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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

【Thoughts|想法】Double-sided Person|双面人

October 29, 2014, Wednesday
I really hate double-sided person since I was young, I found they're so fake, why they need so many different faces to talk to various people, don't they tired of it??

But after I've grown up, I start to realize that's how people communicate, how they get to be remarked as "friendly" in among their friends!! The word "friendly" here as in only apply to those who smiling in front of you but talk bad behind your back!!

Gradually I started want to learn to be like that too, but no matter how a tried, I still couldn't be able to "pretend" to be like that, so far I just kept my mouth shut and remain silent when I met them!!

But of course I know this is not exact the right way to do it, then how about you, how you faced those people you don't like so much???


虽然多年来我还是很想要做这种假假的“有礼貌”的待人处事,但我发觉我还是始终很难做到那样,遇到不喜欢的人, 我最多少说话罢了!



  1. I guess many people are like that.. They like a person, they can easily show it with their laughters and smiles.. But if they don't like a person, they will still smile and talk as usual to that person.. But if we really hate a person, then I think the best way is remain silent but still put a smile in our face, hehe..

    1. Like ours is good la, just talk to face to face, easy!! No hiding and fake fake one!!

  2. Yes, the Chinese say: You know a person's face, you don;t know his heart. Takes all kinds to make the world, best to just ignore the likes of these. No use losing sleep over this kind of people.

    1. Yah, like even friends for many years, also can get betrayed!!

  3. 以前还没踏入社会的时候也是会这样认为。但渐渐的,发现其实很多事都事与愿违, 所谓人在江湖,身不由己。有时候善意的谎言真的是最好的圆场方式。但如果过不了自己的那关,那就选择沉默巴。

    1. 我以前也是这样,但好像现在还是一直改不来那种天真的想法!

  4. I think this is not uncommon at all, in fact I guess we all - yes, all of us - have this "double-sided" attitude.. just to what level, and depending on what situation..

    the most common case, say one thing in front of some people, but another thing behind.. seems bad, but depends also on the motive behind.. some compliments but later criticize for the sake of pleasing people.. some may tell the optimistic situation though in real it's rather pessimistic, just to comfort people..

    most importantly, if you do not believe in or are convinced with the good faith, then just ignore that and don't have to leave a space in your heart for it.. it's EQ!! :)

    1. EQ is like always same level with double-sided, not that we always have to show the double-side thing, the things is we have to use that to balance up to our emotional!!

  5. Replies
    1. many kinds of people which we can't control, just can control our thought!!

  6. 我倒是很讨厌这种双面人!面对这样的人我觉得最好的办法就是少接触,眼不见为净,至少我们不会那么累

    1. 可以离开早就离开,但有时候就是身不由己,我也是不喜欢那么累的人,所以才容易得罪人!

  7. 如果是为了工作,不爽也要面对这种人,马骝(猴子)戏要照做,人在江湖身不由己吗,现实是残酷的。工作以外的,看到这种人就会闪得越远越好。工作时做戏已经够累了,放工了还要做戏?I'm sorry, thanks but no thanks..

    1. 哈哈哈,对! 双面人的时候,留给工作就好,下班了就要做回真正的自己!

  8. You are still young and need to realise the world has so many ugly beings everywhere in the circle of friends, blogs, facebooks, office and even relatives! We just need to be careful, alert and move on. I have seen a lot and hit so many walls. I ate so much bitterness too. Life is just an illusion and is a journey for all of us.

    Remember to control all situations and not allow situations to control us.

    1. Thanks for all these inspirations sentences, I always let my anger control the situation, which is so not right, sigh!! Must keep on learning!!!

  9. 維持君子之交啊。


    1. 那我应该还是属于不成熟的人吧,需要加把劲,努力改进!

  10. 生活就是这样,你太真实了,一般都招人厌的

    1. 哈哈哈,我就是太真实,说谎会让我觉得很愧疚!

  11. Most of the time I avoid people that I don't like. Else I will try to figure out why I don't like them and see whether I can change my perspective to not not like them so much.

    1. Is hard to find out that then change our perspective, unless have very strong facts to support!!


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