Monday, September 28, 2020

【Restaurant|餐館】Foo Fee|福啡 (Menjalara)

September 28, 2020, Monday

Monday, September 21, 2020


Was kept thinking should I write on English for this one.

Self-cultivation - I learned a new word today.

How many of you have a depression friend around? How do you treated them? Assume they're dangerous people? Not dare to talk to them? Afraid whatever you said would trigger their emotional point? Believe these are what normal people would do. Gladly that I was able to walkout from the darkness gradually, can't be guaranteed that I'm fully recovered from it, but at least the amount of time to take to recover to the normal is getting shorter and shorter.

Thinking back long time ago where my best friend went to our high school's friend's wedding, a few of old schoolmates asked my best friend "how's the crazy one?", "are you still be friend with the crazy one?" Well, I really not sure what is their intention is and what answer do they expect.

The purpose of this post is just to bring a concern to those - If you're really that unfortunate that you've met a depression person in your life, please be aware of what you said, because that doesn't mean you're an absolute normal and elegant human being, it just show the world how much ethic you've.














Sunday, September 20, 2020

【Book|書籍】September Books Haul|九月新書購入

September 20, 2020, Sunday
Was thinking just wanted to buy a few only, but ended up bought 10, all these were due to the discount deal.


Saturday, September 05, 2020

【Random|雖寫】No Water|無水日

September 5, 2020, Saturday
✈️1 ~ 這一篇還真的沒有什麼重點,我純碎只是想要記錄家裡曾經的無水故事。。。因為,我姊姊實在太好笑了。 這張照片是她發過來的照片,她幾乎是找遍她家幾乎可以裝的容器來裝過濾水,因為她超級擔心沒有水喝。
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