Friday, February 26, 2016

【Book|書籍】Paris Letters

February 26, 2016, Friday
上次買了的這本書,本來想說要在一個月之內看完的,但是我卻用了一個月半才看完,不過還好吧,總好過沒有看過,嘻嘻! 可是我倒覺得首先是要這書的內容是不錯,因為無論什麼語言,假如內容很不理想,我真的會無法看下去,因為最近看書多了,會發覺真的有一些書會讓你沒辦法將它看完的。。。


Tuesday, February 23, 2016


February 23, 2016, Tuesday
Such a very inspiring movie, from a clerk or a housewife turns into an inventor. Maybe not many people thought so too, people has been telling her that's a huge mistake to invest in her self-wringing mop. But the truth is in the end she has successfully run her own business and also helping others to develop their new invention too.
一部非常有激勵性的電影,通常人家提起實現夢想都會說是十多二十幾歲的時候,當你已結婚了,三十幾歲時候在談自己夢想的時候,別人就會說“你別傻了!” 但在這部電影里,也是改編自真人真事的電影的她,的確好像奇跡般的成功了。

✈1 Picture Soures

Thursday, February 18, 2016

【Movie|电影】The Finest Hours|絕命救援

February 18, 2016, Thursday
Based on a true story Pendleton rescue happened in 1952, a  T2 tankers SS Fort Mercer and SS Pendleton broke in half due to the heavy storm, fortunately this young crewman risks his life, pass through the series of shoals to save them. A lifeboat that only build to take 12 people, but it manages to take 36 instead. A ship that broke into two and still sailable in the sea was a miracle and this was the another one.
✈1 Picture Sources

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


February 17, 2016, Wednesday
About the Friendship thing, when I was young I was thinking isn't bad to have many friends, so when you wanna ask someone else to hangout, at least you've bunch of list in hand. 
今天來談談友誼吧! 友誼這回事還真是學不完的人生課程,不同年齡遇到不同的朋友。 如何找人當朋友,如何自己當一位朋友,這學問從來不簡單,看似簡單的也許是你幸運的遇到好人,但是遇到不好的呢?


Sunday, February 14, 2016

【Movie|电影】The Mermaid|《美人魚》

February 14, 2016, Sunday
A movie that my mom insists to watch because she saw it has broke numerous box office records since the beginning of the day and now became the highest grossing film in China.

✈1   Picture Sources

Friday, February 12, 2016

【CNY|新年】Fifth day of CNY|大年初五

February 12, 2016, Friday

Thursday, February 11, 2016

【CNY|新年】Endless Fireworks|不停的煙花

February 11, 2016, Thursday
There's nothing in this post, I just post to share my fireworks pictures. As it wasn't an easy task, I was at first floor of my house, then I saw fireworks outside the window. So in order to take very good picture, I climb up to the third floor quickly. Done with it I back to first floor again...then I heard another fireworks I quickly ran up to third floor again...Yea, indeed it's considered as a very good workout then......


Monday, February 08, 2016

【Movie|电影】Ola Bola

February 8, 2016, Monday
Maybe you might have almost the same thought as me? Since The Journey was the highest grossing movie in 2014, so no doubt it we all have quite high expectation of this movie. But turn out to be it wasn't as nice as I expected, maybe one of the reason is the movie is taken from the true incident. As it was being clarify so clearly in the beginning and at the end of the movie that the idea was from the incident then the rest is by story imaginary creation.
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