Saturday, September 20, 2014

【KLPF|摄影节】KL Photography Festival 2014 Part 1|2014吉隆坡摄影节 1

September 20, 2014, Saturday
That Art Expo is not yet finished......just that this has been in my draft for so long and haven't post, so I like this to slip in between the expo for awhile!!
那个Art Expo是还没有写完的,只是这个照片本来很早就准备好,所以就把它写就好。。。

KL Photography Festival, at first thought in my mind was I don't have very good camera skill, am I suit to visit this kind of exhibition??? Why not think this way, is because I'm not so good then I need to find a way to improve myself, to check out more others advanced pictures to pick up something!!

Got this news from the Mid Valley official Facebook Page!!
好像逐渐发每到周末的时候就会有人来问我,这个星期哪里有展览啊??   我都奇就怪了,因为我也没有什么内幕的消息还是有什么轨道,所有消息都是来自它们商场的官方面子书网站还是报纸上的消息,最重要的是我参观那些全部大多也是免费的,无需任何费用(除了停车费,不算!)我由于我每次参观的都是随心所欲,所以都可以很轻松的保持中立来写!

This's so attractive, not yet enter the exhibition, it's already gimme an excited impression of it!!

Got this from the staff standing beside the entrance, it has shown where and when have different sharing session from various photographers!!

Entered the first hall, thought that was just that's all for the exhibition, quite small only......then walked further and further, it's not just hall 1 but also hall 2 and 3!!!

Same as usual, I started from the outsider first......

It wasn't that crowded at that moment, can see one by one I'm so short, I won't be able to block others eyesight also!!! Hahaha......coz I noticed this when I turned around lo!!
我去的那时候人潮没有很多,可以慢慢看,但是即使我看得很慢,挺到人家也没有很大的关系。。。因为我很矮,哈哈哈!!!   不会阻碍到很多其他人的视线。。。

张子恒 Claes Chong Hze Hang
Among those, I picked a few to share here......look at this, don't you  AGREE with this???
在这 么多作品中,一定要选几张我喜欢的来分享分享,看看这张,你是否也是有同感??   举手举脚赞成呢??

I wasn't the only one seeing each picture slowly, most of the visitors are like that as well!!

They did organize them section by section, and here're the vibrant colors section!!

Vivid Live - Opera House during Vivid in Sydney Festival 2014, Australia ~ Sornadi bin Ismail
My first time seeing the Sydney Opera House was in so attractive colors and I like this very much as well......

Every photographer name and description was well written below their pictures!

Holi Festival, play and laugh, forget and forgive, throw away the unhappy memory and friendship forever - Shree Lakshmi Narayan Temple, Jalan Ipoh ~ Wong Lit Wei
Is actually quite hard to take picture of picture, because have to avoid the lightning spot, so have to take as like the sliding way!!

During the sharing session the photographers shared some of those funny and interesting photos they were taken!!

Kwang Hua Private High School Klang~Selangor

This's a very cute booth, the uncle at this booth will kept on play his erhu, and when people asked he'll explained very passionately!!
这是个很可爱的老伯伯的摊位,他手中拿着二胡自己拉一拉,当有人问起的时候,他会 很热情的解释着它是如何拉出声音的及教导!

When I got attractive to this very huge board and walked closer to have a look, he was started to saying "if you've taken any retro or historical stuffs, you can send to their Facebook Group~kampungfootprint!!" Don't know why at that moment I answered I wasn't not so good in taking picture (feel like I just want to say I'm very sucks at it then waiting people to denied it to ensure myself!! Sweat!!) Then he said "don't need to be very good skill to do that", then he starts to point at some of the pictures behind him and said again "look, these are all taken my kids, they're not so professional as well, nowadays most of the pictures are edited pictures, they did PS them before posting, if not the true colors of the image won't be so sharp!"
当我被它这又有竹又有这么大招聘的设计吸引着而走进去的时候,老伯伯很热情的招待我,他说“你拍了什么古迹旧旧东西的照片的时候可以上传到我们的面子书!!”   当时不知道为什么我一开口就说我拍照技术不好(好像就是那种感觉要自己先说自己不好,然后才来慢慢等人家来否认自己或来称赞自己)老伯伯就立刻说我们也不要拍照技术好的,然后指着后面的照片作品说“你看这些都是小孩子拍的,也没有很厉害的,他们现在那些拍出来的照片都经过修功的,添加了很多颜色,要不然真的颜色,哪有那么鲜艳啊!

Every time people walked closer, he'll give them this flyer and told them to join the group!! Also a notebook on the table for visitors to write their names and where they came from!!


  1. KL photography festival.. Sounds very very interesting.. But like you, I think the same.. I don't even have a decent camera, hehe.. Everything using my camera phone only..

    1. Hahaha, you know what ya!! That time I want to take out my camera to take a picture, but I looked around, everyone was holding a very advanced camera, the not professional one is semi D then the rest are DSLR, so I was like secretly secretly take all these picture one, hahaha!!! Not so dare to show my camera ya, hehe!!

  2. I also don't have good photography skill (in fact, I don't even have any, haha!!) but then there's nothing to do with going to a photography expo also ma.. photography fans sure got more things to study there but for people like me, just treat as admiring good pieces of artwork just like you go to art exhibition..

    p/s: just like I can't cook, but I enjoy eating!! hehehe~~ :p

    1. Yah la!! At first I was thinking like that but not so like that later on...... Hahahaha!! I also can't cook very well, just know how to eat...wahahaha~~~

  3. The exhibition looks very quiet , calm and relaxing. That's what I called De stress !

    1. Yup, only this part is quite, later on hall 2 and 3 is pretty crowded!!

  4. Can slowly walk and admire the photo exhibition for this part. So many to see!

  5. Eyewwww!!!! Don't like those flowers. Nice photos though.

    1. Hahaha, i get what you might be thinking or "that" lo!!

  6. Replies
    1. There're a lot of exhibition in shopping mall, you can try to check it out in their FB page!!

  7. This is a place for photography lover! If for me last time, I will have interest, now.... not really.. :p


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