Sunday, September 20, 2020

【Book|書籍】September Books Haul|九月新書購入

September 20, 2020, Sunday
Was thinking just wanted to buy a few only, but ended up bought 10, all these were due to the discount deal.

What a surprise that it got delivered on a rainy Sunday, got a call from the driver and said he's in front of my house. Grab the package from him and let's open box!
很驚訝的是他們周日都送貨。 還好我是給個正確的手機號碼,郵差來送貨的時候外面剛好下著很大的雨,他打電話來問我在家嗎,然後說他現在在我家外面,下著很大的雨,我家有雨傘嗎? 還好我在家,所以就匆匆忙忙的去收貨。 收貨后,當然是要等天空還是亮亮地,就要趕快來拍開箱片段。

Got interested on running recently so grab a book to study about running.

Saw a lot of YouTubers are reading this.

This got influenced by Youtuber NanaQ.

Saw this in a few blogs, like a highly recommended books by them.

Very famous book, just that this is the Chinese version of it and this is a MUST READ BOOK!

Recommended by Youtuber Yuubuke

Recommended by blogs

A book written by one of my favourite blog - CEO

Almost every Taiwan Youtuber has this book

Bought this because it needs to buy two of this category then only valid for the discount.

Other than books, there're two free gifts

But not sure this belong to which book...

A waller made from canvas

It seems OK.

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