Saturday, March 26, 2016

【Airport|機場】Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 1|新加坡樟宜機場客運大樓 1

March 26, 2016, Saturday
Singapore airport, always see as a very attractive airport, not just the service but the effort they've put in the airport. Every season or every few months, if you've been to this airport frequently and long enough, you will realized they've been changing the decorations from time to time.
我不但很喜歡飛機,也很喜歡機場,新加坡的機場是一個讓我覺得一個很用心的機場,因爲他們的運作方式,一切點點滴滴,認真的很欣賞,你真的發覺這個機場的用心之處。 它聞名了跟著季節更換裝飾的機場,我說假如我身在住在新加坡,我一定會定時去機場參觀(説到好像有點變態=.=)

I arrived at Terminal 1 (if I'm not mistaken, when I was travelling from KUL, I always arrived at Terminal 1) Train to the city, the train station is at Terminal 3, so basically I walked from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3, not that far and I'm very enjoy walking in the airport......
幾乎每次從吉隆坡飛往新加坡,抵達的客運大樓一定是一號大樓,這個畫面一點都不陌生,還有一點熟悉感。 一號客運大樓出關卡后,需要走到三號客運大樓的火車站搭火車到市區,是的確有點距離,但是看著沿途的裝飾品,也是一種享受的樂趣。

By that walking towards to the Terminal 3, I saw this before going down to the escalator. Was wondering should I stop to take picture? In the end I stopped because I saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
在一號客運大樓到三號客運大樓的下手扶梯的途中,我看到了這個,本來想説我要八卦啦,我又沒有時間寫,想要跳過快速的離開的,但是我卻看到了比薩斜塔的影子。 我很喜歡比薩斜塔,還是應該說我比較喜歡大理石的建築物,建築物是我第二樣喜歡的東西,不過其實嚴格來説他們的位置都是一樣的,因爲我小時候夢想是當建築師嘛!

Originally micro sized of all the building block. They are all my favorite buildings, I've been to a few but not all and tend to visit all of them one day. Not just touch and go, but is sit peacefully and enjoy the view, enjoy the mysteries of the architecture.
原來它們是這些小模型的放大模式,裏面每一座建築物都是我喜歡的。 對於建築物的熱忱我要的不是到此一游的打卡,我要的是慢慢欣賞每一個角落,從神秘的歷史到結構跟材料,我每次都會因爲一個建築物而去研究它背後的結構材料和由來。

Start from the right, is Kaminarimon. I've been there on 2015 April, it wasn't attract me that much (sorry to say that) It famous with its large lantern, which is why attract the tourists the most.
由右邊開始看起的第一個建築物是日本東京首都的雷門。 這個我2015年4月到訪的地方,不過也說真的,這個衹是一個門,還真的提不起我什麽勁去研究,即使回來看足資料,它出名的地方就是門前的大紅燈籠。

Leading tower of Pisa! Why it caught my attentions so much?? Basically I just like buildings by marble, is hard to hard any new buildings made with marbles now. Based on the structure and mysteries leading image, I've seen the real one in Italy in 2015 September, even I've been there once but I still wish to go there one more time, just can't get my eyesight away from it.
不過説到第二個的比薩斜塔,大理石建造,是我小時候就很想親眼去目睹的地方。 2015年9月的到訪,讓我發神經質一直狂喊我朋友的名字,而且有幸的還讓我上到塔上。 很多人到這裏還衹不過拍張扶正塔的照片,但是這塔後面奧妙的神秘感,讓我們足足在那邊逗留了好長一段時間,它那冰冰冷冷的大理石就是我鍾情于他的地方。

London Tower Bridge, I haven't been there and I wish to go there. London icon unique bridge, with exhibition inside the walkway and of course the new glass-floored which they just released to the public in recent years. There's no excuses for me to skip this typical landmark of London.
倫敦塔橋,小時候我會好奇這種中間會開的橋好酷哦!但是後來才發覺是他旁邊兩座塔才是它特別之處。 橋上方還是一個展示廳,藏有見底的玻璃地板,當從新開放的新聞一出,我還真的有種衝動想要買機票到倫敦一看。

Again, Taj Mahal another building is made by marble and is ivory white marble which is even more attractive. Despite the love story behind, I wish to go there just to see the real one with naked eyes. But India is still a place I scared to go alone, maybe I need to learn some self defense martial art first...
印度的泰姬陵也是我小時候很向往的地方,儘管它背後超過300年的愛情故事,22年的建築過程,純白色大理石的藝術建築,怎叫我怎麽不愛它。。。衹可惜印度這個地點,要一個人上路,我還真的慎重考慮的很久,而且最基本的是我必須要先很擅長自衛術。 很多人都説我一個人出游,我的家人不擔心嗎? 我想是因爲我家人都知道我會保護自己,那是我自己從小的責任,對得起自己,也對得起身邊的人。 假如自己都不保護自己,不愛惜,不照顧自己,然後還要等到身邊人出口來關心和擔心自己,那是不成熟的行爲哦!

The Eiffel Tower, of course for others this tower was just a building that signature as romance. But for me, the structure behind is more interesting, let me ask you, do you know it was once in yellow? Answer here. The starting of non straight track for lift......(okay, continue even more detailed after I've been there)
法國巴黎的浪漫標志艾菲爾鐵塔。 這個我又怎麽説呢? 小時候我在想這個鐵塔是可以在上面看風景的,那麽電梯是直直從地上升上去咯? 但是看了圖片有看不到中間有東西,後來長大了,看書才知道原來它是從它的脚邊,斜斜這樣的電梯上去的(感覺有點變態,好像每個建築物,我也要解剖探個究竟)

I haven't been there too, but my first knowledge of Egypt is not the pyramid but is Tutankhamun, the youngest Egypt king died with mystery...and so it leads to the mystery of pyramid... Nope, I haven't been there, far......Egypt is too hot, in my wishlist, the cold and four seasons countries always come first.
我對金字塔的認知很特別,因爲我不是以建築角度的第一眼看到,而是從古埃及歷史第十八代王朝图坦卡蒙才認識到金字塔。 這位最年輕的王室之死的迷至今還仁舊還是一個迷,而金字塔的構造也有很多説法,這些在未來世界的認證,就要靠考古學家和科學家的功勞了。

So what are those materials? Get a closed up picture look of the enlarge "nano block" Couldn't admit that they did put lots of efforts on the decorations part, if I stay at Singapore, that's for sure I would visit the airport every month to checkout the new decorations update, hmmm.......
說到最后,有沒有好奇他們到底是什麽製成的? 放大版的小模型,還穿插著小燈泡閃閃發亮。 這個設計師和建造人也是值得掌聲的,因爲看似小小的工程,不花心思,還真看不到成果。

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  1. Wah macam lawatan sambil belajar kat airport, haha.. But yes, the airport really lots to see & explore.. My hubby told me can play Wii (u wear a 'helmet' and shoot enemies, something like that) somemore..

    1. Yup, that got to explore, actually the airport is quite big and lots of entertainments.

  2. Changi Airport is the only airport in the world that makes me feel that... everything just, makes sense! Everything there is there for a purpose to make all the visitors happy.

  3. Hope you can go to all the places shown here. Thanks for sharing with us these photos of Changi airport.


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