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Saturday, January 23, 2021

【Haul|購物】Masking Tape|膠帶卷

January 23, 2021, Thursday
This is something very common sharing and in fact, don't even think people would take a chance to write it and post in a blog. But for me, I just like to write anything that I like and furthermore I don't have many followers or readers, so I shouldn't be afraid of criticising. 
這次買的東西比較日常,有時候會想說,就這麼日常的東西,很少會有人寫,不過日常事物,也可以記錄分享啊,誰說一定要寫稀奇的? 像我這種就是喜歡自己寫了自己爽,安靜的分享,除非有人尋找關鍵字,不過我的部落格應該也不會是第一個跳出來的。

J&T is the carrier this time

Teared off the outside plastic packaging and here is how it looks like.

So these are what I bought, actually I just want to buy the plastic clear masking tape, but how I got the rest? Well, due to saving the shipment fee, so I got the paper that I need as well.
哪我到底買了什麼? 就是這些,其實我目的只是要買紙膠捲,但是後來看到店裡有我要的紙張,所以就連著一起購買了。

Here is the link

Here is the link. The reason that I bought these papers are for my self-made stickers, was just want to try the paper type and see how it turns out.

Here is the link. So the reason I bought this masking tape is for my marble tile floor in my living room, not sure why the stones are start to coming out, maybe it needs some renovate or replace , but for now, this is the fastest way for saving it.
連結在這裡,但是為什麼要大費周章去買膠帶卷? 是因為要減少出門啦! 但是我買這個的目的也是有個很難理解的理由,因為家裡的瓷磚不知道為什麼久了,上面的小石頭就自己一直脫落,變成小洞洞,所以在未等小洞洞變大洞洞,我就急忙買膠帶來將他們都貼起來一番。

Here is the link. I got this is fully because of the masking tape, but what disappointed me is this doesn't match with the masking tape size that I bought. Well, not sure what am I gonna do with it right now o.O
連結在這裡,這個有分鐵製的或塑料製的,想說我不需要這麼專業,所以就買了塑料製的。。。質量是有點「很塑料」的感覺。 但是撇開質料不談,我所買的紙膠帶卷。。。它竟然不符。。。我明明在購買時候就有量過。。。為什麼會不符? 對的,那個紙膠帶卷是放不進這個切割器。。。哪我是買來幹嘛呢?

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