Saturday, May 03, 2014

【KualaLumpur|吉隆坡】Kuala Lumpur City Gallery: Seasonal Exhibition "Parallel Nippon" @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 吉隆坡城市画廊内五月份的活动

May 3, 2014, Saturday
Back to the KL City Gallery post, maybe some of you just thinking it's a place about "history" only......but walk deep inside a bit you'll see this Seasonal Exhibition Hall, it has different exhibition every month and this month is Parallel Nippon: Contemporary Japanese Architecture 1996 - 2006” Exhibition!!!
真不要以为这个地方只有说历史而已。。。它每个月都有不同的展示品,五月的是“1996年至2006年现代日本建筑展览” Parallel Nippon: Contemporary Japanese Architecture 1996 - 2006” Exhibition!!!

Pola Museum of Art, Hakone, Kanagawa Pref., Japan 2002
Nikken Sekkei Ltd.

Tomihiro Art Museum, Midori, Gunma Pref., Japan 2005
AAT + Makoto Yokomizo, Architects

When I first got inside, these two buildings caught my attentions the most as a hidden circle and visible circle inside the building and circle beside each circle supporting each other!!!

Buddha Primary and Secondary School, Philim, Sirdibas, Gorkha, Nepal 2003
AAF (Asian Architecture Friendship)

Kazuhiro Kojima + Kazuko Akamatsu/CAt master plan: Arata Isozaki + i-NET

The first building located at northern Nepal mountain village, easy for students to attend classes which the building got to blend in with the local landscape......while for the second building, it's located on the shores of the Persian Gulf, in order to survive throughout the changing climate, so the roots and the walls must have an different outer layer that suspended away from the main volume!!!

All of these are so amazing, I like them so much, hope for those who like architecture should drop by to check it out!!!

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  1. yeah, i gotta agree with you that all of those architecture models are so amazing.. the designers must have spent a lot of sleepless nights to come out with their masterpiece.. excellent!! actually i wanted to be an architect last time, but then, well, ended up doing something else now, hehehehe~~ :p

    1. Yes, it reminds me that last time, I also want to be an architect but got influenced by some bad friend saying no placese to build house in Malaysia, if tended to become an architect, I will become jobless!!! =.=!!! So end up turns out nothing also!!! =[

  2. Really special architectual. Takes many years of study to become a certified architect. Any more posts on this?

    1. Inside the building yes, but not about this event!!! =]

  3. Hmm, it's a nice place to visit for the arts lover, but not me :p

    1. Hahaha!!! Maybe you'll be interested on the next destinations!!!

  4. 最近在放假,偶来坐坐啦 ^^

  5. Interesting exhibition, but not for me too, kekekeke.. Dunno how to "yan seong" all these architectural thingy..

    1. Why le!!! Hehe!!! But I found them very cool lo!!! =]

  6. 这里只有 家具展和婴儿用品展........

    1. 有吗? 我不知道㖿,但这个展览怎么听起来很像Mid Valley最近搞的那个,呵呵!!!


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