Friday, July 31, 2020

【Life|日常】Red Bean Soup|紅豆水

July 31, 2020, Friday

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

【Aircraft|飛機】Goodbye the Qantas last Queen of the Sky|再見了,澳洲航空的747

July 21, 2020, Wednesday
Nothing special today...just to record say goodbye to the last Qantas Airline Queen of the sky...


Saturday, July 11, 2020

【Book|書籍】The Great Character Books In The World|《世界最偉大的品格書》

July 11, 2020, Saturday
This is a book that I want to yell "I'm finally finished it!" It isn't about how boring is it, it just that it needs extra patient to read it, as it doesn't give me that motivation on urging to flip to the next page, therefore on the every page that I flipped through was like..."when can I finished it?"
很想大聲呼叫說“我已經將這本書看完了。。。” 我覺得這本書對我來說最大的挑戰是,它真的需要很多的耐性去閱讀。

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