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Saturday, November 14, 2015

【AutoShow|車展】Asean Auto Show 2015|2015東盟車展

November 14, 2015, Saturday
Was about to give up this car show, because it's too far from my house. But changed my mind after I saw this on the news paper...they are all the classic cars that you barely have a chance to see on the road, so this is the best chance to see the real thing, so why would I miss it...
本來很懶惰去參觀的車展,原因是它離我家太遠了,但是展出后的第二天,就在報紙上看到他的報道。 所展出的車幾乎都是復古傳統風格的車子,這是多難得的啊。。。所以我還是出門去到目的地去了。

I got there was so on time, is about 10am when they just started. With the parking fee is RM4, that's all for the whole day, actually is quite worth it. Follow the instruction to the Hall, I wish they can extend more days for this event, it's too short sincerely.
我抵達的時間是早上十點,是剛剛開始的時間,4零吉給予一天的停車費,還算划算的,因爲我不用去在乎我已逛了多久,多少個小時。 跟著指示牌去到了展示廳,這三天的展覽其實未免也太短了吧,但也可以說也許是它短暫所以珍貴吧!

✈8   BMW i8
This was park outside the showroom, not even being inside, this has caught my enough of my attentions for taking picture non stop and it was that great the staff opened the door so that I was fortunate to grab a picture of the interior.

RM8 for the entrance ticket can buy it on the left side of the hall main entrance. Answer some questions behind the ticket and filled up the information throw inside the draw box then get a stamp chop on your hand as a replacement of the ticket.
8零吉的入門票可以在入口處的左邊所購買。 在票的後面填上抽獎問題的答案再放到透明箱子内(這我常都會遇到,衹是沒有一次會中獎)把票丟進箱子内后就會得到這個必須蓋在手上的蓋章蓋印以取代入門票。

First showroom shown up in front of the main entrance is own by Mazda. The spotlight here is color of the car (it might not looks so clear in my picture here) according to the MC on the spot was telling the soul red color was registered by Mazda, which means only Mazda car has this color.
一進門口,打頭陣的是馬自達。 他讓人矚目的是他那鮮艷特別的紅色,根據在場的報導人員說這特有的紅色衹屬于馬自達車子,因爲他們已注冊了。

To the left is the Subaru cars showroom, nothing much interesting here. But if really want to say one, the car show model here are quite pretty, hehe! (Yea, even I'm a female and NOT a lesbian here, okay? But who does not like to see pretty things??)

Further left is this Great Wall Motors, it's my first time get to know this car, for me Great Wall is this Great Wall of China, didn't know there's another company named as it. I asked my colleague after that, he told me this company this the largest sport utility vehicle producer... Okay, at least I've learn something new then.
再往左邊就是長城汽車,我還是第一次看見這牌子的車。 但長城這個名字還不僅讓我想起中國那個真的長城(不好笑!)事後我跟同事談起這個,他告訴我這個牌子是中國第一大的車輛出產商,啊? 真的? 嗯! 那我又學到了新東西了!

Besides Great Wall Motor is Kia Motors and it was their newest car launching on the day. Lots of reporter and the VVIP big guy were standby here and waiting for it. Since I wasn't wear like very formal I just walk closer to take some pictures then leave, it was too stress being standing among them.
在長城汽車的隔壁是起亞汽車,而且當日我還幸運的碰到他們展示最新款的汽車。 還不知情的我當時還以爲幹嘛有這麽多記者和大人物一直站在那裏等候啊? 站在他們附近我還真的好像一個不知道哪裏跑出來的小孩子,因爲他們多穿得很端莊,衹有我。。。所以我衹貼近的拍了幾張照片就離開了。

To the right is Mercedes Benz, it's very comfort car, but not everyone can buy it? Don't you agree? Hahaha!! They did have something special this time, they asked a local famous artiest to paint on the car.
在他右邊,展示的是梅賽德斯-賓士,這非常舒適的車子,但不是人人都買的起的車子。 有著傳統風格的他們這次的新高頭的是邀請本地著名的畫家在車子上上畫。

Here is the one I saw on the newspaper, actually here is where I came in first straightaway went to this section to have a look first. Nine retro cars own by different sultans, if they didn't put any descriptions at the side, you might not be able to guess right, where have all these cars been to.
終于看到了我在報紙上看到的車子了,其實我那時候一進去第一反應就是來到這裏,衹是我照片是根據會場的順序來拍。 9輛復古汽車都是所屬於我國不同的蘇丹,車子旁還放了這些車曾到過的地方。

Left side here is some case which I can't find how they call that, if really want me to mention it maybe I should say the highlight here is the tire and the rim. (details would be on other posts... PS: kids sitting on that truck were too long, I stood there for quite long but still the staff haven't carry their kids down, so I just have to capture a picture with their kids on top of it)
不知道這是屬於什麽車牌還是什麽的,但硬要我説出來,我猜是講述輪胎的吧,因爲他旁邊放了很多輪胎。 (還真的美中不足的地方,那工作人員把自己的孩子放在車上,我真的站在那邊很久了,他都還沒把他的孩子拿下來,所以我唯有將他的孩子都拍進去吧,但不用擔心,在這裏照片裏面,他們的樣子也沒有很清楚)

Was surprise to see this on the show, thought here is all vehicles stuffs. Maybe, maybe this is consider type of "mobile" thing, that's why... Is that make any sense to you??
在車展看到這個,我還真的有些驚訝! 相信是因爲這也是驅動機械所以他會被安排展示在這裏吧! 但這是我瞎説的,我不知道原因,這難不成你要我去問他,你們爲什麽會在這麽。。。

BMW showroom got like stuck in the behind, if I wasn't gonna to explore what is in second floor, I would even aware of this. My sense of thought here is the staffs are with very  serious face, so I don't dare to have much pictures about this...no idea why...but maybe I look like those couldn't afford to get one of this?? Hey, actually that's a good news, so I won't become any of those robberies target, isn't it great??
入口處的寶馬這麽搶眼,沒想到進到會場内,他被安排在會場的后處而且還是在沒有很顯眼的地方。 加上這裏的工作人員就一副很眼熟的樣子,不知道是不是我一看過去就不像是買的起這些車的樣子,所以他們才會那副樣子,不過這樣也好,那證明了,不會成爲被搶劫的目標。

Is nothing to see in second floor, I went up and went down immediately. It only covered some accessories stuffs, I was looking forward another car show. So here are the section which I'm so not sure, but seems like the categories them as types of cars with various brands.
在寶馬的旁邊是上二樓的扶手梯,我一上到去就立刻下來,因爲那邊沒有任何展覽,有的衹是車子的零件銷售罷了。 扶手梯下來的左邊就是展示了很多車子,但這就沒有列出是屬於什麽牌子。

Car show not just to see pretty cars but also pretty girls. I saw most of the male photographers here are not to take picture of the cars but here to checkout the car show models, hahaha...
車展重要的不單止是車子,還有車模,因爲我發覺很多攝影師來這裏不單是拍車子,多數拍的是車模。 不過。。。他們是不是轉移了焦點啊?

Citroën here has a theme of Frozen, it wasn't clear here, but can you see the car is the painted in light blue?? That's the color of it, is it??? Okay, on top of that is just my guess, as I was rushing to leave soon, so didn't ask any further questions about it.

The display of Honda's compact car is quite interesting here, where you can store an fordable bicycle inside and custom airbag at the side (I know the front always have one, this on the side?? Very creative, right?)

To the right, always don't forget you will get to see motorbike display even in car show, there're not many here, but everyone of them are unique.

Nothing much on Proton Holdings display...sorry......I'm seriously not so into local car. Guess is too common on the road, but if really want to say something special here is the half inertial display of one of the model, where you can see the inside engine, the structures, materials of using in the car.

Perodua with four different color with different model. Gosh, now I see is different model, from there, I was thinking they're the same, just different colors...my bad!
過去就有四種不同顔色,不同款式的Perodua轎車。 現在我才發覺他們展示的不同車款,當時我還以爲他們是同樣一款車展示了不同顔色罷了,真是不好意思!

I was there for hours, I always dehydrate and exhausted, almost want to left the building and go back...but (always is a BUT) I saw another epic retro cars display outside and these really worthy to see, because they're priceless!!
我在這裏已待上了幾個小時,已經精疲力盡的想要回家了。 誰知道還未踏出這建築物,就看到他外頭的另一種展示,而這些都是非常復古特別的汽車。 頓時的疲憊幾乎都忘記了,因爲這些車輛的價值都是無價的啊!

So! Very interesting car show here argh!! I don't know when I got the time to post my air show thing here. But I will make sure I will keep track on these both topics, oh no...I still others to keep track with, who can help me to clear all these?? Seriously!
好了! 終于寫完了一個這麽長的博文,我還在想著他下一篇會是等到幾時? 不過我又想快點寫我的航空展,這麽貪心。。。誰要幫我啊? 

Event Date: November 12 (Thursday) ~ November 15 (Sunday), 2016
Time: 10am - 9pm
Admission Fee: RM8


  1. Actually I am quite disappointed there is not many more pictures of the car show models hahahaha!! Guys will always be guys lah... :P

    1. Hahaha, I've took a few, but of course you know I will split into several posts =p

  2. How did they get the cars into the building? Are there enough space to just drive the cars into the display area? Not only are you interested in planes but cars as well. When I see cars, all I think of is how much the cars cost. I won't be thinking of comfort and style.

    1. They's specify door, something like cargo door to let the car drive inside.

      Hahaha, I don't look at the price, I mostly look at the outlook the spec of the car, that's all. Buying it? No, display is display don't thinking of having it, because after spend a huge amount of buying the car, when it comes to maintenance, that's another big amount of money.


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