Thursday, November 19, 2020

【Haul|開箱】Win Nie no Kobo's Christmas Collections|ウィン二の工房的聖誕作品

November 19, 2021, Thursday

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

【MacDonald's|麥當當】Happy Meal - Minions ~ October 22|小黃人公仔~10月22日(2020)

October 22, 2020, Thursday
Can't remember when was the last time that I bought MacDonald's Happy Meal is due to the toys/figurine. I think it was the mini lego set. My sister was thinking to get MacD for her kids and niece, so she grabbed three set of the Happy Meal that day.

First with the glasses is a minion with golf costume

Second is the single eye Elvis? Unsure about it.

The last one also is the one that makes us laugh so much is this singer I think. It has so much hair!! Can you imagine that the minions that you always known is hairless and this has so much of hair?!

A final group picture

My nephew put them as this pose for me to take picture, never know they can stood up there though. By the way, the full set can see it here

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Thursday, November 12, 2020

【Random|隨寫】How to avoid Strangers to WhatsApp you|如何避免陌生人闖入你的WhatsApp

November 12, 2020, Wednesday
What would you normally do when you received an unknown person contact you in WhatsApp? Mostly I would just ignore.
是否有試過有不知明的人WhatsApp你? 你通常都會怎麼處理呢? 我是有常收到的都是那些廣告類似的,但我幾乎都會不管他。 


Saturday, November 07, 2020

【Drinks|飲料】Nilofa Banana Flavoured Milk|Nilofa 香蕉牛奶

November 7, 2020, Saturday


November 7, 2020, Saturday

Before I start writing this post, I was concerning a lot and kept thinking that people might curious why I post everything, not literally everything, I just post the stuffs that I think is worth to keep and record in my blog. Back in few years times, bloggers post literarily everything on the blog is just a common thing, just that nowadays, we have varieties platforms and blogging might take a little longer time than the rest of the platforms, so many have stopped the habits gradually. Despite that to give up or to maintain always is a challenge for me, I enjoy writing and enjoy reading my old post, I like the feeling when I need something, oh ya, I've the information on my blog, but the thing I don't like is the moment of start writing as I tend to procrastinate most of the time, I only got the spontaneous feeling to write when the dark came by and nearly end of the month. OK! Enough craps, let get into the topic!
在還未開始寫這篇的時候,我一直在想。。。會不會有人會說我什麼都po,本應以前寫部落格時期,很多人都是做著同樣的東西,所以自己怎樣看都不會像個怪咖,但是由於逐漸越來越少人寫了。。。自己也好像是個稀有動物=.=!! 自己跟自己說話。。。其實也算是個記錄! 我覺得我是很享受寫部落格時候,最很愛是回味的時候,尤其是看回以前的自己,以前的照片,但是我最不喜歡就是開始寫的時候,每當擬定好這段時間就寫部落格,每次都會跑去做其他事,但看到天色昏暗,還有越來越靠近月尾,我就會硬著頭皮去開電腦。。。好了廢話不囉嗦,盡快進入主題吧!


【Phone|手機】IOS 14.2: The New Emoji|IOS 14.2:新鮮表情符號

 November 7, 2020, Saturday


【Book|書籍】《不抱怨的世界 活出雲淡風輕的精彩》

November 7, 2020, Saturday
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