Friday, May 09, 2014

【Movie|电影】Vehicle 19

May 9, 2013, Thursday
Is kind of sad is been 2 years ago and I haven't post this, sorry that this has been sitting in my draft box for years, until the moment I was almost forgot about it... 2 years ago, Paul Walker was still alive and I don't know much about him, just knew that he's one of the main character from Fast and Furious. Time can't flow back but memory do, it's as a lesson for us to be treasured everything we have, don't wait until you lost it, it may not be replaceable!

Story start with Mic who just got out from prison and headed to a city at South Africa to look for his beloved. Unfortunately he rented a car has got him into troubles again (guess that's why the title of the movie is name after the car number)

Nonetheless the fighting and car chasing scenes that push the movie to the climax of course. When the world has turned down on you, and put all the guilts on you, even though you're innocent, how can you escape it? To expose to the world, to the public, but who has really make it successfully?? Corruptions can be covered layers by layers, guessing the pressure of the media maybe can stop it somewhat...

PS: After this movie, I got a conclusion that...shouldn't I check every single spot in rental car before I rent it?? Just in case any guns may keep in the front sit drawer, who knows??? (Okay, this's thinking too much~~~)

看这部电影的时候,Paul Walker还没有出事,那时候只知道他是Fast & Furious的男主角之一,真的不仅感叹岁月不留人,必须赶紧抓紧脚步,想到就去做的心态!

故事开始于男主角Mic,他出狱后立刻到南非一个小镇上找他挚爱的另一半,不幸的租上这辆编号19的车(所以片名才叫作Vehicle 19),而再次让自己惹上麻烦。


PS: 我看完后,还在想说我以后租车的时候,是不是也应该在场先检查,免得抽屉内有把枪都不知道啊??? (我,想太多了~~~)

Country: United States, South Africa
Language: English
Genre: Action, Thriller
Running Time: 85minutes (1hr25mins)
Directed by: Mukunda Michael Dewil
Starring by: Paul Walker

The film takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa. The main hero of the film is an American citizen named Michael Woods (Walker), who has recently been released from prison on parole. Once free, he is immediately sent on a far-away journey to meet his beloved. Caught in a strange city, Michael becomes the target of a massive police manhunt after inadvertently picking up a rental car with a female whistle blower tied up in the trunk. In the confusion, he decides to leave the car at the dump, but suddenly the phone rings. He is asked to continue on. Later, the whistle blower tells Michael that she was abducted and was meant to be killed - she knew too much about the involvement of local police in the criminal business. As the police attempt to silence the woman before she can testify about the city's rampant corruption, the ex-con, who has just regained his freedom, must defend her life, and clear his own name.

Sources from Wikipedia

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  1. no wonder I find it a little unfamiliar with this movie title.. and I thought how come Paul Walker still?? 原來 it was a movie you watched two years ago!! haha.. I have very weird memory lah, I can remember nenek moyang things but those recent ones I cannot remember, muahahaha!!

  2. Wah in your draft for years? hehe..Call me jakun, I never heard of the title, haih, bz aunty mummy like me, like katak bawah tempurung..

  3. Not my kind of movie but I do know for a fact many are very sad for the loss of their favourite actor. They said they cried at the end of the recent Fast and Furious movie, No. 7, was it?

  4. I was scratching my head when I saw the movie title, because I also watched it when it was first released in the cinema, which was a long time ago, I think it was shortly after Furious 6.

    Did you know the movie was filmed entirely from the car itself? They attached cameras around the car to capture various angles, and the movie was edited from all those cameras. I thought it was pretty cool!

    And, it is not thinking too much. You must check your car thoroughly before driving away from the car rental place. It is not very far fetched to imagine cars come with unexpected troublesome items, after all, who knows what every car renter does with the car?


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