Sunday, May 31, 2015

【Floria|花卉展】Flower Market|賣花區

May 31, 2015, Sunday
不知道為什麼被遺忘的一篇,在查尋照片的時候才發現到的,所以二話不說,就趕快來個有頭有尾的結局吧! 上一篇可以點擊這裡。 我們在室內走出來的時候,其實天已開始黑,在檢查我們還有哪一個部分還沒逛的時候,我們就發現到這裡,這裡就是賣花的地方。 每次的花卉展內,就一定會有一區是有賣花的,對於我媽媽這位愛花之人,怎麼可能錯過這樣的機會?


【Floria|花卉展】FLORIA Indoor|花卉展室内

May 31, 2015, Sunday
Browse through my photo folders saw that I still have some leftover pictures of the Putrajaya Floria event. So here is it (before the 2016 one came by, hehe!)


May 31, 2015, Sunday
Today, I take you to see flowers...Yup, in the floria of course you assume to see lots of flowers, right? As my eldest sister point at which then I take a picture of it...and that my eldest brother in law started to get bored (hardly find men to like flowers ya! =.=!!) He said he waiting us outside at the food area......
今天来看看花,以下这么多,你最喜欢哪一种花呢? 下面全部照片都是我大姐指哪个,我就拍哪一个。。。她一直说你这样一个一个拍,要拍到何时?? 所以我大姐夫都不耐烦,索性到外面吃个汉堡及喝咖啡等我们。。。


【Floria|花卉展】2015 Royal FLORIA Putrajaya Overview | 马来西亚布城2015花卉展综合版

May 31, 2015, Sunday
Went to Putrajaya Royal Floria last Sunday (I'm freaking glad that I'm FINALLY can write something which is still happening now, I know I always write outdated post, please don't remind me for that...) Bet the first question came through your mind is "I must be flower lovers, since I haven't missed any of it since 2013." Honestly, I'm not that really addicted to flower (but I don't mind receive any flower of course if want to send one to me ya!) The reason I came every year is because of my mom, she loves being a good girl, good daughter like me......for sure I will accompany her, right??
新鲜滚热辣的(终于有机会写现在还在进行着的活动了,好啦!我知道我一直写过期的东西,不好意思啊!)自2013年开始我几乎每一年都会去看的花展,全部人第一个问题就是“你很喜欢花哦?” 我!是没有很喜欢花(但会很期待收到花啦,那是不一样的哦!) 我之所以每一年报到,是因为我妈妈很喜欢花,所以才陪她去看啊!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

【Boeing|波音】ANA Dreamliner 787|全日空航空787梦幻客机

April 11, 2015, Saturday
I haven't finished my previous travelogues then now I got to start a new one, but I MUST write this first instead, as I've already paid so much for the flight ticket, so I don't want this to be keep in my draft for too long ya. (I know some would say I better hurry up finish all my travelogues instead of jump here and there to write separately, guess that's not only the time issue but also depends on my mood, actually I'm pretty great that I wasn't a full time blogger, because I seriously don't have the mood to write everyday. One post could take me AT LEAST 3 hours to finish, so's really time consuming, don't you agree??) This post gonna be a bit long because I can't split them into parts like I always do and that gonna be very awkward...but I wonder you prefer to read all in one post or separately, parts by parts??
又在开启另外一个游记让我好惭愧,因为我有很多其他的都还没写完(算了吧,我的拖延症再加上恐怖的忙碌生活,还可以有文出已经算很好了。。。)既然如此,这日本游记也是可能只写一篇,然后第二篇就不知道何时了。。。但这一篇(会很长,而且照片很多,因为分开来写又太奇怪了,难道飞机餐一篇,窗口一篇,厕所一篇吗? 虽然我很爱分开来写,但这个实在太难了“不过我倒想问问你们比较喜欢看一篇长长的还是短短的分开来写啊?”而且我几乎用了一个星期来写这篇,真的有够力,但即使再长我也一定死都要写,毕竟花了这么比一般机票贵3倍的飞机票换回来的(不写真是太对不起我自己了! 然后我顺便也要说很多人可以花很多钱去吃高级餐厅住高级酒店,我这只是因为要满足我爱飞机的欲望,只是看价值在哪里罢了,不然不用说一定会有人会讲,“你花这样的飞机票钱,我都可以拿去买欧洲的机票来回了!” 犀利的留言你不用写,我现在就帮您写啊! 对,就这句,对吧?难道你每次吃贵贵的食物,我要留言说“你花这样的钱吃一餐,我已经都可以用来吃一星期了?” 相同道理,而且几个小时后,还会变成褐色的。。。怎么讲飞机就讲到米田共去?)

I bought this last year and I placed it on my desk to inspire me everyday. After my solo trip to Hong Kong last time with A380 (which is I seriously pick it not because of the destination but because the type of the aircraft) Same as this time, I picked ANA, not because the price of flight ticket, instead it's very expensive, like 3 times expensive than the budget flight ticket (Okay, here comes to the part where people like to say "with the same amount of price ticket, I can fly to somewhere in Europe instead!" Well, how about I say "With the same amount you having meal in high-end restaurant, that could last my meals for a week!" Is it the same thing, just depends on how you judge the values on it)
在它之前我疯狂的喜欢上A380,在独自去香港尝试后,我现在又想要有另尝试,无可否认的是我出国旅行最期待,最注重的不是目的地,而是飞机的航班和飞机的型号(这个比地点更重要? 对! 那份激奋不会有人比我还厉害,即使和我一样爱飞机的同事也是一直说我是傻的! 哼,我何时说过我是正常的呢?)人家出国都是选越便宜的机票越好,再不然就是想坐商务舱还是头等舱,可以像我这样白痴的,我真的没有遇过。(但照我来说,飞机里我最想最想坐的是战斗机的驾座,那才算是帅,酷嘛! 又离题了。。。)去年某天购入了这787模型一直放在我桌子上,我同事几乎每次来到我桌子前就会拿上来玩玩一下=.=!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015


May 24, 2015, Sunday
大馬美女人氣作家的第四本書,老實說她的前三本我也有買,有兩本看完了,還有一本還沒看。 因為有看過她本人,覺得她的人很真很友善,一點也不做作,所以難免印象分增添不少,而且又是一位美女,好像漫畫人物一樣,很可愛。


Sunday, May 17, 2015

【Book|書籍】The Secret|《秘密》

May 17, 2015, Sunday
The secret, what's the secret?? It's the law of attractions. When first get to know this book is the English version of it, saw it in my friend's bookshelf but I wasn't pay that much attention into it. Then follow my one of my favorite Taiwan writer Queen, how she explained  which types of person you're, then you will attract which types of person. Also I got inspiring more while Eve shared the conclusion is, after I read this book, I can throw away all my self-enrichment books ya... One of this can conclude all of them!

Monday, May 11, 2015

【Mother's Day|母亲节】Mother's Day Confession|母亲节的告白

May 10, 2015, Sunday
Is Mother's Day, is that the only day you care more about your mother and is that the only day you will post as many pictures of you and her as you can to show caring about her?? While the daily posts are mainly friends and the beloved??? Recall few weeks ago my aunt told me story about her husband family celebrate her mother in law's birthday. As their family is a very stone traditional cultural family, the daughter in law must go back home to cook for father in law and mother in law for 10 days, so she has 4 sons and 3 daughters, here's how they distribute the works. Like my aunt's  husband is the eldest son, so she has to go back to cook from day 1 to 10 on every months. Unfortunately her mother in law got stroke last year, then they started to find excuses not to go back and nagging here and there but without giving any helps. On her mother in law's birthday that day, each of them were so desperate to take picture with her and kissing her (Besides my aunt, she said they only "do" that and care about her on those special days, usually they just avoid from seeing her!)
母亲节难道就只有是在母亲节的时候才想到跟妈妈庆祝? 只有母亲节才拼命的晒温馨照?? 而平时都只是有跟爱人或朋友的合照??? 记得在几个星期前我小阿姨说她跟她家婆庆祝生日的时候,她家的小姑跟其他媳妇全部都拼命的要跟她家婆合照,然后拼命亲吻。。。我小阿姨夫家是一个非常传统的家,她家婆有四个儿子和三个女儿,她家传统的规定是每十天都有一定要有一位媳妇回来夫家给家公家婆准备早,午,晚餐。我小姨丈是大儿子,所以她必须在每个月一号到十号去煮饭给家公家婆吃。她家婆不幸去年中风,情况更糟,他们开始退档来退档去开始找借口不要回去,别人在做的时候不帮忙在说,一直在旁边念来念去。。。但在家婆的生日的时候就一直大晒亲情,狂拍照(我小阿姨说“他们全部人都去亲她,只有我没有去亲!” 只有重要节日才这样的“孝顺”,平时又不见他们这样孝顺?? 那是做作出来给外人看的吧!)

Mother's day is not the only day to show how filial piety you are, if you're truly filial piety, everyday can be mother's day. When we're as a child, we always stick with our parents, while we grown up we only mind thinking how to earn as much money as we can, then finding our loved one...then our children...... The priority position of our parents was kept on dropping as our age is getting bigger, like first priority to forth priority, forth to twelve...and now they're become our replacement. So when would you thought about your mother?? Is WHEN "We want to go out! We want go for a trip!" Because is not safe to leave our children to the outsider but to our mother, isn't that she's the best guardians ever?? (Don't you agree?? Raise up your hand Please...) When we found something interesting or tasty food, first came to mind to share is to your loved one or your friends...(Mother?? She doesn't know anything and troublesome......)
母亲节不是母亲节才庆祝才孝顺,真的孝顺的话,天天都是母亲节。人在小时候常常粘在父母身边,大了就想着赚钱想着爱人,然后就想着孩子。。。父母在自己每大一岁在心中就改变位置,一变四,四变十二,现在他们也许已变成后备(参插容祖儿16号爱人的歌词)大多想到是“我们要出去,我们要去玩,我们要去旅行!” 才会第一个想到妈妈,因为给别人顾又不放心,给妈妈照顾是最安全的了,然后有些回来更犀利的就是带了孩子就走,这是你的看护所吗? (你说是不是,请给我举手吧,不要再骗了!)其他很少会想到这个地方不错,要带妈妈来试看!(有没有?? 在你心里第一个出现的人,一定是男朋友,老公,跟好友。。。算了吧,带妈妈去又麻烦,那样不行这样不行!)
I always rushing home to help her out. When was the last time you helped out your mother in the kitchen? Doesn't matter is your mother or mother in law, they always work 365 days without any holiday, just want to cook the best meal for their children...(The first thing when you got home, is play with your phone and watch the TV, right?? Then wait for your mother/mother in law to prepare everything and just know to sit by the table to eat??? Please, raised up your hand again. Umm, let me ask, is that your maid????) Few days ago,  my brother and I were look through all the cupboard in our house just to find sugar, then my brother was kept on saying we're just like guest here, not staying in this house lo!! =[
每天放工回家都是要赶着要帮忙她。你们有几位已经很久没有这样帮忙妈妈煮饭的呢? 无论是家婆还是妈妈,每天辛苦工作,365天全年无休,就为了让家人放工回来吃顿安心满足的晚餐(你是不是一回到家就滑手机坐着看戏,等妈妈/家婆弄便便了才去饭桌吃饭呢? 又请举手吧!想借问一下,这位母亲大人是你的庸人吗?)羞耻的说,我也没有好到哪里去,那天晚上我和我哥哥几乎翻篇厨房的橱柜才找到妈妈把糖放在哪里,我哥哥一直说“我们在这间家,好像只是住客罢了!” =[
Not to insult anyone, just want to say Mother is not a maid or any replacement, treasure her before too late, no more excuses, no more I will do that later, no more if I've....then I will......!! Here to wish every awesome mother Happy Mother's Day and so to the future mother as well!! =]

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

【Violin|小提琴】My Violin Open Box|学习小提琴之开箱文

February 28, 2015, Saturday
Finally, my violin is here!! As my teacher promised help me to buy a violin then I pay him back but unfortunately he forgot on my last lesson, so I was without a violin until now!! Luckily he did remember to bring mine this time...
真是超级兴奋,我终于拿到我的小提琴啦。。。真是等到我都没有心情了,有点想要3分钟热度冲动,想要不要学了呢! =.=!!
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