Friday, August 09, 2013

【ClubMed】Club Med Cherating Beach: Other Activities|珍拉汀灣ClubMed: 其他活动

August 9, 2013, Friday
Is the last day of our trip, so must squeeze some time out to take some pictures of all their activities around!!

Before we depart, we're being told to bring swim suit along, where have swimming pool where suit for kids and adults as well!!

People like me who doesn't know how to swim, just have to stick inside the pool for the kids only...for my own safety and also because I'm only 4 feet 6, the adult one is 5 feet to 6 feet (I guess if not mistaken) Besides that, there's a small round bubbles pool where can sit on it, let the bubbles to surround you!!

Since I don't know how to swim, I much prefer to sit beside the pool reading books and listening to my favorite songs!!

The spa here is not for free, so let's just pass by only, hahaha!!

When first see this, I know I can't miss this!! But have to watch out the schedule for this, it's not open all the time!!

Each of us would get to shoot five arrows, was thinking this's a quite easy activities but unfortunately I've three arrows fell on to the ground and only two were shoot on the board, the white and heavy blue area!! Small bow for kids and big bow for adults, the hand that holding the bow required to wear a elbow protector to protect your elbow in case the bounced back impact of the bow's string!!
每人会有五支箭,在指导下,一排人一起射出第一箭到第五箭。。。丢脸的说我五箭,只有三箭射到板上,另外两支不是不够力射到一半,就是眼睛看歪射歪。。。而那三支在板上的也是射到白色和深蓝色的地方罢了!!   它看似容易,但却要很大力拉弓!   握弓的那只手要穿一个保护套在手肘的部位,以免弓的线弹回去的时候,弹到自己的手!!

Looks very fun, but guess the kids would like this more!!

Places for badminton, tennis, and basketball!!

And also table tennis

✈11 not my activities, I prefer to read books more, hehe!! =]

Previous ClubMed Post
Next ClubMed Post

1st Day [August 7, 2013, Wednesday]
Loitering Around|周围走一走
Circus (Flying Trapeze)|空中飞人户外活动

2nd Day [August 8, 2013, Thursday]
Zen Space| Zen Space
Tree Top Challenge|树上挑战
2nd Night Activities|第二天晚上的活动


  1. Oooo I remember the Cherating company trip..Yep, if don't know how to swim, can just play in the wading pool, quite fun jugak..

  2. When they first opened, I always dreamed that one day I would go there...but till today, I have not had the chance. Guess it will always remain...just a dream. Sobssss!!!!!

  3. 高级俱乐部,不是我能加入的。看看无妨,也乐在其中,嘻嘻。。。

  4. haha, surely don't want to miss anything interesting on the last day huh?? usually last day also many last-minute stuffs to do one hor?? so many photos taken, seemed like you a bit 不捨得 to leave and go home woh~~ :p

    1. Yup, must be always 不捨得 when going to vacation mah!! Hahahaha!!

  5. Oh ..someday I wanted to visit club med cherating for a stay cation.

  6. 最后一张图是麻将哦, 好特别, 哈

  7. 风景优美,绿叶环水,好清静,休闲的好去处

  8. I also don't know how to swim. Wah got mahjung to play somemore but no kaki how to play alone?

    1. Hahahaha!! If my mom is there, my brother in laws and sisters all can play one, but not me, hehe!!!


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