead I took the route to the hell…...
那天真的。。。本来要贺年卡结果变到买这两本书,我就知道我已经一开始走上不归路。。。引用終極三國的对白“天堂有路你不走,地狱无门硬要来!” 来形容这一切,真是再适当不过了!!!
January of 16th, I still have no idea on my design, I already sleep ing with this many times, full of paper around my bed on the floor in the morning!!! (Paper all over the floor and I'm the one who need to clean up later, so after that I throw those paper and my draft failed designs into the recycle box and the box was already sent to TzuChi every Tuesday, so I wouldn't be able to take picture of those)
1月16日,设计还没有出来,我已经是抱着这个睡觉,早上起来床的周围都是纸张!!! (过后还要自己收,所以接下来就直接丢进纸张环保箱,之前的设计 样本通通都去了慈济的环保站了)

This's my first design and my most favorite design, like it as it's like the red pack design like CNY!!! And I would like to put a bookmark with one side is horsy and the other side was every receiver's favorite stuff or character in 3D image……but this's such a mission impossible, because some of them barely tell what they like!!! Like those Doaremon, Hello Kitty, Eiffel Tower, Smurf, Panda, Piano/Keyboard and etc……these are pretty easy and clear, but some of them are……I even read from their first post to their latest post……but STILL!!! I can't manage to find out what they like!!!
So might just end this design immediately!!!
This's not my original design, the design I want is the horsy turning along the circle on a square card and the wheel in the middle is turning as well, since I've no time to do any experiment od it, so it end up with this design…...
Since pictures choosing are done before the design idea came true, so can see how flexible on how I changed it to the last design!!!!
My sister's printer was kind of retarded, I've fight with printer for almost half of the day in order to print more than 30 of those pictures…...
As I want this to look shinning and glossy, so I want it to tape with a clear protected sticker!!! I know there're something like those high quality paper can definitely shows like this, but since my printer is not working that well, so let's forget about it!!!
为了要求高我贴上这个一层的透明保护帖子,因为我要这个旋转图案是有光滑发亮的一面!!! 我知道可以用高素质的纸张就有那样的效果,但是由于那打印机是坏坏地的所以唯有用这个方法,那么即使印烂也不会觉得浪费!!!
Not all of them are go with the flow, it fails sometimes!!!
Here's you go……the most difficult part and most of my time were wasting on these!!! Okay, they look a bit broken……thanks to my nieces, remember my last post about my nieces kept asking me lots of questions??? In order to stop them, I passed all of these to them, and when I get back at night, some of them can't even stand anymore and one of them looks like some chocolate dirt on it!!! =.=!!!
之前那个说完,就来说这个马儿。。。它真是让我花上无数的时间,用最长时间就是它们了!!! 其实以上的都不像是我当初做出来的那样子。。。记得上一篇我说我侄女们一直吵我吗??? 为了停止她们一直问题多多我就拿了我之前做的草本给她们玩,她们还要将它们玩得连脚都不能站了,而且我相信上面沾污肮脏的那个是巧克力。。。=.=!!!
I always like to choose the most pretty and most difficult idea……the scariest design ever…...from the video it took 36minutes to finish and once I done with it, I went to bed right away!!! Cause the video's time duration is 36minutes but I need to playback and repeat again, it took more than an hour to finish plus I was using a very small piece of paper which make it much difficult!!!
The first one was too difficult, so I chose the easiest one, but this looks too easy and simple…...
Found this finally, it satisfies my idea of not too complicated not too common!!!
In order to remember the steps of folding this, I must use some draft paper to fold it first!!! For the previous horsy, I was still using a very small paper and now I changed to a bigger paper!!! For second horsy I must remember all the steps and third must understand how to make it without any reference!!!
为了要很清楚的做法,就必须用废纸做到熟练为止!!! 之前的还是用小张纸做,现在第一个用大张纸做!!! 第二个开始记下步骤,第三个一定要学会做了!!!
On January 19, I force myself to finish 20 of them in a day……end up my hands keep shaking on next day!!! They're not like those A4 paper previously, they're two sheet paper, have to press very hard to fold lines and the shapes!!!
1月19日那天,很有毅力的一口气做了20只。。。。。。结果第二天手震!!! 因为不要像之前那些草本软软的A4纸,我用比较硬一点的纸做,所以要很大力的按它的线条和形状出来!!!
My hand still shaking on the next day……what to do??? So try to cut this in the end, but this are all thick cover paper and even harder than the red two sheet paper, I cut few of them then I asked my third older sister to help!!!
Also, here to show you what's the different between expert cutter and lousy cutter, those she cut were round and clean, but those I cut were not exactly in round shape!!!
第三天还是手震。。。怎么办??? 唯有去剪这个。。。但是这个也是硬纸,而且比那红纸还硬。。。我剪了几张。。。唯有。。。唯有请我三姐帮忙。。。!!!
哈哈哈!!! 她剪的圆圆的,我的卡卡的,高手和低手的差别就在这里!!!
Rest for couple of days, hands are not that shaking, I tried to fold this, this round I didn't done all in a day but two or three in a day!!!
This looks pretty easy, but the difficult part is the nine block split, I was lazy on this, I didn't use ruler to measure the exact length, instead I just fold with it naturally until it almost like like same size!!!
Time flies, can't be procrastinate anymore, so I tried my best to finish 10 of them on last Saturday, luckily no my hands shake didn't afterwards!!!
Finally I was completely done with them, so must have a group picture to share the precious moment!!!
Tried to use lots of way to make this on the center, no time to think of another one, so just remain the old way and I even forgot to take picture of the spinning steel inside!!!
Knowing that my handwritings are terrible, but at least I've no error writing this time, even I do…...I tried to replace it with same paper!!!
The draft set!!! Have to make sure all of them can fit into that small area!!!
Was about this write this, but to be honest my handwriting are too ugly, so might not just don't destroy the design!!!
本来要写“新年快乐”的,但是还是觉得我字太丑,哈哈哈!!! 所以不要破坏它比较好!!!
Didn't realize I've done so many until I saw this picture duh…...
First time to publish who I gaving to……the same receivers from the Christmas greeting cards and now I added 14 more!!! 2 of my friends and 28 bloggers, so 30 or them!!!
一个朋友和15位博客!!! 这次原班人马的16个,加上14个,总共30个!!! 2个我朋友,28位博客。。。
This's my first time to see they attach together, even though I found something wrong with it but I've no time to recover them!!!
Looks the background look nicer!!! @.@!!!
好像背景比较好看!!! @.@!!!
Why the horsy's leg are not touching the floor??? !!! =[
何谓的瑕疵呢??? 就是马儿的脚没有触碰到地上!!! =[
Look at this……argh~~~
Felt so bad and mad when I look at this every time……!!! =[
再次看到,我都要疯掉了。。。。。。!!! =[
Here's what I expect!!!
For those who received those can't be stand, please open these two outer legs wider and for the wheel in the middle, I don't remember I did try spin it or not, but if it doesn't work, you can open it up to fix it a bit!!! Sorry~~~

Maybe some of you might ask why I don't use red or pink paper to wrap it??? Actually I wanted to get the bubble envelope for it, but the size I want is out of stock, tried search around these area but still end up with the same result!!! The last hope is head over to BU and IPC but I don't want to stuck in LDP traffic jam to waste my time so I might just wrap it myself!!! The only draft paper, my sister can provide for me is these and I wrap them with two layers, cause I don't want to see any of them like my snowman last time, the face was "damage" by the postman!!!
Since they're two layers, I took so long to wrap, look at the time is around 2pm in the afternoon Monday, and I was still there haven't with the wrapping~~~
Luckily my third older sister lend a hand, she helps me wrapped some of those, for those see lots of stationary tapes at the back were wrapped by my sister!!!
或许你会问既然是新年为什么信封不是红色的??? 说到这个我就无奈。。。我想要的泡泡信封没有了,找了连个书局都没有,以LDP的塞车度,我想在这种紧急的状态还要浪费时间塞车??? 唯有自己包了,而我只有这个颜色的废纸我姐姐不要的,为了保护它我包了双层,避免好像上次我的雪人一样被压坏还是被折烂!!!
Luckily Pos Laju close at 8pm, cause in order to receive before CNY, yesterday was the last day to send!!!
About writing the address……both of us forgot to bring pen, the pen around there has no ink……only one is working, luckily my sister know someone couple shop beside!!!
I wrote my address, then she wrote receiver address, from the writing as you can see totally two different person, her handwriting are way better than me, even the signature behind was her signature!!! =]
我家地址是我写的,你们的地址是我三姐写的,可以看得出那字体的不同,她字体比我的好看得多。。。连后面签名都是她签的。。。!!! =]