Saturday, June 28, 2014

【Birthday|生日】A Week Before......|提早一星期。。。

June 28, 2014, Saturday
Met up with my best friend in Sunway, Mika! But forgot to take a picture with her (always forgot) She loves Japanese a lot, so here we are......
我朋友五指手指都数的出来,这位我忘了跟她拍照,她是我读Sunway的好朋友,美香!!!   喜欢吃日本餐的她让我可以不用选择很多,只要日本餐就行。。。

After lunch we shopped for awhile; after shopped for awhile we had tea break!!! How many best friends we'll have in our life??? Due to my bad tempered I don't have many friends, but who still stay with are those we have been friends for at least more than 6 to 7 years!!!

Short post on Wednesday!!! Have fun!!! =]
午餐后去逛街,逛街后再吃甜品。。。还是蛋糕???   人生知己有几位???   我脾气坏,所以基本上。。。在我身边留下来的朋友没几位,但留下来的几位都是超过6,7年的好朋友!!!

下次星期三也会写那么短!!!   =D

Sunday, June 22, 2014

【Floria|花卉展】Floria Putrajaya 2014 @ Malaysia: Inside ~ Designs by South East Countries | 马来西亚布城花卉展: 内区 ~ 亚洲各国作品

June 22, 2014, Sunday
✈ 1 Singapore ~ Hamidah Karim
Yup, is the floria post again, don't know I've how many post left, but I'm sick of seeing it remain in the draft post yes, here we go......
是的,又回來這篇啦,我總之是不一篇篇寫完,我就很不爽,不喜歡看到空洞,假如不喜歡,就跳過吧! 反正我只是志在分享,不會搶其所好。

【Floria|花卉展】Floria Putrajaya 2014 @ Malaysia: Inside ~ Designs by Various Countries | 马来西亚布城花卉展: 内区 ~ 多国家的作品

June 22, 2014, Sunday
I've pictures for this post done very long long time ago, just that I don't have the time to post!! Reason?? I've explained on the post yesterday, as I really don't want to skip it because I found it really useful when I want to look for the pictures to show my friend, then my blog here is just like an online external hard disc for me, super easy to refer back!! Is okay for me if you want to skip this post......I'm just here to record it!! =]
这篇照片很早就弄好,只是都没有时间写,回归昨天的其实一半也是因为我写的东西有严重过时,所以才会有这样的有感而发,忘了那些种种,我写部落格都是纯碎要让自己记录罢了!!   因为曾经真的尝试很多次,我要给我朋友看照片,来部落格,按一下就 找到了,它就算是我网上流动的储存箱吧!   没有兴趣的你,可以随时跳过,无伤大碍,欢喜就好!

Since the outside was so hot, then I told my mom to visit the inside one first!!

Taiwan ~ Chin Tine-Huang

Taiwan ~ Wen-Hao Liao
Of coz I don't simply take picture, look closely those petal wear putting inside the tube so nicely!! (There's some distance between it, so can't get a closer look with my current camera spec)

Hong Kong ~ Wong Shing Rringo

Korea ~ Korea Jeoung Young, Johnny

Taiwan ~ Tung Chin Nursery

This's what I meant, but this's the other way round, they put the root inside the bottle (is this the correct name for it??)

Taiwan ~ Chen-Zao Mei

Germany ~ Petra Konrad

Wonder how the designer get this complicated things done ya??

Japan ~ Haruhiko Nagata

Event Periods: June 14 (Saturday) ~ June 22 (Sunday), 2014
Time: 9 am - 10 pm (Monday - Thursday); 9 am - 12 am (Friday - Sunday)
Admission Fee: RM 3

【Floria|花卉展】Floria Putrajaya 2014 @ Malaysia: Inside Part I | 马来西亚布城花卉展: 内区1

June 22, 2014, Sunday
Another indoor floria display!!

【Floria|花卉展】Floria Putrajaya 2014 @ Malaysia: Outside Part I | 马来西亚布城花卉展: 外区1

June 22, 2014, Sunday
I was very lazy to visit this actually...due to the hot weather...but since my mom wants to I got to take her there then...with an Adult Rm 3 for the entrance and here we are!!!

First of all...start with designs by students from University as Flora Art Competition

This looks like Candy Crush feel to me...
这个有没有Candy Crush的感觉???

For me...the plants were not that attractive but the "earth", hehe!!!

The other side were designs from different state, bet there must be a lot of people working on a wood pallet is so heavy, right???

The day I went was the last day of the event, most of the plants were withered!!!

Best set up for wedding photo shoot???

Seeing from the far, it looks like string or rope...but stepped closer and's done by plastic bag??? Incredible!!!
这远看过去很像绳子,但近看原来是胶袋啊???   这工程完成的时间是需要多久啊???   都看到我目瞪口呆了!!!

Event Periods: June 14 (Saturday) ~ June 22 (Sunday), 2014
Time: 9 am - 10 pm (Monday - Thursday); 9 am - 12 am (Friday - Sunday)
Admission Fee: RM 3

Friday, June 20, 2014

【Dinner|晚餐】Supper?? @ Jogoya, Starhill, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia|哥哥的生日庆祝

June 20, 2014, Friday
I know I have damn a lot of outdated I got to finish this before July is here!!! =]


My brother birthday is June 18, but was on Wednesday so they postponed to Friday...we're celebrating with my dad's company staffs, but since the timing was so strange (10pm at night, should count it as dinner or supper???) so just few of them only...


As usual I always have dinner at home, so I was managed to eat a few only, hehe!!!


Seems like I was the only one who had dinner already, the rest was come with empty stomach...these are just very little part of those food that they had, actually they took a lot of food and surprisingly they can finish all of them too duh!!!


Even though I was very full, but the only thing I can't miss out is the ice cream, one green tea and one strawberry flavor...hahaha!!! ********************************************************************************

There're more desserts here, but I was too just can have picture of it but not having it!!! >.<!!!

Official Website: 
Tel: 603 - 2142 1268 
Fax: 603 - 2148 8171 
Address: T3, Relish Floor, Starhill Gallery, 181 Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Opening hours: (Daily) 
Lunch: 11:30-16:20 
Dinner: 17:00-21:30 
Supper: 21:40-24:00 

Lunch: 11:00-16:20 
Dinner: 17:00-21:30 
Supper: 21:40-24:00

Lunch: RM 82++ 
Dinner: RM 92++ 
Supper: RM 82++ 

Weekend / Public Holiday 
Lunch: RM 88++ 
Dinner: RM 98++ 
Supper: RM 82++ 

Children (followed by height): 
80 - 100cm: RM 10++ 
101 - 120cm: Half Price++ 
121cm above: Normal Price

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