Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Back to check on my 2013 post, bi-language for so long, I serious asked myself where the hell do I get those energy from...... Sorry about I've missing for so long, actually it's pretty fun to be on holiday, nothing much to tie to myself~~~

2014 is kinda a pretty fun year for me, even though I didn't manage to complete all my goals but still I be able to finish most of them!! No doubt the biggest change is switching back to my own field job, which makes I was getting busy and busier......also cause I've endless posts to write......luckily I still be able to squeeze some times to attend a yoga class once a week, not bad ya!!

The past only can be review, but the future is unpredictable......I only wish my future is full of positive and stay like a proton!! =]



Tuesday, December 30, 2014

【1600Panda|1600熊猫】300 Panda @ Batu Caves|黑风洞的300只熊猫

December 30, 2014, Tuesday
Saw this in their Facebook page, kept on wondering should I go or not, since the place is so near to my house......

In year 2014 June, I saw their news from apple daily and I've already like so much!! (was ranting why Hong Kong and Taiwan always have so much unique exhibitions, but then here on our side only something very common......neither something like the LINE exhibition, nor MT exhibition......and even the big rubber duck......despite all, the air show I want to go the most is at the far Langkawi, and two years once some more!! Duh!!!)

✈2 coz I would never ever want to miss this......even they only 300 of them, but better than nothing, right??

From the apple daily news knows that all the panda position in every section was freely located by their volunteers, they don't have any specify position for every of them

Even though only 300 of them, but pretty sure it some times to position them!!

I was there around 11 something due to the traffic jam!

There're two types of them, one is sitting type and another one is standing type, every bottom part of it has a thick board to protect themselves!!

#HASTAG them to initiating the culture of creative conservation!





Selfie for a second with my tired face because I was so sick on that day!!......

The last 5 minutes, wish they stay more longer...!!

Look at the bird, is here to join the crowd as well!!

I asked my Taiwan friend does he go see the Panda while they were have tour in Taiwan?? Then my friend answered, that's nothing much to see also, just that one by one panda was being place on the floor, nothing special......!! =.=!!! That's true also, but can you don't say fact like so clearly like so not fun lo!
我去台湾的时候,我跟我台湾朋友说我要赶回来看熊猫,然后我问他它们在台湾的时候你有去拍照吗???   出其意料的他竟然就说“就一只一只纸熊猫被丢在地上啊,没有什么特别的!”   >.<!!!   虽然也是,但也可以不用那么直接吧!!

Times up, they putting back the panda back to into the box one by one slowly!!

Thought that one box for one panda!!

Nope, they've to push back inside, so it can fit in another two more!!

My eldest nephew asked me, why they have to place the panda like facing inside?? To be honest I'm not so sure about it, but guessing because the body layout of the panda is trended forward, so it placing like this, making it's not easy to fall out...?? (maybe!!)
看到这个,我的大侄儿问我“为什么他们要把熊猫向着里面啊?”   其实我也不太知道,我觉得应该是因为熊猫是体型是倾向前方,所以朝向里面放,这样比较不容易掉出来吧!

Cardboard is placing together with the panda, was thinking they might be placing somewhere else duh!!

The last one!!

Pushing together to the truck!!

And also their small balusters!

Look closely, they did wrap the panda box rack with few layer cling film in order to keep them safe in the truck while travelling!!

Done with the panda, I persuaded my nephew take the stairs up to caves, then me myself was just waiting down there for him...(so smart and also bad at the same time ya!!)


Last stop at Publika, are 1600 of them this time, don't miss it!!

Official Facebook Page:

Saturday, December 20, 2014

【Haul|購物】Stickerrific Haul|手帳用品开箱

December 20, 2014, Saturday 


December 20, 2014, Saturday

【BloggerGathering|博客聚会】OldSchool @ Jaya School

December 20, 2014, Saturday

Monday, December 15, 2014

【DIY|自制】The Final 50|终极50

Finally just got these things done...and now I felt a bit lazy!!! (Might not say just a bit, instead I'm very lazy now, is like you don't wish to do anything after final~~~)

But since I said I'll be back on 15 so please make it right, here're my FINAL 50!!

Ever since I've finish my cards last year I told myself I would never ever do it again, might buy the selling outside is more than good enough!! Instead I did buy the cards and not only few but 50, so then I looked at the cards, they looked too simple for me, was thinking those received them, are they gonna throw it away after they received or not??? Thus I started came out idea that I want make a simple small small gift to attach with it!! (Yup, I typed it as "simple" but it's not easy at all, obstacles kept on popping out, after I've done roughly 20 of them, I looked at the others and complaining why they're still more to doubt I almost want to give up all the time) 

In order to prepare this, I start planning a month before which is in the beginning of November, started collecting address, designing and prepare materials until I found the Christmas charms those I was gonna to use, were out of my count......been trying so difficult and finally found something barely can consider as "Christmas " charms!! Last but not least is the fun part where I've to punch a hold on the hard card boards and on the next my right hand was so pain until I got to use left hand to use the mouse (luckily I use my left hand for fun some times, if not I won't be able to work on the next day lo)

Okay, the end of the story, the further details will wait until everybody got theirs first then I'll use pictures to tell the story!! If not mistaken it'll be at your house on Friday (please inform back once you received, if don't I got to go check at the post office again)!! =]


其实我在去年做完的时候,就一直碎碎念的时候说“我今年一定不会再做,直接买的就好了!”   结果我确实买了,而且还买了50个,但又觉得纯碎这样送张卡,未免也太随性了吧,所以就想出一个简单的配件(虽说简单,但做起来简直就是困难重重,每做了将近20多个,就一直看一直想“怎么还有那么多 啊???”   )多次几乎要放弃的状态,尽管我很早就在一个月前开始准备,收集地址,开始构思,材料准备到缺少材料,将本来应该是圣诞的装饰就变成“大概有圣诞概念”的装饰;还有最好笑的是因为我要在硬卡纸上打洞而手痛变到第二天我要用左手抓滑鼠(还好我平时好玩,不时换手抓滑鼠,不然都不用工作了)。。。

多余详细的照片等大家收到过后才慢慢用照片说故事,如无意外应该会在星期五寄到你家哦(不忘要给我保平安,因为假如没寄到,它会寄回我这里的邮政局)!!!   =]

Posts on this date -
2015: 【Gift|禮物】Little Angels Christmas Card|五位小天使的聖誕卡
2013: 【DIY|自制】Summary of 2013 Handmade Christmas Card | 我的2013年自制圣诞卡
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 10 | 2013年自制圣诞卡10
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 9 | 2013年自制圣诞卡9
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 8 | 2013年自制圣诞卡8
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 7 | 2013年自制圣诞卡7
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 6 | 2013年自制圣诞卡6
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 5 | 2013年自制圣诞卡5
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 4 | 2013年自制圣诞卡4
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 3 | 2013年自制圣诞卡3
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 2 | 2013年自制圣诞卡2
2013: 【DIY|自制】2013 Handmade Christmas Card 1 | 2013年自制圣诞卡1

Saturday, December 13, 2014

【DIY|自制】The End of the Final 50|终极50之完结篇

December 13, 2014, Saturday
Here's the last post, wondered any of you was saying why do I have to write so many posts for a same topic?? Oh well, that's my style then, like it or not no offense..
终于来到最后一篇啦。。。不知道有没有人心里面想说,怎么我每次都长篇大论的要写这么多篇,可是那就是我的style啊! 我不屑说,你不爽就拜拜。。。要是假如有一天我太简短,那就不是我了!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

【DIY|自制】The Unique Idea of the Final 50|终极50之独特篇

December 11, 2014, Thursday
If all of them are the same, I felt so it so common, thus I came out an idea that put every blogger's blog title at the bottom!

Monday, December 08, 2014

【DIY|自制】Christmas On Going Process|圣诞进行曲

Have been thinking for so long, I can't be so greedy to want so many things to be done in a short period of time, and the thing is I've to get all these done before 12!! Then now I got to make a choice......
Rest for a week and be back on 15!! =]

Sunday, December 07, 2014

【DIY|自制】The Preparation of the Final 50|终极50之预备篇

November 16, 2014, Sunday
In 2013, I made 16 different Christmas cards two weeks before Christmas!! 2014 of Chinese New Year the half month before I made 30 Chinese New Year cards!! Is like keep on challenge myself, so in 2014 a month before Christmas, I've already start working on the Christmas card!!

Since my two experiences before I knew how tired would it be so I bought these from Taobao during March, was thinking like I don't want to make anything on this year, just post the purchased one are totally fine!! But when look at them, they're not like something priceless and I got so many of them was just because they're really cheap, so I decide to attach one extra little "accessories" to that!!

I typed "useful Christmas present" on Google and Youtube, it came out something like candle, candy, mug, phone case and etc...Candle?? I don't people would that kind of time and mood to light at the candle anyway and candles are pretty heavy, if something light......what I can think of is those I can got it from Ikea those little white candles!! Chocolate?? I'm worry the chocolate would melt before it reach to the receiver!! Candy?? Umm...I don't even like candy, how can you expect me to send some candy duh!! Cup or mug?? First came to my mind is how much would it costs to the postage??? Phone case??? Is that weird to ask everyone what's your phone modal ya?? Even so I got the answer, how do I know the person like it or not???
2013年的圣诞,奇迹的在前两个星期前做了16个不同的卡片,2014年新年的前半个月做了不可任务的30张!   进行的不断挑战,有人可知道我为了这个圣诞我可是一踏进11月的时候,就开始紧张了,之前都觉得不够时间,所以我说我今年就一定要在一个月前就要开始准备,由于之前都真的真的做到半死,所以三月的时候就在淘宝淘了圣诞卡回来,想说这次就真的寄卡就算了!!

 就正是因为它们是淘宝淘回来的,价钱很便宜,所以才会买那么多,不过一想到很多人也是有上淘宝的啊,会不会他/她在淘宝看到价钱,那么便宜,觉得很廉价,就会觉得我送的什么便宜的东西而不会在意啊!   所以就很死咯。。。又再死都要想一个好的备件出来,想说要一些实用一点的礼物会是什么啊??   

打着“useful Christmas present”的字眼在Google,在Youtube,他们所放的蜡烛,糖果,巧克力,茶杯,手机壳等等的,我都想过。。。蜡烛??   应该不会有人那么诗情雅意的会点着蜡烛,边看书还是边工作的吧??!!   加上蜡烛那种漂亮的那么重,难道真的送Ikea那种白色的那种么???   再来是巧克力和糖果,想说那个邮差应该不是每个都是坐van车去送信的吧,这么热的天气,巧克力会不会溶掉啊? 糖果??   我自己又不吃糖果,又要送人糖果,真的说不去吧!。。。茶杯??   光看就是知道重了,几份的话是没关系,但是50份,别人不说我傻,我都觉得自己是不是神经线断掉了!。。。。。手机壳,这个很难,我不可能一个一个去问,你的手机是什么款的吧! 即使是,他人也许也不会喜欢,就好像“我不是在你心里,我怎么知道你几时要吃饭,几时要吃面啊???   
So in the end, I'm still move back to my originally idea, started looking some DIY which are made by paper!! Gradually I saw the tag on the candy jar, actually that's a pretty good idea!! A tag which can be as a bookmark or as a decorations to decorate on tress or hang it on your notice board in your office, right??

 So got the idea now, have to start prepare the materials!! Got all this from a shop named Craft Haven at 1U, the bridge between Old Wing and New Wing on 2nd floor!! Seriously I just went in to the shop without any idea I want to buy!! Hence not surprisingly I was standing inside the shop there looking at the materials to think of an idea that I was happy with for almost an hour!! In the end my legs are even tired than my mind!!
是有了概念,但总不能一张卡那样罢了,上面也一定要有一些设计!   以上的都是在1U,Old Wing和New Wing中间桥梁,二楼的Craft Haven店买的,其实去到那家店的时候,我还不知道我要怎样的设计,所以我就站在店里站了很久很久。。。那家店不是很大,的我却可以在里面将近一小时,因为我就是站在一大堆材料面前想设计,我想说我想到不会累,倒是站到双脚很累很酸!哈哈哈!!

Thus after standing for so long, of coz something came up in my mind, I found this snow globe stamp chop which's I like it so much because it reminds me that I would buy one as a souvenirs from the places I've been travel to!!

After stamp chop now is the ink pad!! Problem now is which color should I pick?? I a single solid color that I've to concern on what color paper I should use!! Finally I chose black color, safe for any color background (of coz black color paper is not included, don't be silly!!)
有了盖章,当然要选个颜色啊,但是颜色是要怎样选啊??   选单一色就会有点被框框住了,所以最后选了最传统的黑色,即使过后要上色还是什么是最安全的,无需格外担心的!

Here's the results, the one the left is the first stamp so it might look a bit blur and not so clear!!
成品就是这样啦!!   左边的是第一个盖的,所以有点模糊!

Surprisingly I couldn't remember when I did I put this in my basket, only realized it when I got home!!

So let's check it out what's it!! This's ink pad for watermark ink and it was my first time see about it!

As it's a "watermark" ink, so wasn't easy to take a picture of it, so must achieved the picture and shooting as certain angle!!

Put on some brightness adjustment to the picture, so now you can see clearly the difference of them!!

Black and White!! Which one you like the most???

Personally I like the one on the right more, because it looks like snow globe in the dark sky!! But since everyone choose the one on the left, so I pick this!!
其实我比较喜欢右边的,看起来像黑夜,雪球印章看起来就像白色!!   但是顺从大众的意向,所以我选了作品白色!
Done!! Done!! Done!!
Must give a really big thanks to my best friend who helps me to finish them!! She cuts the paper then I do the stamp chop......(PS: Is not easy to work with me, as I'm a super perfectionist on certain thing, she was kept on nagging that "You're asking people to help but at the same time you complain a lot!")
多谢我好友陈美玲的帮我割纸卡,然后我盖章!!   真的要多谢她,因为帮我制作卡片的时候是不可以马虎的,以我极高要求,她还要一直念说“要我帮你做,还要要求多多,多多意见!”
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