Saturday, March 14, 2015

【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Unfinished Shooting|拍不完的

March 14, 2015, Saturday
The sky is getting brighter and more and more people coming......

Every balloonists started testing their burner, checking whether is it enough propane, a liquefied gas stored in pressure vessels

Testing before setting up

Wait, what did you spot on???

Yah, saw an airplane flyover......
哇~~~ 最喜欢看天空,因为可以看到飞机。。。

What an archived picture, it's so amazing......

Seriously, at first I took I take each of the hot air balloon slowly......

But apparently I was so wrong, they're light up together (as during my experience last year, they're lighting up one by one or two by two what) Or they've changed the plan this year??

Don't know agree they didn't have any gap between the hot air balloons?? They're look like tidy up in a line without any space in between.

Can roughly tell from this picture, I was just like the yellow shirt cameraman, was running up and down trying to take picture of the mouth or throat (bottom of the hot air balloon) then run to top...


So can't take one by one, so how about this??? Yah, so then I won't miss any of them, right??

Don't know since when this has done already and started fly to the air......
等等~~~ 有一个静悄悄的升起了(我是之前完全不知道它是已经吹好气,然后摆好在升起的,这让我本想要一个一个拍的想法全部打乱,而且事后我猜发现有一个我才拍到两张照片罢了。。。那也太少了吧!)

But why this's the first one release to the air??? Guess is because this's one of the sponsor, right?? (But how pretty is this...a white hot air balloon)

Event Periods: March 12 (Thursday) ~ March 15 (Sunday), 2015
Time: 7am - 10pm
Admission Fee: Free
Address: Presint 2, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Posts on this date -
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Food Truck|移動食物車
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Behind the Scene of Hot Air Balloon|幕后花絮
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Mid Air Hot Air Balloon|半空熱氣球
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Airship|飛艇
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Michelin Hot Air Balloon|米芝蓮熱氣球
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Little Small Hot Air Balloon|小小熱氣球
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Vincent Van Gogh|荷蘭文森特·梵高
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Malaysia Green|马来西亚青色
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】United States Cameron|美国金馬倫
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Belgium|比利时
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Philippines |菲律宾
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Thailand|泰国
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Korea Colors|韩国彩色
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】United States Penguin|美国企鹅
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Black|黑色
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Spain Magic|西班牙Magic
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】United States Colorful|美国彩色
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】France Yellow Rainbow|法国黄彩色
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Belgium Willy|比利时Willy
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Holland Rainbow|荷兰七彩
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】United States Cartoon|美国卡通
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】Australia BlueBlack|澳洲黑篮
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】The Preparations|先吊瘾的准备篇
2015: 【Hot Air Balloon|熱氣球】So Early|七早八早就是为了
2013: 【Family|家人】My Nephew|我的姪兒
2013: 【Job|工作】Second Job Interview|第二份工作面試
2013: 【Movie|電影】Dead Man Down
2013: 【Festival|節日】Happy White Valentine's Day|白色情人節


  1. sure lots of photos to take when you go to such an event, because every balloon like looking so beautiful.. you take a few for the first few balloons, then it's like 陸續有來 like that woh, you never know when the most beautiful one will come, so just take take take until can be quite tiring also, haha.. but of all, i love photo #11 the most lah, hahaha, cos one shot can see all of them, and they lined up so nicely also leh.. good shot!! :)

    1. I seriously don't know how should I post about this, I know people might complains about this, but I don't want to waste my effort lo...

  2. That smoke from the plane - looks like what they saw in Wellington the other day, was in the news yesterday. Was a golden colour, some say it was because of the light from the setting sun.

  3. Wah, the one with the flame "flying" up the skym canggih wei !! If I got chance to go, sure I would like to go with my family..

  4. 热气球你分了那么多部分来写, 佩服佩服 👍👍

  5. The hot air balloons are so colourful. I wish I could go visit there again. Thanks for sharing!


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