October 26, 2014, Sunday
Was thinking go to this event on Saturday, but due to my laziness I make it on Sunday......
星期六的时候本来就很想去的地方,但不小心就被我拖到星期日了,我周日是很懒惰出门的,每次都是周六出门!! 昨天的懒惰就造成今天的拖累。。。
#1 |
It was my first time here, didn't expect it's such high class place, luckily I wasn't wear like an aunty (but sadly I don't have my makeup on, look like zombie more...sweat~~~)
第一次来这个地方,都不知道它是那么高级的,还好我没有穿到很阿婆。。。(只是我没有化妆啊!! 整个丧尸的样子。。。哎~~~)
#2 |
It looks like a big market to me!!
#3 |
The last time I went to some place like this was at Setiawalk (Ops, another "basi" post haven't write!)
#4 |
Anyway what was in my mind about art bazaar is something like this......
#5 |
Then a bit feel like Central Market style!!
又或者是这样,想像是Central Market的那种!
#6 |
Artist can draw a picture on the spot!!
#7 |
Not only local artist, there're some oversea artist as well......
#8 |
Booth selling homemade natural soaps!!
#9 |
Booth of dairy book, notebook and files
#10 |
Luckily I haven't start learning Ukulele, if not I'll be crazy about it, hahaha!!!
#11 |
Various type of bracelet, can pick the charm you want to hang on the bracelet, create your own unique bracelet!
#12 |
Among those, this's my most favorite booth!!
#13 |
#14 |
It has different stamp chops and stickers!
#15 |
#16 |
#17 |
Sorry for not so clear picture, because usually I use day light to take pictures, but that time it was about to rain so yah which explained why the pictures were so dark!!
#18 |
#19 |
There're two stickers in a pack, at first I thought two are the same, the transparent clear set, then once I opened it, I just realized they're one clear and one white background, because usually those I bought was just clear background and this's quite new to me!!
当时以为两面都是透明装的,没想到开起来的时候才发觉一面是白色底的帖子,这很特别嘢!! 因为我平时买到的都是透明装的帖子哦!!
#20 |
#21 |
#22 |
Cute and attractive!!
#23 |
There're some Korean's words on it, but anyway I'll figured it out later!!!
#24 |
#25 |
Hands on!!
#26 |
Total RM25
#27 |
After purchase I asked her does she have any shop or online shop, she said she doesn't have any name card due to environmental friendly, so she asked me to take picture of this which's their Facebook Page ~ MoonEStore
#28 |
Facebook Page ~ Juizebyfive
Found another special booth, they're selling passport case, wallet, iPad Mini, iPad bag, and various of bag which you can lettering your name on it with two free charms for decoration!!
这也是很特别的摊位,可以在护照套,钱包,iPad Mini包,iPad包,跟各式各样的包包放上自己的名字加两个装饰!
#29 |
I bought the passport cover case with RM28, free two charms (but the two charms only within RM6, if more than that, you gonna pay the extra for it)
我买了一个护照套RM28,附送两个装饰(但只限在RM6里面,假如过额,就需要再另外付 )
#30 |
She asked me how you want to design it? Since I was so lazy, so I just let her goes with the design she wants and she was so happy saying that thanks for trusting her art creativity!!
#31 |
#32 |
So here's the outcome, I found it not so bad!!
#33 |
Is Halloween this Friday, so they've this so called "haunted house" on the spot but it isn't scary at all!!!
#34 |
#35 |
Not sure they put them here because of Halloween or they're already here since the beginning??
#36 |
I've a friend who went there on Saturday, he said there're much crowded due to celebrating Halloween, lots of people having their costume on....(argh~~~ why am I not there on Saturday?? Lesson learned, don't procrastinate and being lazy~~~)
问了现场跟星期六去的朋友,他们都说周六比较多人,因为有很多穿着万圣装,古怪打扮的人到场。。。很可惜啊! (为什么我要懒惰呢???)
Event Periods: October 25 (Saturday) ~ October 26 (Sunday), 2014
Time: 12pm - 9pm
Admission Fee: Free
Address: Publika Solaris Dutamas, 1, Jalan Dutamas 1
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan