Saturday, November 22, 2014

【Wedding|婚礼】XiaoShu's Wedding|小树婚礼

November 22, 2014, Saturday
I know I know, it's been almost a year, but I'm still glad that I take time to write this sweet memories of 小樹. It was heavy rain outside and slightly traffic jam, but luckily we still be able to make it on time!

Was thinking to have a quick picture with her, but she was too busy so we went inside to have our own wefie first @.@ (is that really related??) 
在進場的時候,看到很漂亮的小樹新娘,很想當場來個合照。 但後來的賓客一直綿延不斷,我們當中只有手腳快Ember成功和她來張合照。。。場外拍不到,我們就來個場內自己拍的。

Ice cream in the end, okay! I must said this's my most favorite dish that night, don't you agree who doesn't like ice cream?? I guess next time the dessert they should put ice cream instead, pretty sure no matter how full everyone is, they still will finish it.
你。。。是不是在找著食物味道的講解呢?? 答案是沒有的,因為事隔太久,加上想要偷雞看看其他博客有沒有寫,但是不幸運的他們都沒有寫出來,所以我唯有只是放照片而已啦! 不過我為一樣記得的是那個最後的甜品冰淇淋是最好吃的啊!

I'm wondering did you just scroll scroll scroll expect to see the description of the food taste?? Honestly, besides taste of the ice cream, I've already totally forgotten how was their taste =.=!! Anyway, thanks for 小樹 wedding invitation, it was really fun. Were thinking that we might not have chance to take a picture with her, but at the end of the wedding, she walked towards our table with her heavy wedding gown just to take picture with us. That's so touching......
婚宴順利的完成了,我還在想那。。。我們不是沒有機會跟新娘子拍照?! 但就在這個時候,她在遠方提著她超重的禮服向我們這裏走了過來(原來,她還記得我們叻,超感動的!)這麼辛苦走到來這裏,不來幾張留念的照片怎麼說得過去呢。。。

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  1. Wah, special leh, I've never seen ice creams served in wedding dinner wor.. Usually chinese pancake (wor peang) and lotus white fungus sweet soup, or red bean.. Looks nice everything, especially the first and second dish, and also the suckling pig :)

    1. Yup, that's my favorite dish, and wish to take all home, hahaha!

  2. So far, i have not seen ice cream served in wedding dinner to...

  3. Ice cream...that will be my favourite dish too. Your friend very clever to think if that leh.

    1. But I heard most of all their parents decide everything, means their parents have done a very good arrangement!

  4. the bride and groom will be very busy on their wedding day and dinner.. if you can already get 2 minutes from them to congratulate them personally and take a photo, that would be good enough, haha!!

    err, food description?? haha.. wedding dinner dishes are all almost identical so not necessarily need to blog about them also lor, haha~~ xD

    1. Hahaha! No la, got certain one their food were so terrible man, don't feel like eat anymore. My mom always said if the first dish was nice then the following will be nice as well, but the opposite side, if it wasn't good then the following one, would be the same.

  5. Congrats to the happy couple. Hey! Nick is there too. He's everywhere! LOL!!!

    Wowwww!!!!! Huge abalone! How much is a table like that there? Bet it is more than 1K, right?

  6. 新娘非常为大局着想,在最后那part觉得新娘不会忘记每一个来宾,每一位都好好招待。幸福哦~

  7. What a happy wedding with all the smiling faces!
    I love to attend wedding dinners as the food is always delicious to slowly munch while we chat the night away with friends and relatives.
    The 4 seasons dish looks nice in that unique plate!!!

    1. Really? My mom doesn't it, she said is waste of time >.<

  8. 新娘单是要跟大家合照那个精力就必须很强大,尤其笑容XD

  9. wah wah wah!!!after one year only you update the post, i almost forget already.....
    but really happy can meet you all!! conclusion is,we all will become crazy people when meet up @.@

    1. Hahaha, what I'm better than you, you didn't post at all lo!

  10. 恭喜你的博友哦!XD

  11. So sweet of the bride to remember to take photos with all of you! The ice cream at the end is really unique. The other food look very good too. Where is this place?

  12. yummy.... love the food and first time see your pic so clear here . :)


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