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Saturday, September 20, 2014

【KLPF|摄影节】KL Photography Festival 2014 Part 3|2014吉隆坡摄影节 3

September 20, 2014, Saturday
Seriously before I went to this festival, was expecting everything about photography and nothing much else, but this really surprise me...
Here're some of their handmade productions, Mah Meri has been living in the island for almost 400 years, and they still in faith of their traditional cultural and the power of their god..

In their culture, female always talented in weaving, they started to make their own cloths, home decoration and baskets since they're young
While the male are talented in wood carving, and some of their products were even achieved international standard become infamous among all..
During the old times, their basic income were come from fishing, but some already move near to the orchards, working on agriculture...Thus their main income are mostly from the wood carving art..
From the record, prices of 2006 for 4 to 5ft wood carving art can sell as RM4,000 to RM5,000, while the small one is RM100 for one...
They've almost 460 types of different wood carving art, each of them has a myth. Most of the character are represent their god, human and animals... The wood material is called "Nyireh Batu", it takes 8 hours a day and 3 to 4 months to finish a 4 to 5ft wood carving, 3 to 7 days for a small one. In the ancient times, they use the wood carving as a disease curing item, every when people got sick, the witch would put on some spells, move the sickness of the person on to the wood carving...then throw it into the river or sea. Besides the wood craving, they have mask that called "Moyang Tok Naning". They hang it on top of their house door and wear it while putting spells ceremony......

I left after I've took pictures of the wood craving art but luckily I pass by here before I left to the entrance, if not I'll miss this...

What to do? Got to squeeze in front there to take a "front view" picture what!

Can't get into the middle because somebody has set his tripod on, so I only can stand to the side...

Then they dancing circling the "something" in the middle

Their ancestor day in Malay is Hari Moyang, is one of they important in their ethic group...they will wear their traditional clothes and mask to celebrate, singing and dancing on that day...and actually the festive can last for two days..

Honestly I can't remember I've learn something like this during my school...and I get to know them more after I've did some research online as before I was thinking they're from the east Malaysia...but now I've learn something new today!!


Event Periods: September 19 (Friday) ~ September 21 (Sunday), 2014
Time: 10pm - 10pm
Admission Fee: Free
Official Website: http://www.klpf.com.my


  1. Maybe the photography festival is for photographers to go there and take photos kot. They set up the theme of orang asli this time...

    1. I guess so, I'm planned to go this year, to see how's it go!

  2. Eh, ya wor, by the name of it, I thought just photography and cameras wor.. The Mah Meri sounds interesting, looks very interesting too, can make us understand them more.. The souvenirs and their handmade products look very nice too..

    1. Yah, like you jakun word, I haven't heard about this before this lo!

  3. 我也以为只有摄影作品而已
    这我知道, 因为从我家去东禅寺的路上, 会看到Pulau Carey路牌

  4. haha, I am very surprise too seeing these photos!! haha, looks like this photography exhibition is like 包羅萬象 leh.. I don't remember seeing you post lots of "photography" photos but looks like more of these cultural things.. somemore Malaysian culture, looks like to attract tourists more huh?? hehe, but to Malaysian I think not many ppl are interested hor?? :p

    1. Yup, we always have the thoughts that the overseas moon is rounder lo

  5. Interesting!!! I sure would want to go and look-see if I were around there.

  6. The wood carvings look good. I hope they sell many of them during the exhibition.

    1. Oh, I'm not sure about that, but mostly are for display only! =]

  7. Somehow I am afraid of those masks... looks creepy to me.

  8. 之前有去過在Gombak的原住民博物館,

    1. 原來有這樣的博物館,我下次要去走走看了。。。

  9. 很惭愧~身为大马人我都不懂有这些原住民

  10. I had to look at the title again. ukiks...i thought tradisional dance festival.

    They are very clever with the anyaman la

  11. Thanks for sharing this. It looks interesting and I learned new things from this post.


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