Monday, August 31, 2015

【Thoughts|想法】Unsaid Words But Still have to Say

The world is not just black and white, there's always a grey side in the middle. I wasn't there because I wasn't feeling that since the morning until the night. But ever since the "support" word came, I almost wanted to throw my phone towards the TV and extremely wish that I've a super power can take me instantly to the spot!!

I've a friend told me all these are just about following, follow what's hit on now, follow whatever people do!! (I honestly gotta said they seriously got nothing to do or they're too free for other staffs??) I can't tell what's their basic motive is, but what I know is, if you don't ever make a single change, then you won't have any difference. Just like one of my friends, who has made the same complains to me for more that 10 years, but until today, she still complaint the same thing, not like didn't tell what to do...but she just only sit there kept on thinking and never take any actions!

Love is blind, but always a limit (and the love is blind term only apply to relationship, okay?) The true love is the make it better, if really losing of love, then no one would ever care about it, don't you agreed?
是非不是黑跟白而已,中間還夾著的灰色,因為身體狀況無法出席,導致的耿耿於懷,一句支持的聲音,讓我激動到想要把手機丟向電視機。 頓時還想要有一種瞬間轉移的本領,立刻將我自己轉移到現場。

有朋友說這是隨波逐流,所謂的“跟風”(我還真想插一句,這樣也可以算是跟風? 那是太無聊了嗎?? 還是吃飽太得空,在家在商場有冷氣吹都不要去??? ) 是不是隨波逐流,我不知道,我只知道的是事情不改變,它永遠都會一樣。 就好像我有一位朋友一直不停的埋怨,埋怨了超過10年,她還是在埋怨同樣的東西,我跟她說“你不踏出改變的那一步,你永遠都會原地踏步!” 但是她還是一樣,所有事情都只是憑空想像,莫非光是冥想而不行動就會成功?? 找位成功人士來問一問吧!

不是不愛,真正的愛不是盲目的包容,而是有限度的包容。 就是因為愛所以要他變更好,假如真的不愛,就索性讓他自生自滅,對吧?

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【Thoughts|想法】Almost Happened|来不及发生的意外【Thoughts|想法】What would you be in 5 Years time?|五年后你會是怎樣的呢?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

【Car|車車】Too Careless|粗心

August 12, 2015, Wednesday
Due to my procrastinate habit, it makes me delayed lots of my posts, those posts that I really wish to record down. Thankfully now I've found the some time to clear out my post little by little.
因爲我自己嚴重的拖延症,讓我有很多想要記錄的東西,都沒有好好的記錄下來! 記錄下來是一件很好的事,就好像我很喜歡面子書的過去的今天,你上載了什麽照片般,那個不僅是一種回憶,還是一個提醒,這樣就一年過去了。


Sunday, August 09, 2015

【Windmill|風車】Eco World Under the Windmills World Culture Festival |荷蘭風車節

August 9, 2015, Sunday
Is the next day after the orchid floria and it's so weird to me, as for my weekly routine, if I went out on Saturday and I will be home on Sunday. But this one, I mean that was the last day of the event.
這是非常不一樣的週末,因為平時只要我週六有出門,我週日一定會待在家休息。 休息是為了走更長遠的路,假如硬硬要讓自己那麼幸苦,只會自討苦吃。

Saturday, August 08, 2015

【Floria|花卉展】Orchid and only Orchid|胡姬花看花花

August 8, 2015, Saturday

【Floria|花卉展】Orchid Garden by Countries|2015 胡姬花展各国看

August 8, 2015, Saturday

【Floria|花卉展】Orchid & Bonsai Show 2015|2015 胡姬花展

August 8, 2015, Saturday
Nope, this's not the same floria as this. This's another one, where my mom saw they promote this on the newspaper. Surprisingly to see very little visitors there, maybe I got afraid by the crowds at the one at Putrajaya.
又是花展?  這個和這個花展不一樣,這是另外一個,喬好在報紙上看到,而媽媽在她兩位晨運的好朋友慫恿一下,所以我們就來到了湖濱公園的胡姬花展。

Friday, August 07, 2015

【Movie|電影】To The Fore|破風

August 7, 2015, Friday

✈ 1   Picture Sources

【Movie|電影】Dark Places|黑暗之地

August 7, 2015, Sunday
改編自同名小說的電影,感覺上就一定是小說的故事內容很好看,所以才會被拍成電影的,我一直以來很想變成那種看英文小說的人,但是想要跟行動總是不能並行。 我會一直想要,但是去到書局,即使買了小說回家,我大略會看幾頁,然後我又會跳回去看華語書,這時我又會給自己一個藉口說因為我的華語書很多,所以就這樣這個“想”就變得沒完沒了。。。

✈ 1   Picture Sources

Saturday, August 01, 2015

【30 Hour Famine|饥饿30】 2015 Countdown Volunteer: Logistics-Individual & Participants Registration | 2015 志工倒數總務組

August 1, 2015, Saturday
Actually I've signed up for the event setup in the morning, but I was too tired from yesterday. So I gave up, instead I told myself I can't miss the one in the afternoon, because that's the one we gotta been told what we were gonna do on the next day.
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