Saturday, March 29, 2014

【Hot Air Balloon|热气球】6th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2014: The Summery and the End | 布城第六届国际热气球嘉年华: 总结和

March 29, 2014, Saturday
While everything has been packed up, those had flew away also flew back to land, not sure whether should I till 9pm for the Night Glow or not because it started to rain......
所有热气球被泄气,之前的也都慢慢飞回来了,人潮也逐渐消去,心想不知道九点钟的Night Glow会不会如时举行,因为原本的毛毛雨好像有点越下越大了,我就这样傻傻的没有雨伞的站着淋雨。。。

After stand under the rain without any cover for almost an hour, I felt so hungry and tired...I asked the staff aside, he told me got to depends on the weather, then I asked him if I want to take the hot air balloon ride tomorrow morning, what time I should be ready at here, as I read from the news that a lady she was there before 6am for the 7am ride! He smile and answered he has no idea about it, because every year when he got there, the queue will be like endless and always run out of ticket!!! I asked him again so the earliest you know is around what time? He answered "2 in the morning!" OoO!!! I know I'm very crazy with this but doesn't mean I'll waiting for it since 2 in the morning moreover I'm pretty sure the person who started waiting from 2am must be in group or couple, so they won't feel bored...but for me I'm waiting alone duh, then I got to be standing there to wait and seeing couple around so sweet sweet here and sweet sweet there......that's kind of I torturing myself or that I need to tell the world I'm very proud to be a "leftover woman"?
淋了一个小时,又累又饿,所以就走去问看看,工作人员说需要看天气而定,而很多原本要乘搭热气球的人也慢慢回家了,我就找个工作人员来问问,“假如明天我要来需要多早到啊?因为我看报纸说七点开始,但她还没六点就到了!”   他笑说不知道,他说他早上来的时候排队的人都已经很多很多了多到连票根都不够拍!   我再问他“那么你遇过最早的几点啊?”   他说:“早上两点!”   OoO!!!   即使我再变态也不可以那样变态吧,况且我心想那早上两点来的,一定不是自己一个人来,一定是有人陪,很大可能是情侣或一班人那种,我这种单身的,自己一个人去已经很可怜,再看那些情侣的闪光灯,我是自己自讨苦吃,还是嫌自己做剩女做到很光荣啊???

Things seem like getting worst and worst, I almost lost control...took this picture before I left, as you can see people are holding umbrella and the road are wet, this's a prove that I'm not lying about I stand under the rain to wait!!! As I said I almost out of mind, so from all the way here to my car, I was kept talking and scolding back to myself, kept on saying "no bf is fine for me, then called up friends to come with me, none of them answered, this explains why I hate those girls complain they're so lonely and helpless when their bf/husband is not around!!! =.=!!! That's call lonely??? Then how about me??? Am I like deserve to be like this??? So then never mind, I try my best to drove here then now is raining???" Yup!!! I was just like this...kept on repeat the same thing again and again until I reached my car without bother anyone is staring at me or not......I was definitely out of control like a crazy woman!!!

When I was back I got fever, so still didn't manage to catch the one on the next day... Well!! They've it every year wat!!!

淋了蛮久的雨我简直是整个人失控了,临走前看到还是有人撑伞,再看看路面都是湿湿的,我没有讲骗话哦,我真的在那边淋雨!!!   所以一路走回车子的时候我就像个疯子,一直自己跟自己说话,一直乱骂,一直重复念“不给我男朋友就算了,打电话找朋友陪,都没有人接电话,就是没有朋友,那些人一直说男朋友/老公离开一下就觉得很孤独很无助!!! =.=!!!那我这些勒,我不是要去撞墙???   那种叫可怜,哪我这种叫什么???   没有朋友也算,我就自己很努力来到,还要给我下雨,这是很好玩是吗???”   就是这样。。。我当时是消极到几点,无视旁人看我乱骂一番,我就这样一直走一直骂,仿佛丧失理智般。。。

有时候我都会在想我是为了什么?   会有人看有人真的我一个字一个字读吗?   会有人真的在乎吗?   回家后还要发烧,结果第二天都没有再回去了,头痛得要命!!!   这么辛苦,不问得到多少,只是一直付出。。。在准备韩国手信的时候我才发觉原来我华语读者越来越少,写到这么累都不知道为什么!!!   


















【Hot Air Balloon|热气球】6th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2014: Taiwan Hot Air Balloon~Hsu, Yu-Ju | 布城第六届国际热气球嘉年华: 台湾~心形热气球

March 29, 2014, Saturday
Coming up!!! Can guess how's this hot air balloon look like??? But for this they got to lay a big wide neon cloth on before take out the hot air balloon!!!
这个是怎样的热气球呢???   怎么需要用一块尼龙布铺在地上呢???

Guess it should be very big as it may take awhile to open up everything!!!

First can notice is, it's from Taiwan!!!

Like I said, it's quite big so it take a while to fill up the "balloon" as well!!!

Same as this, a "hole" on top!!!

And got to use another part to seal it up!!!

Wait!!! What is this??? Is it someone gonna to propose???
这是什么???这是什么???   有人求婚㖿!!!

This's so romantic, their friends was holding the propose banner on the other side (but from my sight I was blocked by the truck!!! =.=!!! Can't what's going on actually!!!)

Was trying my best zoom in to the max as I can, but just too many distraction as you can see the truck and the crowd!!!
用尽方法zoom in,但都被这罗里跟人潮给挡住了。。。(其实我那时候已经是站在第一排了,但距离真的实在太远了。。。)

Back to the hot air balloon, it has two different faces, how sweet and romantic!!!

Barely catch these few pictures of them...(so sweet~~~)

Have no idea why the hot air balloon wasn't be able to fly to the sky, it could be it has passed the free flying period which is 6pm to 7pm(it was almost 7pm) or the wind was strong at that moment......and they just packing up everything!!! =[
过后热气球不知道为什么没有被升起,虽然大会安排热气飞行时间是六点到七点。。。但都还没有上升完。。。这样就结束了???   热气球也被放风。。。收上来了。。。!!!   =[

So happy for them!!! Congrats to this lovely couple!!!

Due to the propose, they became like superstar as everyone was busy taking picture of them nonstop, hehe!!!

Here's how it suppose to be, but I've no fate to see it fly to the sky!!! =[
始终都没有看到它升上天空!!!   =[

【Hot Air Balloon|热气球】6th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2014: Malaysia Hot Air Balloon~Mohd Sobri Saad | 布城第六届国际热气球嘉年华: 马来西亚~青色热气球

March 29, 2014, Saturday
Actually I didn't get to see much of the hot air balloon and here's the last just enjoy~~~

Guess the love shape hot air balloon has caught everyone's attention and so forgot about this......

The way they pump in the air inside is like much faster than those previous one!!!

Buckle up and double check!!!

And "standing up" slowly!!!

But looks like the wind was too strong so it looks like not so stable!!!

Guess part of the reason is they "stand" too close next to each other duh!!!

So they should be split up apart, then should be fine......


Everything just happen so fast, is like can't miss out any single step so what I did was just taking pictures nonstop!!!

Like I said before...same as the love shape hot air balloon, this's not succeeded  fly to the sky and they put it back in!!! =[

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