April 9, 2016, Saturday
Candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton. Very impressive life she has, saw this book at Popular bookstore the other day, nothing can stop me from buying it because I really wish she become a president, a female president, this also is a prove to those who always look down at female. I've this job always claim as male's job, and there're always a few like to say woman can't do this and can't do that, very old fashion thought. For now, in 20s century, Taiwan's president-elect is female, South Korea's president is female and etc.
誓言要做美國第一女總統的她,人們一聽到就會說“這女的野心太大了!” 我倒想問問爲什麽男的説要做總統,別人又不會說他野心大,而是説他有著很大的抱負呢? 難道就衹是性別的問題?? 面對性別歧視的話題,不是一般女性都有機會碰到的,像我從事著男性的行業,被歧視已經不是一天兩天的事了,雖然現在的20世紀,很多男人還是抱著女人應該去當個家庭主婦或者打份普普通通衹要在辦公室的工作就好了,那即不辛苦又可以時不時偷懶一下下就放工了。
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232 pages book, not as you expected that it will tells all good things about Hillary. She has up and down in her life, became the first lady of United States, what obstacles she faced and how she overcome them.
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[Roughly translation: When John F. Kennedy became president of United States, he promised one day man will be send to the moon. She was so excited get to know the news so she send a letter to NASA said that she wish to become part of the team to join the training. Unfortunately she got rejected by them just because she's a female, she couldn't believe the sexual discrimination is the reasons but not on her capability. Since that she takes discrimination as a very serious to her] Same as me, guess hard for everyone to encounter this, if you're just working as a office job. Who said ladies must work as simple office job? Who said ladies must stay at home?? If we can balance well then is not a problem at all.
這個讓我起了很大的共鳴,性別歧視不但讓我去重視,更讓我真的發現,真的有本事的男人,根本就不擔心一位女性會超越他們,而那些不會扮很會,半桶水的,才會去想爲什麽女性要來做我們男性的工作。 因爲我自己已認證,厲害的那些。。。從來都不會歧視我(即使我很笨,但都會很耐心的教),而歧視我那些幾乎都是戴著有色眼鏡,會一點點就等於會完的男性!
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[Roughly translation: Hillary is always about politics, but doesn't mean that she didn't care about her family at all. Instead she will join her daughter's school activities and even check her homework, just like what other mothers do.] To me, as my priority, I still think female should put family in the first place, of course the best is family and career on the same place. Family as in must your own family, own children. See many married females has no children, because to them career is the first place, pregnancy or children is a burdens (those because of health issue and can't give birth was out of the range) With the kids they can't do anything, such as chase their dreams or simple as couples life. That's why, I always very admire those females can be as a mother also as a working lady, not many can do that and without any complains.
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[Roughly translation: England's writer Hardy, after he got famous, he still send his articles/works out to publishers. People were curious why he do so, then he said his articles might a chances got rejected. Being natural, being normal after you got famous is not a easy task and money can remain the same like this] Just like some bloggers around, I can tell at first their blog are very attractive, but after got famous or tend to become famous, they started change the writing style more to like advertisement, only mentioned the goods but not the bad is one thing. Have you realized the simple one and speak out from your heart is more friendly to read??? One of the famous traveler blogger Brooke Saward, her blog name is World of Wanderlust. She's one of the admire and favorite blogger, she has two posts update in a day, all are very informative and at the same time you won't read like you're reading an advertisement at all. For an example, she will write something about blogging tips, how to become a traveler blogger and since she always travel alone, she even writes how she takes her own picture when she was travel alone. She shares a lot tips and of course she has very impressive travelogues too, she will explore the country then list out the bucket list and most of the places visited are those places not normal tourists would go. Remember one thing, be yourself and don't forget why you start writing, then those whatever stealer or cheater can just become nobody to you.
“莫忘初衷”這四個字,聽起來容易,但真的要做到的,沒有幾位。 就拿部落格來講説,很多開始寫部落格就是純碎要記錄罷了,所以都很生活化,很普通,讀起來跟看起來時候都很舒服。但久而久之就會在想要自己變紅變得越來越多人知道,就打著要把好東西分享出去的行頭來經營部落格,沒有了自己。。。。。。慢慢起初的生活化,就變得商業化,然後最後就是廣告化。廣告化這句話是我説的,試問你有看過廣告將他們產品的缺點講出來的嗎? 部落格式的廣告化我看到了很多很多,紅了跟拼命想紅的,我有一次還無聊的去看回他們以前的博文,我真心覺得那些好貼切,好看好讀多啦!還有一陣衝動想要私訊他們說他們以前的文章比較好看,請不要再寫廣告了(白癡!還好這個衹是空想,不然人家會以爲我是神經病!)。 我不是衹會說別人一套然後自己又做一套的,想紅這件事我也做過,但是看著看著廣告化的博文再看看自己的,我看我的性格還是回歸正傳比較正常,不然自己就會一直鬼打墻,紅不紅這回事,就把它當個游戲,算了吧!
Author|作者: 徐则行
Publish Date|出版日期:2015/09/01
Pages|页数: 232
ISBN: 978-7-5502-6343-7
Price|定價:Popular ~ RM49.00 (Member RM 44.10)
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Yes, she's one tough and strong lady! I also love reading biography but can't find the time to read books.
ReplyDeleteJust squeeze the time for it, hehe!
DeleteI do hope that Hillary would win as she has good law studies background while Donald has excellent money making tactics to help revive US bad debts.
ReplyDeleteI read your links of World of Wanderlust and she is an interesting famous blogger. I wish to stop working and get paid to travel the world but there is no free lunch. Not everyone has good luck like her to get freelance jobs and the western culture do not expect kids to take care of aged parents.
Yea, same here, actually I think anyone is better than him, because he always said something very straight and it may cause conflicts with various countries relationship =[
DeleteI am for Hillary to win too!
ReplyDeleteGimme five!!