The actual period for me to update my blog is about 10 something at night which after I've done all the stuffs that I supposed to do!!! Since I set auto email notification once received a comment, so even I'm not here, I still manage to check up all the comments…….while checking all the mail, I knew that I've make a HUGE MISTAKE!!! =.=!!!
Frankly speaking, seems like I really have the serious problem on how to express my ideas……
In my previous post I did mention I read from this post but forgot to mention I got all these eight ideas from this blog (but even I didn't mention it and I did keep all the ideas with the link on it) okay, stop the bluff!!! Basically I just use the same ideas and with my own descriptions on it!!!
For this “Avoid Sad Content” suggestion, we're human, no matter how optimism you're, there's always something sad or rant that we need to express about!!! The best place to express your feeling is your blog, since it's your blog which is you can write whatever you like!!! (As you can see mine, I know mine is over pessimistic sometime) You can write brilliant of things of unhappiness for one or two months, or maybe one or two years, which is definitely fine, cause it is the best place for you to express your feeling, FB might be way too crowded or due to some kind of limitation, but here, you can write whatever you want, scold like crazy at somebody while you're mad on him/her!!! [PS: always remember why do you want to start a blog at the first place??? Not for others or show off to the world of how happy or how sad you're moreover whatever you write is not to please anyone!!! ] (As you can see, I always say how UNSAFE and how embarrassed about our news appeared on international news, just write whatever I like) Is like couple broke up, it does take times to go through the sadness period, but just remember to get over it!!!
As conclusion my whole main point was there's always limit for sadness, no matter how sad you're, just learn to get over it!!!
Maybe should just take off this “Avoid Sad Content”…...cut off the troublesome…...cause……I drove so fast to reach home……haven't shower……haven't take my dinner, or should I called it supper instead of dinner now!!! 真是所谓“没事拿事来做” Got to go EAT and SHOWER now!!!
至于说到这个“避免悲伤的内容”,其实我是借机说说,悲伤的情绪,每一个人都会有,再活泼的人也是会有伤心沮丧的时候,所以当然部落格是自己的,写什么伤心到极点的东西都可以(看看我自己,也是可以写到超级无敌伤心悲观的博文)伤心的东西可以写上一两个月,甚至一两年的悲伤的东西是没有问题,因为这里就是除了面子书之外可以胡乱发泄的地方,想要骂谁都可以,而且[记住当初开始写部落格的目的是什么??? 我们不是为别人而写也不是要让人看到你多伤心多痛苦悲伤或多幸福,更不是为取悦他人而写!!!](看我整天都在说我们这个出生的土地治安有多差多丢脸就知道,有话说话,完全没有顾虑) 就好像情侣分手那样会有过渡期,但是时间会让它淡忘,所以无论再怎么悲伤一定要学会慢慢走出来,无论多常的时间,只要有走出来的一天就可以了,不要让自己永远走不出来!!!
也或许我应该把这个“避免悲伤的内容”提掉。。。害我飞车回家至于。。。凉又还没冲。。。饭又还没吃,都不知道是吃晚餐还是宵夜。。。真是所谓“没事拿事来做” 现在要去冲凉吃饭!!!
I thought you did mention you got it all from another blog. Sad once in a while, ok lah...share your troubles, your problems and friends/readers will be there to comfort you, give you advice and so on...but it everyday, depressing posts...most readers will move elsewhere. Don't want to end up getting depressed and sad too - life is too short to be spent in this way.
ReplyDeleteDon't need to comfort me, just want to confront again about it, I was so scared that people might stop writing then keep on thinking and thinking, and when it came to no place to express their feeling, they might do something stupid… not I brag about it, is true that's lot of cases like that!!! =[
Deleteerrr, just write what you want to say lah.. who misunderstood you and left you ugly comment and upset you?? haha, hope that wasn't me~~ anyway, don't need to do anything lah.. we posted what we say, and let's see what other readers think - be it pro or against your ideas, we just want variety for life right??
ReplyDeleteand most importantly, don't get bothered with this.. just be positive like the message you want to bring out :)
Not ugly comment….if ugly comment I just give ugly reply back!!! Hahaha!!!
DeleteI always be positive!!! =]
ReplyDeletehuh? 给妈妈看。。。不会让妈妈看啦,免得让她担心,给她看面子书就好,看开心的事,但部落格就可以畅所欲言!!! =]
Delete这一点,我想跟你分享的是,没错,部落是你自己的,要怎么写是你自己的选择,当然不可能是为了取悦别人。但是这一点你要知道,把不开心的情绪写下来,写的时候你不开心(暂且不管别人看到会怎样,因为 ”部落是你自己的“ ),以后看回你会记得你曾经不开心。
ReplyDelete不知道你的看法是什么啦,我曾跟几位相熟的博友提过这样的事情,对方都认为,不开心的事情最好不要提。不是为了在乎别人的看法。而是,你不写,不久后很快就因为其他事情而淡忘,这件所谓 “不开心的事” ,你还会觉得重要吗?你可以选择开心的生活对不对?
每个人都有一样的 24 小时,我喜欢你选择快乐的情绪过日子。加油!
之前有很在乎了,不过想通了,只要开心才会能够让身边的人开心,即使如此,伤心也不能一辈子,所以无论怎样,第二天早上都一定要微笑!!! =]
Deleteyeah, i shall avoid writing sad content~
ReplyDeleteIs not just avoid on writing, you should try to not being sad or emotional meanwhile!!! =]
ReplyDelete说实在的在乎太多真是会很辛苦!!! =[
大不了就不要看咯,对吧!!! =]
ReplyDelete这个或许不太适合用在老师身上,不趁年轻的时候记录,那么老来的时候,哪有机会回味呢??? 呵呵!!! =]
ReplyDelete我也是这样想的!!! =]