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Monday, November 09, 2020

【Watch|手錶】Apple Watch Series 6|蘋果手錶

November 9, 2020, Monday
After order post, so here it comes - the open box post, but the package has been taken for too long to arrive. I ordered on October 25, I was expected to received on November 5, but no, it came on November 9, funny that I was just on the right time talking to colleague said not sure why I still haven't receive my watch, then my colleague asked me to check my order, make sure the address is correct. Well, I checked everything, everything was correct and guess what?! Just right on that evening, the package is here.
上次寫了選購,這次當然是寫開箱啦! 相信你很常發現,我每次都會很興致勃勃的寫選購或訂購,但那開箱篇好像就永遠都會遙遙無期,所幸的是這次我有即刻寫,因為我實在期待太久了。

Ok, no doubt that I was too excited until I want to see it first before I even take a picture of it

Ok, here it comes!

To open, flip it over, and pull on both ends

OMG!! Here is it!!

Follow the arrow to pull it

This is how it looks like inside the box...

As already stated in the official website and many have already shared said it won't came with the charge plug for it, they only supply the USB cable

Not sure what is the different of the cable, can't tell the inside, but I did see the different from the appearance as for the previous one, both side of this magnetic are white colour. 

Well, on this new one, only the side that using to charge the watch is white colour

Ok, let's see the watch strap
好了! 來看看錶帶

Pull from the green dot

There's one long and one short strap, I'm currently using the short one

Last but not least, is the watch itself, the smallest but the most expensive one. Was having difficulty to pull it out from the hard paper that was used to wrapping it

Well, here is the money spent on, the stainless steel version is way much better than the aluminium version
Stainless steel的就是有種散發閃閃發亮的感覺,跟我原本那aluminium的有著很大的差別

My original watch version is the aluminium type and it's really old enough until it couldn't have any software update anymore, which is why I update the new one to stainless steel material.
好吧! 在還沒給我姪女前,先來拍個對比,也許我舊的手錶是真的有點太久了,已經停止更新很久了,因為它舊到不能再更新了。

OK! That's it for the open box sharing and here comes the review. After have been using it for two weeks. Pretty impressive with the battery life, compare to my old one, this one doesn't take long to get fully charged and once it's fully charged, it last pretty long, I literally wear it for 24 hours, only remove for shower and cleaning. But of course we can't compare it with the smart watch in the market, my colleague was laughing at me that his Hua Wei smart watch battery can last for 2 weeks. Yea, I wear it to sleep because I like the function to record how much time that I was in bed. But it does have a disadvantage , as after wear it for too long, may find my hand wrist got a bit itchy, but it was just for temporary, after awhile  it will be fine. One of the reason that makes me to buy Apple Watch is for steps recording, I know there're plenty of cheaper products in the market, but this one just work well with all the feature that I like, like it can unlock my MacBook instantly by just flip down up with my hand. And one new feature that they implant for the Covid-19 is to wash the hand for 20 seconds. It has a feature where you need to wash your hand for 20 seconds, it will send a reminder/notification if you haven't wash your hand for 20 seconds. Overall, I pretty like the watch but as I mentioned to my friend that I like the features and the functions but I don't like the price.
換了個新手錶,終於可以隨意更換了,這是最新OS才有的錶面,這也是我平時的錶面,這足夠看完我需要看的資訊。  好吧! 開箱完畢,我寫這篇的時候,我是已經用了兩個星期多了,算是可以寫一個比較忠誠的使用感想。 我很喜歡它的電量持久力,我只有在洗刷,洗衣和沖涼的時候脫下它,讓它充電,充滿電後,會有訊息提醒到我手機,跟我說手錶已經充電完畢。  我會把它戴著入睡是它可以記錄我真正的入睡和起床時間。 不過的確戴久了,手錶面下確實是會有些不舒服。不過脫下後再戴上又會沒事了,也許是皮膚需要一些時間透氣吧! 然後還有一個我很喜歡的功能是,只要戴著手錶,當我的電腦MacBook進入休息還是鎖上了,只要用戴著手錶的那隻手,反手後再翻回來,這個動作就可以解鎖我的電腦,完全不用指紋還是輸入密碼,這還讓我省下不少時間。 還有一個不算是我很喜歡,但又不是不喜歡的功能,只是覺得很神奇,就是這手錶可以計算你洗手的時間,只要你沒有洗手超過20秒,它就會給妳提醒。 搞笑的是我每次洗碗的時候,它也會計時,然後過了20秒後,它又會開始計算。  最後要分享的是我喜歡的功能,就是假如你久坐了超過一個小時,手錶會提醒說是時候站起來了,而且是要站起來一分鐘,手錶才會測算到你是已經站起來了。

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