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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Unlucky or Careless|倒霉还是粗心

August 23, 2014, Saturday
Unlucky or careless?? I don't know, maybe you can tell me...I was about to be back home at 3pm but end up I got home around 9 at night......

Incident 1
As it was a relax and peaceful Saturday, so I plan to go Mid Valley to shop for a shoes, but in the end I got some clothes instead!! When I was about to go home, I opened my wallet saw that only RM3 inside...omg!! How am I gonna to pay for the parking ticket, I guess the parking ticket should be more than RM3, right?? Then I think shouldn't be a problem because there're ATM everywhere!!! I'm holding a Public Bank ATM card, but there're not many Public Bank around, so I headed to the HSBC ATM below the escalator, I was so sure that I've key in the correct pin number into the machines, but it keeps on telling me my pin number is wrong!! So I went to the one beside which's Maybank, then not yet get to the machine, was queuing half way, it states as "out of service" Is okay!!! I recalled there're few ATM in between connected bridge Mid Valley and The Gardens!! When I got there I felt so happy as I saw there're three of them and I've tried them all!! It failed, I can't take out any money, then I walked slowly and sadly to The Gardens, I saw a ATM signboard, so I follow the way and found the ATM, it was by CIMB but I just give a try......then failed too!!! So I called my third older sister, she's not helping and we were scolding here and there through the phone, then out of sudden I thought about "could it because I was pressing "current" before it, I should press "saving" instead, right??" So I tired again with the CIMB ATM again, and luckily it works!!! =]
这天我心情很好,就想到Mid Valley逛街买鞋子,结果鞋子没有买到就买了几件衣服,正当我要回家的时候,我才想起我钱包里面只剩RM3,那是要怎样给Parking钱???   那至少都要RM3以上吧?   所以我就到ATM拿钱,我持有的是Public Bank的ATM卡,虽知道它的ATM不是到处都有,所以我就随便选了HSBC的ATM要去按钱,结果按了很多次,它都显示我的pin number是错误的!   所以我就索性不管,心想反正其他ATM多的是,然后我就到旁边Maybank的试看看,结果排到一半,那机器“Out of Service”!    没关系咯!   就想到Mid Valley和The Gardens的天桥中阶段好像有些ATM,所以就走到那边,走到那边。。。看到有三架就还蛮开心,的以为看到救星。。。但很不好运,三架我都试过了,三架都按不出钱,这下我可紧张了。。。是什么回事啊???   有点失望的走到The Gardens看到指示牌写着有ATM,所以就走去看,结果是CIMB的,但我还是照样尝试一下。。。答案是失败的!!!   就在这种紧张无助的情况下,我打电话给三姐,结果我们两个就一直骂来骂去,一时之间我就想起。。。之前我按Public Bank的ATM我都是按“current”,实际来说我是应该按“saving”的,就在这时候我就想到,我之前好像都是按“current”,所以是按错了,再次在这CIMB的ATM机尝试多一次。。。原来是这个原因啊!!! 真是捏了一把冷汗。。。

Incident 2
This happened in between incident 1, that call I make in incident 1 wasn't the first call!! When I first called her, she was just keep scolding and scolding nonstop "who ask you to go there??...bla...bla...bla...." which's absolutely not helping at all!! So we ended the call because I need to go to toilet, I put my bag on top of the toilet bowl water tank near on the wall gap space (a small gap like small space on the wall for you to put your bag) (but I don't know why I put my bag there at first, because usually I'll hang my bag instead) Then at this moment, I my phone rang, it was from my their older sister so the phone vibrate and my bag fell...and the phone fell into the toilet bowl, but I wasn't care so much, I use my hand to take out the phone from the toilet and use toilet paper to wipe off the water! As my phone still ringing, so I answered it and told my sister "My phone has felled into the toilet bowl la!" then hanged up!!! After cleaned up my phone, I called my sister again...but I can't hear her voice, so I thought something wrong to my phone, then I took my phone to the Mac store to have a look!! But the staff told me, this's my line problem and I need to take my phone to the digi center!! So I walked to the digi center, but on the half way, I felt something wrong, it's not the line problem, obviously is the phone's part, not the line thing...so I walked back to the Mac store, looked for another staff to solve my problem, the staff used my phone to call someone, surprisingly it works...okay then problem solved, I called my sister again (which's the one that I found the answer in incident 1)
这是馋渣在事件一之间,话说我不是打了一次电话给我三姐,我第一次打,她就一直骂我,说什么“谁叫你一个人要跑到那么远。。。bla, bla, bla!”。。。都没有给予任何帮助,挂了电话后我就急尿,所以就很沮丧的去上厕所,上到一半,那三姐打电话给我,结果放在后面的包包(我也不知道为什么我那时候会把包包放在后面,我平时都是挂起来的),里面的手机一震,就整个包包跌下来,里面的手机就跌进马桶(真是衰到没有人有,打从一开始用手机开始,我手机连跌地上都少之又少,这次竟然跌进马桶)不管三七二十一,直接是伸手进去马桶里面拿,再用厕纸擦。。。由于手机还在响,就按下“接通”直接说“我的电话跌进马桶了啦!”。。。然后就挂电话。。。再把手机壳拆掉,把它给擦干!!!   以为擦干就没事,再打电话给我三姐(好像都忘记刚才它跌进马桶的事了,照用!   现在这种紧张时刻,没钱,不,不是没钱,是没有现钱,谁管得了那么多,我只想快点解决罢了!)打给她的时候就发觉,我听不到她说什么,声音好像很小很小声,但我明明就开到最大声的那一格了!!   就想是不是手机刚才进水而坏了!!!   所以就很快的速度找到Mac的店,那进去问看有没有修理手机的,结果我真是问上了一个白目的,他跟我说这不是他们的问题,是线的问题,叫我去digi问。。。然后我也傻傻的要拿手机去digi问,但走到半路,我就在想,这很不对劲。。。我是手机里面进水坏了,这关digi什么事??   所以我再次走回Mac店,找另外一位店员帮忙(当然不要找回同样一位,不然又再被他老点么?)跟他再次说过详情,他尝试帮我播出一通电话,eh!   有听到声音了啊!   =.=!!   这是玩我吗???  弄好电话,我再次打给我三姐(这就是我们俩骂来骂去那通!)

Incident 3
Finally get to leave Mid Valley safely and drove back home!! I recall that my friend from the States has sent something back for me and it was with her younger sister, so I called her sister to ask her address, even I've there many times but still I can't remember how to get there, so her sister told me very easy, just need to type "Taman Sri Putra" into waze and google map then I'll get to find it!! I did what she told found "Taman Sri Putra, Sungai Buloh", so I followed waze's directions to her house!! Drive further and further...I felt so weird, why is it brought me to a toll then to highway??? From what I've recall, I don't need to drive that far, to pass through a toll or any highway to get to her house...so I checked back the waze address!!! The address was "Sungai Buloh, Jerum"!! No, I don't want to go Jerum...and I saw my phone is going to dead (yah, very smart, I only brought half battery power bank with me, I've finished using it in the afternoon) Thus forget about everything, I follow the "Sungai Buloh" and "Kepong" road signboard back to where I supposed to be......I've spent 20 minutes in the highway just to take a U-turn then took another 20 minutes to be back from where I came from...so I forget about any electronic devices, I used my own limit memories to drive to her house, luckily meanwhile her sister called me, so we choose an easy spot way to meet instead!! 
好不容易从Mid Valley成功离开,回到我家外面的马路,就想我的好朋友之前在美国托人带回来给我的东西已经在她家很久了,所以就打电话(进马桶的电话)给她妹妹!!!   虽然之前去过她家很多次,但我还是不会去,所以她妹妹就跟我说“很容易,google map跟waze都可以找得到,你只需要打"Taman Sri Putra"!”   所以我就照打,果然很容易,waze就立刻有显示,看清楚是在"Sungai Buloh",那就对了!!   所以就很顺利这样出发,但是越驾就越觉得不对劲,怎么需要给toll的,上highway的??   我记得她家很近,根本都不需要给什么toll,然后我再查回去waze,里面是写着"Sungai Buloh"没错,但后面是"Sungai Buloh, Jerum",这是哪里啊??   这是要怎样???   结果更不好的事发生,我手机没电(很死,我的Power Bank也是没电,因为我之前也没有让它插满才出门=.=!!!)就不管,看路牌驾驶,跟着回Sungai Buloh和Kepong的牌子,肯定没有错!   所以走了20分钟highway就是为了做一个U-turn回来再20分钟。。。几经辛苦,回到了Sungai Buloh,我就不管什么地图,不地图的,我就凭我自己的记忆,大概驾着去。。。朋友的妹妹看我这么迟还没到,就打电话来,最后我们就约好在一个T-juntion的交界处的店屋那边等!

Incident 4
After deal with everything, you guessed I can go home FINALLY??? Nope!! Done with some chit-chatting with her sister, I got back into my car and start the engine...the engine cannot start......serious??? Luckily there was a tire shop beside, so I walked to the tire shop to ask for help, the person came by and have a look, he also can't do anything, he said it could be something wrong with the fuel pump, that makes the oil didn't get to pump into the engine!!! I asked him is there any towing service you know?? He said no one is working this late at this time......so then what to do??? I called my brother and on that moment my phone battery was 10% and rain heavily, luckily he and my second brother in law found me before the battery(5%) really dead!! After they came, I moved all my stuffs into my brother in law's car and waited for the towing truck!! Finally the towing truck came, I passed my key to the towing truck man, he tried to start the engine......the engine works......okay, now the engine is playing with me?? So in the end I paid RM50 to the towing truck man and I drove my car home!!!
经过种种是不是以为已经完了???   还会有什么事情发生呢???   想也想不到。。。提交完东西,闲谈一下。。。回到车上,那车子竟然开动不了!!   当然我也不会慌,这地方刚巧旁边就是一个tire店,我就到店里找人来帮我看,他说这他不会修理,有可能是那油pump不到去engine那边。。。   经过一天我真是整个人傻到不能再傻,只好打电话回家求救,因为我也没有拖车号码,车场那边的他又说现在全部都下班了!   结果最后我哥哥跟我二姐夫来救我!   好死不死手机剩下10%。。。又下大雨。。。还好在手机跌剩5%的时候,哥哥他们找到我了(回到家1%,我手机第一次剩这么少电。。。),我把东西搬过去二姐夫的车上,在他车上等拖车。。。结果接下来的,我看你想也想不到的结局。。。(雨开始变小停了)那拖车师傅来到跟我拿了车钥匙,他尝试start engine,我那车的engine竟然可以start了。。。结果我就给了那拖车师傅RM50给,自己再驾车回家!!!

I was so exhausted when I got home, I don't know what to comment about it...too much happens in a day!!! XD


  1. Ahhh, morning sweetie.. Been waiting for this post after you told me about it yesterday..
    Incident #1 - Careless
    Incident #2 - Careless
    Incident #3 - Unlucky
    Incident #4 - Unlucky
    My advice? Go get a power bank :)

    1. Hahaha!! You so cute la!! My power bank is very good, it's definitely not the power bank problem!! =]

  2. 你的一天真的很戏剧化一下,不过看得出你还是很镇定,
    是我应该急到哭了吧(没错,我这么老了还会哭 >.<)


    1. 对,过去就好,无论事情再怎样,时间还是会走,所以一定要向前看!!! =]

  3. 当一个人慌张时,做什么都不顺心,改次冷静点,或许能改善情况。

  4. wow, what a "happening" day and you got me reading at what had happened using an hour (they does not include the Chinese version)!! haha.. but I cannot believe (or rather convinced) that you could be so 黑仔, all things happened in just one afternoon on you!!!

    so I would say, in my opinion.. the first 3 incidents were all because you were careless, the last one was unlucky..

    1. Hahaha!! Aiyo, I also spend like almost 2hours to write version, it's killing!! xp

      Yup, I always have lots of 黑仔, more and more get used to it!! =]

  5. From what I read from your post , it seems you are too kan Cheong and anxious la..nothing to do with bad luck. Probably if you calm down everything seems to be ok. Why not in the future just have a cup of coffee , relax and calm down.

    1. LoL!!! Will see la...things always like this, when it doesn't came to us, always felt very relax, only get tension when it really happens to us!! =]

  6. 天啊天啊天啊!!!!



  7. Replies
    1. I've a very good power bank, just that I forgot to charge it only!

  8. @@。。下次知道自己常在外面的记得把POWER BANK CHARGE满满啊。。

    1. 哈哈哈,那是全部都太巧合的原因,我平时都有注意好的,嘻嘻!! =]

  9. alamak......can feel your frustration. very "black": day leh

    1. Your car have insurance right? Next time if breakdown no need go cari tow truck. Just call the insurance toll free number. usuallywhen u renew insurance they will give u a sticker with their tol free number to stick on your car windscreen. Call that number and say your car kaput. they will send tow truck to you free of charge.,

      Last time we didnt know. went call topw truck. have to pay .

      Then friend told us this. we called a few times. Free . no need to pay

    2. It's my dad's company car, I don't really know about it, that's why got to call my brother to ask, hehe!! All these things, they always settle for me!! =]

  10. Very exciting, your life! Hehehehehehe!!!!

  11. OMG Sheta! That's indeed a very unlucky day for you!!

  12. Bloody rough day, it happens, sometimes when things go wrong, they go wrong together. Don't worry, it will balance out with a bloody good day soon ;)

  13. 这真的太倒霉了……不过你都解决掉啦!所以以后你就不会害怕更倒霉的事了~

  14. 一……天,一天!OMG是我也不能接受!


    1. 哈哈哈,我有告诉我的朋友,她也是说她有时候也是会搞乱,还好不是只有我一个是这样,哈哈哈!! =]

  15. 之前倒霉的事已过去了,接下来会好运连连。

    1. 我应该是因为不幸的大幸,手脚很快的那种,不管是不是马桶。。。

  16. 其实事情都有两面的,可能当下会觉得超倒霉的,但再细想,不都化险为夷了吗?且提款卡没出错(至少不用跑银行)/手机还能用(不用花钱修)/走错路还及时发现(没有跑更冤枉的路途)/车子没有坏(还可以平安回家)。。。那不都是幸运的症兆吗^^

    1. 哈哈哈,所以是不幸的大幸,其实还不赖啦!! =]

  17. 好狼狈哦!还好没把你急哭。 人平安就好!

    1. 还好,我很少会哭,应该是我已习惯了吧,呵呵! 但只是从来没有想过他们全部会在同样一天发生吧!!

  18. I had a good laugh! You are so cute and funny! I would have cried if I were in your shoes!

    1. Hahaha, cute meh?? Guess I'm more suit to the careless word, hahaha!!!

  19. 看完后我为你感到无奈,怎么发生那么多事情啊~但没关系,最重要的是你平安!倒霉的事情过去接下来就是好事啦~提起笑容!没事了噢~

  20. I agree with Lina that you must have a lot on your mind until you forgot to try pressing savings instead of current ac when trying to withdraw money using ATM card. But in the end luckily you remembered.

    1. Thanks to my sister, she always needs to be like that to help me, hahaha!!! =]

  21. You must be very busy until you forgot to fully charged your power bank.

    2. This one can't be ecplained why usually you hang your bag up but this time you did not hang it so your phone fell into the toilet bowl. Bad luck but also good luck that the toilet bowl was clean so your phone is ok.

    1. No doubt it, I'm super busy and seriously don't have any time for it!!

  22. 3. Lucky cos you realized in time in did not drive all the way to Jerum.

    4. Lucky also the tire shop guy did not try to bluff you into doing something to your car and your phone has just enough battery to get your brother and brother in law to find you.

    So from my point of view despite things did not go smoothly for you but overall you were lucky in the end.

    1. Yah kind of, it doesn't went very bad in the end, so everything is just fine!!! =]


  23. 哎,看得我都隨著你的文字,心情也跟著七上八下,呵呵。

    1. 哈哈哈,其实我之前有放解释的,因为我同事忘记带钱,我借他钱,但他没有即使还我。。。因为想到涉及他人隐私,所以我把他提调了!

  24. wow..you were so cool. Things got out of its way and yet you tried so hard to solve the problem. Anyway, glad that you reached home safely.

    1. Thanks!!! I'm glad that everything went well in the end also!! =]

  25. 哎哟~真的很倒霉的一天~

    1. 是很刺激一下,所以让我回到家的时候,整个人都傻掉了!

  26. 哇!比电视剧情节还要精彩丰富。。哈!有时候生活太紧迫太累了会糊涂的跟着倒霉走...

  27. 我也为你捏了一把冷汗!
    所以我的车子是有充电器的,你也可以买一个,如果电话,power bank没电都可以用!


    1. 我每次都会有后备的,但就是这次就不知道为什么全部一起来。哈哈哈!

  28. Huh all this happened in a day? Phew what a relief all ended well. You may probably have a phobia just by thinking of Mid Valley for some time. Not to worry time will heal.

    1. LoL, I still go there on the next week, so it doesn't matter to me actually!! =]

  29. 你那天不适合出门吧!!!! 好可怜


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