Saturday, April 30, 2016

【Waterfalls|瀑布】Lata Iskandar Falls|拉達伊斯干達瀑布

April 30, 2016, Saturday
舅舅因為常常都有跟旅行社合作,每當時間都配合到的,他都會叫我媽媽一起跟去,然後我的媽媽就會問我要不要一起去,因為我不放心媽媽一個人去,所以每次我都會跟著去,接機陪她多一點。 而這一次是3天2夜金馬倫和邦咯島的行程,我們上了金馬倫才去。


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

【Movie|電影】The Mobfathers|《選老頂》

April 13, 2016, Wednesday
✈1   Picture Sources


April 13, 2016, Wednesday
Maybe I'm already way pass this level, indeed I was a super easy to felt jealous person (okay, I always said I'm the second and nobody can bit me to get the first place)

But recently, actually is so not recently, is just that it came to the point to exceed my limit. In 2016, I started unfollow many people, many that only show the bright side of their life in the social media. Not that say that I jealous of them, eh! Actually I was, like those always got gift from who and who, then I would like why all these people like so fortune one, always must have somebody buy them something. So in order to stop that stupid jealousy thing, I stop following them (sorry ya, but keep reading, explanations come later) 

The reason I stop it is...I just want to focus on my life, one day I don't see what they have so I won't feel any jealousy and sour of them. Oh ya, so then you might say that I will lost track of my friends. Eh, come la! Those true friends, really needs your 24 hours to track them where are they and what are they doing is it?? Ever since I got betrayed by somebody, nope! I shouldn't use the "betrayed" word, because she doesn't betray me, she just used me......and fair enough, I was so stupid to realize it until the circumstance come and my the other friend pump into me ask about that......

As a senior level of a jealousy person, what was I kept on thinking was when people go travel, I will say like why they so rich one, kept on go for vacation. Then when people own something new, I will say why they got so much extra pocket money to buy extra stuffs one. And when people got gift from anyone, I was like why I don't have one or why I don't have somebody to give something like that......

Now what I wanna say is people got somebody sponsor them to go travel, so I go myself la. I save the money then go travel myself so I don't have to feel any sour from them and NOT EVERYONE ALWAYS GO TRAVEL IS RICH!!! Second people got new thing, I really need those stuffs?? If do so, save the money to buy, just as simple as that......Last, people got gift and why I don't have, I go send gifts to people, I'm very happy to prepare gifts because I like to see others surprise face. I DON'T NEED ANY RETURNS GIFT and started to learn from giving is more than receiving!!!

END OF STORY and no Chinese version today because is a rant post, hohoho!!!

Posts on this date -

Sunday, April 10, 2016

【Movie|電影】The Bodyguard|特工爺爺

April 10, 2016, Sunday
Sammo Hung has almost 64 years old, couldn't believe he has the energy to play in a role in action movie. And this time wasn't something just fighting but is sounds from breaking/cracking bones. I almost closed my eyes throughout the whole fighting scenes but my mom was so enjoying it =.= (this is not something like mother the daughter.) Even worst scenes was the feet sciatic nerve has been cut off. Not movie would do this scenes, remember the last time I saw this was in the the Naked Weapon which is in 2002.


Saturday, April 09, 2016


April 9, 2016, Saturday
Candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton. Very impressive life she has, saw this book at Popular bookstore the other day, nothing can stop me from buying it because I really wish she become a president, a female president, this also is a prove to those who always look down at female. I've this job always claim as male's job, and there're always a few like to say woman can't do this and can't do that, very old fashion thought. For now, in 20s century, Taiwan's president-elect is female, South Korea's president is female and etc.
誓言要做美國第一女總統的她,人們一聽到就會說“這女的野心太大了!” 我倒想問問爲什麽男的説要做總統,別人又不會說他野心大,而是説他有著很大的抱負呢? 難道就衹是性別的問題?? 面對性別歧視的話題,不是一般女性都有機會碰到的,像我從事著男性的行業,被歧視已經不是一天兩天的事了,雖然現在的20世紀,很多男人還是抱著女人應該去當個家庭主婦或者打份普普通通衹要在辦公室的工作就好了,那即不辛苦又可以時不時偷懶一下下就放工了。


Friday, April 08, 2016

【Decadance|舞蹈表演】Viva Vertical Malaysia 10th Year Anniversary Show |馬來西亞Viva Vertical 10周年慶: Femme Fatale

April 8, 2016, Friday
Went and watch this show because of Soo Wincci, was so regret that I couldn't make it to her concert last year, due to busy of my work. Start to notice her because of her incredible video when it came up on HK apple daily news. (couldn't believe artist dare to stand so in front to fight for the right)

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