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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Do what you Like or Follow what people Expect?

September 17, 2014, Wednesday
Picture Sources - (okay, this picture is nothing to do with the post, but I found this's so pretty, so I tended shared it here...XD)
Do what you like or follow what people expect?? I realized lots of people nowadays always goes with the second one, they're not being themselves but just acting to be the person which everyone around is expecting, are they really happy with it?? I don't know but what I know is nothing is happier than you're doing what you like, anything that you're passionate about!!

Maybe currently everyone can gives an excuses that we need to tolerate, but some aren't think like that...time flies, the more and more you gain is tiredness and asking yourselves...why are you keep on doing so if you can't any happiness with it...So how about you?? Are you always free to do what you like or being another person that not exactly yourself??

For now I'm happy with what I'm doing, even not so discipline myself to open Feedly to check on every new post every minutes to comment, but I'm still going through every of it quietly and sincerely......and no longer have the forcing feeling to do so but doing it anytime I feel like it......

随便乱来的一篇,我想说我还是喜欢做我自己喜欢的而不是跟随做那个别人所期待的自己!!   当下的你做着的是你自己喜欢做什么就做什么的,还是你都在做你被告知该如何做的啊???   很八卦噢???   但最重要是自己和身边人都开心不是吗???


  1. 睡眠真的很重要,年轻人要好好照顾身体^^

  2. I agree with you.. Many people will follow others' expectation, but in their heart, they wish they don't have to do that.. I think it's common kua.. Just like if you are trying to quit soming, but then boss ask you to smoke+chat a little.. You still have to say yes and ok, to "entertain" a bit..

    1. Hahaha, yah la, like businessmen, they already used to drinks, if you said you've already quite drinking, then they will said you are not giving face this and that...sigh~~~

  3. Sometimes you have to follow others a bit .... as the saying goes , if you can't beat them then join them.

    1. Actually I won't force myself to join, if there's another choice for me, I would choose to leave instead, I rather stay alone!! =]

  4. To make matters worse, I am doing neither. I don't do what I like (I don't really like being an engineer, not anymore) and I don't do what others expect (my mom expects me to be rich and married and give her grandchildren by now, but I'm not). I don't know what I am doing zzz...

    1. Hahaha, same as me la, my mom always said girls don't need to study so much and my dad always ask me go get married but the thing is I don't even have a bf duh!! >.<

  5. well, of course it would be happier to do what we like instead.. but I have another thought which I think is more important.. just LIKE WHAT YOU ARE DOING!! yes, it makes no sense you do not like what you are doing, even if it's something you like to do.. on the other hand, while you are doing something for the sake of others, find something that you like about, like how others would appreciate your effort, how your help would bring them out if trouble etc.. (learn to) enjoy what you do and that would be the ultimate stimulant to make life happier.. of course it's said easier than done, but sometimes if we are able to think out of the box and see beyond the tunnel, it is surely going to inspire and enlighten us kaw kaw one, agree?? that, I am still learning, still learning to see things from different perspective and to find goods rather than faults from things :)

    1. I'm gonna to bookmark this, very meaningful paragraph for me!! Thanks!! Sometimes things goes too fast until I've forgotten that the simple to make thing easier is to LIKE WHAT I'M DOING if I can't really change anything, like it or not just it does matter the result!! =]

  6. 对阿,我觉得不需要太强逼自己,喜欢怎样就怎样,做自己最重要.

  7. Good to know you are not feeling pressured to leave comments anymore. All the best! :)

  8. 做自己最重要,爱惜自己更更重要。(=

    1. 有时候是要看看,但可以的话,假如没有利益冲突,我都是在做我自己的!! =]

  9. 我一直在做那个别人所期待的自己,越来越迷失了~~

    1. 所以宅妈要做会自己,不要忘记最真的自己哦!! =]


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