Sunday, November 30, 2014

【Birthday|生日】To my Mom's Birthday|為媽媽慶生

November 30, 2014, Sunday
My mom said is good to celebrate birthday earlier but not later, so here we are gather on the week before to celebrate for her birthday. as her birthday is on the next Tuesday (December 2)

Friday, November 28, 2014

【Haul|购物】BearLim “Oh My Goat” @ 2015|2015年bearlim限量版【精装】笔记本

November 28, 2014, Friday
Ever since the first time I saw this from bearlim's blog post, I straight away click the "buy" button as I already want this so bad since saw her previous notebooks version (Yup and who knows if I click the "save it for later" button, due to my serious procrastinate thing I might noticed it back in year 2016 lo!!)

I preorder it on 20 of October, then wait and wait for it to appear in my mailbox......and finally it's here!!!

✈2 is the front cover and this's the back of it!

Was so nervous when I opened it, wondering will get one of her 95 mystery gift or not (details)

Wow, this's so awesome......I got it!! Do you know how lucky is this, she sold out 600 notebooks, but the mystery gift only have 95, like less than 1/6 chance!!
兴奋到极点的,她卖出600本笔记本,可是神秘礼物只有95份,我机会也太渺茫了吧!!   但没想到我却是95位随机赠送幸运儿的其中一位,简直是有点相视我2015年的运气应该也不会差到哪里去吧!

Look at the packing, it's so unique!! Actually I've opened it already, but I forgot to take picture, so I tied it back!! =.=!!!
包装到很精致,其实我是开过了,然后想到我忘了拍照,所以又再绑回去!!   =.=!!!

Really like her packaging so much, it's way too pro!!

Front of the Thank You tag

Back of the Thank You tag

This's the first free gift, which she fold, stick, and tied it all by herself and her families!!

It hasn't finish yet! Written on the tag "if you face any obstacles, please smile to yourself say "You're the best!""
用心小礼物的赠品还没完哦!   如果你遇到什么不如意的,请你嘴角上扬并告诉自己:你是最棒的!

After take it all out, do you smile as like the picture as well??

And......the back of it was written "Don't forget that rainbow always appear after storm!" Such a great positive encouragement, right??
还没完哦!!   它的背面还写着“千万不要忘记彩虹总出现再风雨之后哦!”   是否有种正能量满满的感觉呢??

Now look into the notebook itself!

I was smiling together while looking at these goats duh!! The first color divider page written "If happiness is an choice, then why you let it go?"
看到羊么么的笑容,其实也会跟着笑哦!   右边就在薄薄的隔层纸后第一页为色彩分割页的第一页,写着“如果快乐是一种权力,那你何必弃权喔?”

These are the free gift too!!

bearlim personalized stickers (they're too cute, not sure that I'll use them or not duh!!)

Another free gift is a creative corner bookmark and the quality is so damn good!!

A little calendar as one of the free gift as well

Second page of the color divider written "If you can't make a decision, follow your heart to decide then!" While the right side is 2015 calendar plus states public holidays and school holidays!
色彩分割页第二页写着“如果你又选择困难症,那就follow your heart呗!”   右页是2015年日历,公共假期加学校假期的 目录!

Then the following is the year plan (where I guess places to mark down some important birthday, event and vacation date, then at the end of the year, you'll see how interesting of your year is!!)

Have you set your new year resolution yet?? Right page as the third color page divider "If you felt difficult to gain happiness, then start collect your little luckiness since today!"
年头最重要的就是设定目标,这是一定不能少的,那你设定了没啊??   右页为第三页的色彩分割页写着“如果你觉得幸福很难,那从今天开始收集属于你的小确幸吧!”

Last page of the color divider written "If you scared to try, then you'll never get to experience the beauty of successes!" Start from the next page is daily "To-Do-List"
最后一页的色彩分割页上写着“如果你害怕尝试,那你可能无法品尝到成功的美好”   左页为每一天的“To-Do-List”

And monthly expenses (worries that is this enough for me to fill up all for a month?? But think the other way round, it's telling me to save more money duh!!)
还有Monthly Expenses(但是我的月花在这里会不会不够写啊???   还是以为着,为了可以把全部塞满这一页内,我必须花少一点,但其实我也没有花很多,哈哈哈!!   这可是不错鞭策方法!)

Monthly planner

Little motivation quote in every monthly planner page

Then follow by lots of line style pages

The last page is where a pen holder easy to keep a pen with it!!

Forgot to mention, they've two different colors, red and brown!! Since my Midori Notebook is brown color, so I picked red for this!!

One Notebook cost as RM30 (West Malaysia Postage as RM7 (for 1 to 2book); East Malaysia Postage as RM10 (for 1 to 2 book)) they're very limited yearly, she sold out all on the next day during her preorder period, so if you want please keep on tracking end of the year in her blog and Facebook



Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Aware of "Good Intention"|小心防“好心”

My third older sister got her stuffs done from the Jalan Kepong Public Kepong and straight to her car and looked all the doors!! Then suddenly a Chinese guy looks gentleman with a spectacles came in front of her car and point towards her car's tire said "bong zek"!! My sister then reply him with a 👌"okay" sign!! After that she drove slowly to the tire shop nearby, when she get out from her car and look at the tire, there's no sign of any the car tire is "bong zek", and she even ask workers to have a look at it, and it was definitely fine!! 

It was so lucky that she didn't get out of her car when the person told her at first because afterwards she got to know they're few car robbery cases recently!! The society is really sick, and this lessen also teach us that no matter how good the person look like, we still have to put 100% awareness on!! 😖😖😖
我三姐昨天在大众银行甲洞分行办好银行事务上车锁好门,突然有个年轻带眼镜诗诗文文华人男子出现在她车前手指向我轮胎,说“bong zek” 自然反应她回他手势👌。幸好她没有马上下车看,然后直接慢慢架到旁边的车厂。到车厂,她下车看看我轮胎都没事,没有“bong zek”!!!车厂人也帮她检查了说车轮胎没事!!而且她还得知说近日那边已经出现抢车事件。所以大家要加以小心!!😖😖😖

现在的人真的很猖狂,记得以前我三姐还说下次遇到什么车祸,无论大小都不要下车,避免中计,等到有帮手来,才下车一起解决!!   很多时候,就是要打起万分的精神,尤其是这种无措的时候,更不要乱啊!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

【Food|小食】Bunga Raya Popiah|春興薄餅

November 23, 2014, Sunday
原來寫漏的一篇。。。所以就趕緊補上吧! 雖然已過多年,但是還是話不多說的進入正題吧! 這個是延續芋饭肉羹汤的後續。 已經很飽了,知道哪裡有好吃的,他們好像已有了資料,只是來到這個的地方,沒有地方坐下來吃,也沒有停車的地方。 所以就拜託了孤傲王子的代勞,我們都坐在車上等他幫我們打包。


【Restaurant|餐廳】Restoran Kok Keong|板底街芋饭肉羹汤

November 23, 2014, Sunday
以月份來往回走,那時候的馬六甲博客聚會篇,我是我還未寫完的,好吧! 做人就要有始有終,所以就請容許我把這三篇快速的講解過吧! 回顧Donald & Lily的早餐篇,我們吃完後就回到住宿去休息加玩撲克牌,21點的方式,我們輸了的錢都拿去當午餐的費用去了。


【Restaurant|餐廳】Donald & Lily|吃吃吃的早餐

November 23, 2014, Sunday
Was so tired from last night, we even bought a pack of playing card while on the way home, unfortunately we were too tired for it, so all went to bed early after took a shower.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

【Gift|禮物】Exchange Christmas Card|交換聖誕卡片

November 22, 2014, Saturday
在還沒見到Ember之前,我們到Aeon逛一逛,因為靠近聖誕節,所以容易看到很多賣聖誕禮物的地方。 其中被我瞄到的是賣聖誕卡的這個攤位,看到的時候,我不知道哪根筋傻了,忽然間就叫孤傲王子買Hello Kitty的聖誕卡給Ember。 當時我的音量還有點大,不小心被附近逛著的小姐們聽到,她們驚訝的望過來,而Kiko也是被嚇到,怎麼我忽然間叫人家買東西。。。 不要問我,我真的有時候很直,所以容易說話得罪人。


【Wedding|婚礼】XiaoShu's Wedding|小树婚礼

November 22, 2014, Saturday

【HomeStay|民宿】Day 1 Melaka Guest House|两天一夜住宿

November 22, 2014, Saturday
✈1 Picture from their website

【Birthday|生日】Ember's Birthday Surprise|Ember的生日驚喜

November 22, 2014, Saturday

【FoodCourt|食集】Food Paradise @ Dataran Pahlawan, Melacca|食为天@英雄广场,马六甲

November 22, 2014, Saturday

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

【Thoughts|想法】You rather being Stupid or Smart?|该装聪明还是笨?

November 19, 2014, Wednesday
Sometimes when I saw people post about something very silly and stupid, I'll be very mad about it (I know this's kinda of nonsense that angry on something which's nothing to do with me) But seriously, I really dislike those people simply write something just because they know barely of it, which's so irresponsible!! Those type of messaging that we put out into the world does individual, actually we're the media, we're in control of the content, that's put out into the world!! Yah, and the you know worst thing is all these people they usually have certain type of loyal followers, who're so obsess and admire them, just believe what all these people saying, don't you feel crazy about it?? The main point I want to say it here is, please be aware of your content, as the video said we're the media, you're sending out the message to the world, maybe for those who know nothing will admire you like hell but for those who understand the whole incident would just look at you as a joke!!!

Here's the thing, I always get confuse and wondering, should I tell them, they're actually sending those wrong message or not??? For those good kind they'll understand and accept it politely, but for those who's "so called" confident to themselves, they'll just stand for it, and their die hard fans are even crazy, will come and spam you like hell by correcting their idol...=.=!!

So as for you would you rather being stupid pretend you don't know anything and don't correct them or stand out the truth and tell them they're wrong?? Wait a minute, remember the conflicts here is when you don't telling the truth people would start saying you're being selfish and never share about what you know, but so if you saying the truth is there anybody would believe that???

很多时候当我看到有些人写一些很白目很自以为是的东西,我会觉得很生气(但又觉得自己很无聊,这样小小事情都可以拿来生气。。。)气的是有些人总爱自以为是的写一些东西,但其实在别人或此事的专家眼中其实是一个大笑话!!   有些事你知道的知识其实只是皮毛,却不是专家但你却在社交网站写出来,不知道的人就以为你是神的一样拜,相信十足,但其实那都只是你自己的略懂一二,而并没有注明如此,这等同于你是在散布错误消息不是???凡是在社交网上写东西,你都是可以称之为一位传媒,因为你是散播着消息,把讯息从你的社交网上传到每个人的眼里!   

问题来了,当你看到这些错误消息的时候,你是保持安静还是反击?????   有时候你反击,他人也未必接受,而且更糟糕的是他所谓的仰慕者还会来插几脚,这种无端端惹事上身的事,相信现在的人都是可免则免,其实我也是这样,虽然真的很气很气,但都会直接关掉不看罢了。。。


Sunday, November 16, 2014

【Movie|电影】Big Hero 6|超能陆战队

November 16, 2014, Sunday
My brother said its costume is like cartoon version of Iron Man, but I guess is the matter of the color, so which makes slightly look like it!!
我哥哥说它有点像是卡通版的Iron Man,一样是设计“机器”的,就连“衣服”不知道是不是颜色的关系,看起来也有稍微一些类似!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

【Restaurant|餐廳】Tony Roma's|義大利式餐廳

November 13, 2014, Thursday
A colleague of mine came by our local office here to give us some training since September. Is been two months now and he has to be back to our main office in few days. So another of my colleague said why don't have a lunch with him.

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