Saturday, June 22, 2013

【Friends|朋友】 Saturday|周六

June 22, 2013, Saturday
We don't need many friends, just a few is enough. Had a great catch up with YMeng, PMun, MYee at IPC's Starbucks. Such a long didn't have Starbucks, not like in US I can grab one by myself, now I only have it when with friends.
最近老是寫一篇新的,然後再寫一篇舊的,每次看回去都會蠻感觸的,有些已不是朋友的,有些還是朋友的。 過去的時光,朋友的緣分,是你的就是你的,真的朋友是無論你怎麽駡架都會包容那種。 這是當時與YMengPMunMYeeIPC的星巴克的小聚。說到星巴克,我還真的很少喝,現在即使有喝,也是因爲有朋友在場才喝罷了。

And late night, since it was Saturday so YMeng and I had another drink at Bangsar. But even so is Saturday, I didn't order an alcohol drinks, because I gonna drive home later.

Starbucks Coffee | IPC Shopping Centre
IPC Shopping Centre Ground Floor, Lot G22 No.2, Jalan PJU 7/2 Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
+603-7499 1124

Chinoz BSC


  1. Oooo, I had Starbucks last week, although I don't drink coffee, I try to see any non-coffee in the menu.. I like the soya+green tea latte, and the white chocolate blended (with extra cream and caramel sauce), haha.. Their limited edition Christmas cups are nice too, but very pricey..

    1. I saw that too, just see then it's enough, don't have to buy it, hahaha!

  2. Finally. Kept clicking the bloglinks...but saw nothing. LOL!!! No photos of your friends?

    1. Because we were no longer friends so better don't post it. =]

  3. I also don't go to Starbucks normally because the drinks are expensive and I don't fancy coffee.. like you, only go there when meeting up with friends..

    1. Hahaha, next time maybe we can set up meetup there, so we can have an excuse to drink it.

  4. All starbucks drinks are too rich and sweet for me. You are such a busy person but you still take time out to have drinks with friiends - a friend like you is a gem!

    1. Hahaha, just trying my best, hope I don't get myself too tired.

  5. I think this month November is my world record for drinking almost 10 times in Starbucks KL and Tokyo in total. I am toxicated with caffeine now!! Wakakakaka I am happy anyway.

    I always like Starbucks better than most cafes. Where did you study in US again???

    1. Omg, hahaha! Don't take too much caffeine anyway, I studied in Western Michigan.


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