March 14, 2015, Saturday
Maybe you will ask me, was it tired to take so many pictures of them?? Yea, indeed it's very tired, but is for my own record, I'm very happy with it. Whenever I looked back in my album or blogpost, I was so glad that I've written everything down. Things get changes day by day, we like it or not, the good is try to record them all somewhere...
也許你會奇怪的問我,我寫那麼多不累嗎? 幹嘛不要全部都放在一篇就好了,其實這個問題,對於懶惰的我來說,我當然也有想過。 但是假如是這樣的話,以後我要找照片的時候,我就必須在一篇裡面一,張照片一張照片這樣去找,可是假如我分開來放的,那以後我要找的時候,不是會簡單的多咯? 一切的篇排都是有原因的,我記錄是我真的很喜歡那種,一年後,兩年後,五年後甚至十多年後看回來的感覺,那種因為當時所記下來的感覺是完全不一樣的。