Wednesday, January 07, 2015

【Movie|电影】Taken 3|飓风营救3

January 7, 2015, Wednesday
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Didn't watch the first and second Taken so not sure is their story lines related or not!! But the story of this movie, reminds me of John Wick, who both also professional assassin before and because their family got hurts then only they started to step out to protect their family!! Well, the biggest difference is John Wick knows who is his enemy, but not this......the story line go with the character flow to find out his biggest enemy behind!! Some sort like investigate story, the only thing can say is the person who plan this is very careful, even think of what's going to happen next!!
他前面两集我没有看过,所以都不太清楚到底他们有任何关联吗? 这故事有点让我想起John Wick,同样也是因为保护家人而重出江湖的掩世杀手!最大分别的是那个很清楚知道他敌人是谁,但这故事就比较像侦探的那种,带着你去找出他幕后的主谋是谁!   原本的大坏蛋其实也是被利用的受害者,让我看到中途的时候都模糊了,怎么一个大坏蛋可以被其他人给设计到,那只能说这主谋也规划得太好了,完全掌握接下来会发生的事!

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  1. I have watched Taken 1 and 2 but not 3 yet. I like how you make notes about this movie.

    1. Thank you!! It's just a small review for me to write in blog also!! =]

  2. 到影院看 Taken 3前我们先在家里看了 1&2 集。觉得前两集比较好看(尤其是第2集),这集故事有连接性,看了前面2集后故事就比较清晰。你看完后手帐里的连接就得加大了哦 :)

    1. 哈哈哈!谢谢你!还以为没有人注意到那手帐!=]


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