January 18, 2015, Sunday
I like to record this, write the happiness and the sadness, despite people saying the sadness would bring the negative feedback, but I also wrote that down because that's part of me, thinking of gradually it would swing away from me!!
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January 8 (Thursday) ~ Thinking of showing from 1st of January but looks like that hasn't finish, so just show what've done so far!! My life is like this, no matter how busy I'm, some sadness will flip through my mind and thinking about sad thing (Seriously telling myself am I really too free for that???)
1月8日(星期四)~ 本来是想放1月1日开始的,但还没完成=.=!! 所以就由8号开始吧! 我就是有时候就会变得这样的Emotional,突然间很负面,就完全不是因为发生什么事而忽然间伤心(得空没事做啊?)
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January 9 (Friday) ~ Received a postcard from the backpack hostel where I used to stay in Taiwan, it's super cool hostel with its space theme design!! No doubt it the main reason I choose to stay is because of the theme, hehe!! =]
1月9日(星期五)~ 在台湾的时候,我住进了一个超酷的住处,里面全是太空主题的(无可否认地就是因为这个吸引我的)但我那时候不知道为什么也没有很踊跃的去认识人! 但确实很好玩,因为买了很多MT! 明信片是当时他们给于的免费明信片,上面是他们工作人员的照片,很可爱,当时想不到要寄给谁,而且只有一张,就寄给自己吧!
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January 10 (Saturday) ~ On a month before I received email from Nikki about this First Aid Volunteering Training course!! The last training I went was in March about the Shark Savers Event at Mid Valley!!
1月10日(星期六)~ 早在一月前就收到Nikki的邮件,关于志工的急救的训练,我有一种不好的坏习惯,每次很踊跃的参加,但是在要出发前就会很懒惰,会幻想很多自己待会儿会不会有什么傻事发生! 续上次去那里参加训练已是三月的事了,那个是我不翅了的活动!
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January 10 (Saturday) ~ Do you remember when was your last time you take note in class??? (No matter how long was it, my writing still ugly as usual!)
1月10日(星期六)~ 真的忘记我上一次做笔记是何时的事,那字体还是一样的潦草(还是更潦草啊?)
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January 10 (Saturday) ~ The training was start at 10am till 4pm, and we had an hour lunch break in the between!!
1月10日(星期六)~ 中间有一个小时放饭的午餐时间,回来再继续!
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January 10 (Saturday) ~ Before the training starts around 930am we had an icebreaking game which they put a famous character note behind our back to let ourself to ask and guess who was it (mine was so so simple, don't you agree??) At last before the training ended, each of us received a certificate from them (it was my third certificate from World Vision!)
1月10日(星期六)~ 在训练还没开始前我们每个人的衣服后面都被贴着一张纸,上面写着不一样的著名角色名字,好让我们容易破冰!最后训练结束后还得到一张奖状(有点光荣,奖状这回事,我不嫌多!)
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January 11 (Sunday) ~ On their last day of 20 stickers switching figurine game, I got this EVE!! It's so cute, compare those I got last time which is Michael "Mike" Wazowski, and one which I really don't know what's call and don't know where I put it......this's of coz way more cuter than them!!
January 11 (Sunday) ~ My one one book plan of the week, I've fish this book which I bought from Taiwan, which has give lots of inspiration to me!!
1月11日(星期日)~ 在Tesco的帖子交换中,我终于抽到一个比较好看的卡通人物了,虽说上次抽到Michael "Mike" Wazowski,还一个的,不过照片不知道去了哪里! 就想说那么多次,终于在他结束前抽到一个好的回来!
1月11日(星期日)~ 一星期一书计划,就看完了,我从台湾带回来的书,“20几岁,已经决定女人的一生”给了我很大的激励冲劲!
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January 12 (Monday) ~ When I was in Taiwan, kept on heard my friend said LINE, then I started using it......found that it's a pretty fun apps, which has lots of moving emoticals and also I get to know from my friend who that they've a PC/Mac version as well, good that I don't have to look at my phone anymore when my PC is with me!!
January 13 (Tuesday) ~ The theory of attraction, I've read quite a few books, but I haven't read Secrets, Power, Magic, and Heroes!! Theory about attraction about what type of person you're, you'll attract what kind of person and stuffs!!
1月12日(星期一)~ 在台湾的时候一直我台湾朋友说LINE,原来它也蛮好玩的嘛,好多可爱的卡通表情,好像用都用不完般! 感觉自己有点outdate,假如不是跟一位志工朋友聊天,我真还不知道LINE有电脑版本的,这就很好很方便啊,我无须看电脑的时候又看手机!
1月13日(星期二)~ 吸引法测,话说我看很多书,但好像秘密,魔力,力量的书,我好像没有看过,不过这个吸引法测却让我的正能量满满的回来了!
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January 13 (Tuesday) ~ Mask is must thing for me to do!! Last time I always take a picture of it because I put on it, but later on I always forgot how's function, so then this can help me to drop down what I feel!!
January 14 (Wednesday) ~ To be or Not to be!! A Hong Kong drama, I watch this because of Maggie Cheung Ho-yee, that's all!!
1月13日(星期二)~ 敷面膜,这是必要的! 想说我以前都是以拍照来记录,但是那哪里记得完啊,所以这时手帐就帮得上忙啦!
1月14日(星期三)~ 来生不做香港人,海外又名客家女人,全都是被张可颐给吸引才看这部剧的!
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January 15 (Thursday) ~ Again, the stupid emotional came again~~~
January 15 (Thursday) ~ Watched Blackhat, I found this's a pretty good way for me to recall back what's the story in the movie, usually I just wikipedia to check the character chain of the movie, but this one, have no idea why image of the other characters are so little, so this my character chain like so lack of some character!!
1月15日(星期四)~ 悲观再现,好像挥之不去。。。
1月15日(星期四)~ 电影Blackhat,也许我也是实在看太多电影了,所以我每次看完都会有点忘记电影的内容是什么,所以这样写下人物关系,会让我更加记得,但是这部电影有点奇怪,我上网去查看人物列表,好像除了主角之外其他的主角都没有什么照片,所以就变得有点不清不楚的感觉!
It's good to record your feelings, good or bad, I believe they will make you a better person after that.. your blog your like your record your sukak..
ReplyDeleteHahaha, yup!! On the other way, it's a good record for me also!! Can refresh back what have I done wrong!!
Delete真好, 容易忘记是好事啊
DeleteIt's a good way to keep record.
ReplyDeleteYup, so I won't miss out anything when I want to write a blog!! =]
DeleteIt's a good way to keep record.
ReplyDeletewah, many notes, it is good to keep a record like me too~ XD
ReplyDeleteWhen do you want to show yours then??
DeleteYour peg/clip so cute - the one with the tongue sticking out.
ReplyDeleteThat's present from one of a very cute blogger!! =]
Deleteimpressive!! so you actually have a very "tangible blog" that you scribble everyday and a "cyber diary" that you type and publish posts often.. it's actually good to record down your thoughts and feelings..
ReplyDeletep/s: don't have to mention about what others say every time la, we understand this is your blog, just write what you like and we all still read on to support!! hehe.. :)
Hahahaha!! Because I fed up on replying it, so before people say it I cut it down before!!
DeleteI never thought that my blog would become my diary too. I started my blogs to awaken humans and readers but over the years I started to scroll back to see the dates I visited places in overseas.
ReplyDeleteHahaha!!! I didn't make it become diary la!!! Just sharing the notebook only!! Those can't punlish I'll sencer it!! So not like everything out lo!! =]
DeleteTake note in class? 那是啥东西啊? Even when I was in college, I have never taken notes in class. In fact I hardly attend classes. Have other nice people to borrow the notes from to photocopy! XD
ReplyDeleteWow, then you must a very smart people, no need to attend also can score!! Damn geng lo!!!
DeleteYou keep a very lovely journal in your notebook with cute sketches and drawings to illustrate how your day has been. I think we cannot be happy every day and sadness is part of being a human being so it is ok to feel sad and down. As long as you can still function despite feeling sad then it is ok.
ReplyDeleteYah lo!! Don't lie, the life alway full of happiness and unhappiness, just depends on how you look at it only!!
Delete最近大家都疯手帐呀~我写了两页就没写了XD(三分钟热度:( )
ReplyDelete为什么不继续呢?呵呵!那是一个很好的记录啦!! =]